What would cause a cat to never clean himself. He looks awful & is getting…

What would cause a cat to never clean himself. He looks awful & is getting matted clumps of hair. He will not let me brush or comb him. His fur is dull & sheds all year, i know this isn’t normal. Can anyone help me figure this out please..?

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Jennifer Taylor
7 years ago

Cats stop grooming for many reasons. Sometimes it is from stress and sometimes there is a medical reason such as arthritis or an underlying health issue or even a dental issue. I have run into this with my own cats, with my older girl it is simply because she is arthritic and she tends to spend more time laying than she did when she was younger which causes the matts. She tolerates me brushing them out and occasionally I do shave the areas that tend to matt the most. Once we returned home from vacation to find one of our… Read more »