Something is wrong with my cat. He is moving around slow and making deep moans…

Something is wrong with my cat. He is moving around slow and making deep moans when he moves. He did make a hard stool but not eating. He seems to be in pain from something

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Beth Pritt
Beth Pritt
8 years ago

Planning on the vet trip today. The loud moaning when he moves is whats got me concerned. I will definitely try the tuna packs. Thank u

Beth Pritt
Beth Pritt
8 years ago

Thank u Robin. Well the vet said he has a hairball that he is having a hard time getting up so he recieved some meds to help with it. Hopefully hel b back to normal soon. Thanks for the advice ?

Michael Hamilton
Michael Hamilton
8 years ago

you can try tuna packed in water to get him to eat. but you need to see a vet asap.

Robin Laybolt
Robin Laybolt
8 years ago

It sounds like your cat might have something broke. I’m glad you have a vet appointment. I hope your cat will be ok.