Yesterday he kinda cried out when someone touched his one side of the face…

Yesterday he kinda cried out when someone touched his one side of the face! But we checked no marks or cuts. Well he seemed ok after a few hours after then today he seemed really different a lot calmer didn’t wanna get out of bed his usual normal things he did during the morning wasn’t the same! He then starting to walk funny now he refuses to walk he won’t come upstairs unless he’s carried!He usually runs around when husband gets home but he stayed on the couch wouldn’t move I had to kinda help him off the couch to even go near my husband but he still didn’t act the same! Even when my son coming home from school he’s always waiting happily at the door but he just lays on the couch! Also he’s been shaking here and there! He’s eating now but wasn’t he’s drinking and peeing! He hasn’t went number two today except this morning a little! He was running around fine yesterday just minus the touching his face a few time! Other then that he was ok ! It’s scaring me. then today he seems not to be getting better, he starting crying he wont stand up. he does still use the bathroom and hes drinking!

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julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Carrie, there is obviously something very wrong with your dog. We can’t tell you what but he needs to see a Vet urgently.

It could possibly be a toxin or poison the way it started on his face and has spread….though it could be something else entirely. 

You need to take him to a Vet urgently. Someone on here mentioned Care Credit perhaps you could try them…but this is an emergency it seems your dog is getting worse and needs urgent treatment.