Our yorkie male is holding his left rear leg up. Upon looking at it…

Our yorkie male is holding his left rear leg up. Upon looking at it, the center part of the pad is pink, not black. Suggestions!!

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Carefully feel the leg, joints, and all parts of the paw.  He may have popped a knee cap and so now it hurts, or it may be a thorn in the paw.  Has he jumped any distance lately (off a bed for example)?  Then I would worry that he damaged something.  These little dogs can be delicate!  I would also wonder if he got stepped on my accident. When my boys are limping or holding their legs up I check for spots that are painful, or stickers, etc.  If I find no smoking guns then I wait a few days… Read more »

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

It sounds like an injury, which in the city can result when dogs scrape the pad on concrete, like the sidewalk.  

If this is the case then I would watch the area to be sure it does not get infected or inflamed.  However, I cannot examine your dog over the internet so my recommendation is to visit your vet.  If for no other reason then to obtain pain meds.

Good Luck

Dr Dawn

Matthew Kelcourse
Matthew Kelcourse
8 years ago

Hello Earl.

Have a thorough orthopedic/neurological examination performed by a veterinarian you have confidence in. It may be a pad injury; but it’s best to make sure it’s not something more serious before making that assumption.

Dr K