Yorker poo, 2.5lbs. She is whining/crying as tho she’s in pain when she gets up…

Yorker poo, 2.5lbs. She is whining/crying as tho she’s in pain when she gets up to adjust herself as she sleeps, she spent most of the day outside with the family, laying out by the pool. She had plenty of shade, water and food. She is eating drinking and going to the bathroom normally, the whining did not occur until later in the night after dinner. No one has any idea what could be causing her pain. Any ideas?

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7 years ago

I sure hope you’re getting her to the vet first thing this morning.

7 years ago

Of course, it’s impossible to estimate what might be wrong over the internet. Dogs generally don’t advertise pain so if she vocalizing there would be a lot of it. The only way to find out what’s happening and fix it is a hands-on veterinary examination.