There was nothing that we noticed prior to going to bed that he was limping…

There was nothing that we noticed prior to going to bed that he was limping or anything but just woke up in the middle of the night not being able to put any pressure on his right hind leg. We waited until the next day but it did not get any better. We took him to the vet and they diagnosed it as strained knee legiments and put him on pain killers and a sedative to keep him off it. Apparently this somehow happened while sleeping?? A few days after being on the meds and completely off his feet, he now cannot put any pressure on his left back leg. He still struggles with the right as well.
Looking for some insight…..concerned something more serious……possible hip and joint dysplasia?

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8 years ago

Hi Dan, sorry your dog is having such trouble. Knee injuries don’t happen during sleep but SOMETIMES an injury doesn’t show up until some period of rest. While sometimes an acute injury shows right away with vocalization and lameness, sometimes you don’t know until after rest or sleep. I’ve seen that happen as well as I had that happen myself. HOWEVER, no having improved much after being on meds AND having problems with the other leg now too is definitely a reason to go back. Hip dysplasia is a common issue in large breeds; did your dog have x-rays done… Read more »