Hello! I have a one year old Yorkie. He has been having some problems recently…

Hello! I have a one year old Yorkie. He has been having some problems recently – he started coughing and it sounds like he has something stuck in his throat. This gets worse when he is excited about something or when he is about to be taken for a walk. He vomitted only once and after that the coughing got more severe. I took him to two vets – one told me that he has tonsilitis and prescribed some antibiotics. The situation got better for several days but now he is coughing again. When we visited him for the second time, he recommended having my dog’s tonsils removed. The other one told me that my dog had a problem with an elongated soft palate which I found very strange for I didn’t know that Yorkies can have such problems. Also, he made this diagnosis just by listening to him coughing, without any kind of examination. Other than coughing, my dog is active and hasn’t lost his appetite. Can you please help us?

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