Hello, I am very interested in getting a dog, however where I live I might have an issue with our neighbours. They have two dogs, both primarily live in their back garden, they have had them for about several years and have never taken either of them for a walk. Whenever I go into my back garden they start barking incessantly, they are often left alone for hours despite one of the couple who live there not working. Would still be possible for me to get a dog, take it into the garden for toilet-training and to play under these circumstances?
Please help!
My soon to be 11 year old shnoodle (6 pounds) has to follow me around everywhere. We moved to a new house about two months ago and she has went pee on the stairs, bedroom and hallway at the new house. I finally had to gate the stairway and confine her to first floor only. Which has hardwood floors. She crys the whole time I’m upstairs getting ready for work or folding laundry. I’ve been crating her with my other dog at night and all she does is whine cry and scratch at blankets, the bed and metal bars on crate. Yesterday I went and bought her a crate of her own because I thought maybe she just didn’t have enough room to lay down with being in the same crate as my other dog. Well it was the same old thing last night plus she pooped in her pin and this afternoon pooped right by the pin after she had just been outside. I’m afraid she’s going to her herself too by scratching those metal bars. I tried a mesh crate and she got her toenail stuck in the mesh material and I had to cut the material to get her lose. Any thoughts on what I should do? I’ve tried crating her in my room but she doesn’t sleep she just whines, crys and scratches… PLEASE HELP!!!
Thank you
My cocker spaniel is 18 months old. Only one of his testicles dropped and he had what we thought was a retained one. He went in to be neutered today and after two hours under the vet couldn’t find the other ball!
He will do a blood test in a few months to check for testosterone. If there’s none then it looks like he only ever had one but if there is hormone then it’s in there somewhere.
I’m worried sick as the reason we got this done was retained testicles are at a higher risk for cancer. Has anyone experienced this with their dog? Did the dog go on to be okay?
The dog groomer suggests our Norwich Terrier takes medicine prior to grooming appointment. She bites the groomer. She originally went to this groomer and they only had problems cutting her nails. We went elsewhere and our dog bit at the groomer and they called me to come pick her up mid grooming and they couldn’t finish her. We went back to the present one who completed that cut. She went back today and got groomed but they said she needs meds next time. She is 7 yrs old and a rescue. We have had her almost 2 yrs. She sometimes nips at us too. Suggestions about meds please. Thanks.
Eww gross! This morning, I saw one of the dogs nosing in the dirt and figured that he smelled cat poop- I said “no” and he left it but ran straight back when I turned to continue walking everyone. So I ran back to make sure he didn’t eat it (why is cat poop a delicacy to dogs?????) and I saw him with a leopard slug in his mouth. Ugh! I don’t know what is worse? He did not eat it- he dropped it. I’m guessing that he probably has eaten them before. Are they dangerous or just protein?
My cat has been scratching her neck and behind her ears lately (which is normal), but when i watched her do it, today, clumps of her hair came out. I looked at her fur and noticed a couple kinda bold spots. Her skin isn’t red or anything, you can just see her skin more. I am wondering if this is just a shedding thing or if something else is wrong. I live in Illinois so weather is pretty average, and my cat is an indoor cat. She has been throwing up a lot lately, but i think thats just because she eats so fast. She also is allergic to some food. The vet said she is allergic to the protein in some types of meat, she will get red spots on her face and ears but after trying a couple types of food i think the rash is mostly gone. I really hope this is a normal thing but i am not sure. The bold spots keep getting worse with every scratch. What should i do?
Good morning,
I want to say that I had written back in April about my dog who I suspect has IVDD. I took Dr. Magnifico’s advice and went to another veterinarian other than the one who told me my only option was surgery. This new veterinarian said she suspects my fur baby has IVDD but instead of saying his only option was surgery, she continued to give me the RX for steroids. She said she became a vet because her own dog had IVDD and had surgery and it did not rectify the situation. She said no dog should be made to suffer and if he improves on the steroids she would not withhold care. What a breath of fresh air!!! My dog has been on the steroids for a little bit now and is doing so much better. He is able to walk around without much of a limp, sit in his window, and play with us. He is so much better. I’m not sure how long it will help but we are grateful and I appreciate your advice to get a second opinion and do not give up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hello and thank you everyone for reading this post. I am writing this here in the hopes that I find some guidance. The vets I have taken my cat too I feel are only out to make money off of me and to make my cat insulin dependent. I could be wrong but based on what I have tried I have seen better results. My male cat of about 15-18 years of age has been diagnosed with diabetes since April of 2019. His original Blood glucose was 377 at the time of the original Veterinary office visit.
I was told to give him Vetsulin insulin at 1 unit, however the vet only sold me insulin with no syringes. After waiting a week for them to get me syringes, which were on back order, I gave up and took him to an emergency vet. The emergency vet put him on md and wd wet and dry food. Instructions were to give him Prozinc 3 units every 12 hours and feed the wet food at the time of injection and to leave the dry food out 24/7. After one week of still not injecting insulin on my own accord in hopes that the new diet would put the diabetes into remission, he went from weighing 15.93lbs to 17lbs.
From April to July he stayed at the same weight but showed no signs of improvement except for his “levels” on a blood test that were all in better ranges. His BG HAS BEEN 600 since he has been under the care of this vet who then wanted to curve him and remarked that he should increase the insulin.
I decided to take matters into my own hands, joined forums and educated myself on feline diabetes as best as I could. I started home testing and started him on Young Again Mature dry food ZERO Carb Tiki cat wet food. He is now weighing in at 14.73lbs. I also lowered his insulin to 2.75 and at mid curve his BG is 377. At the end of his cycle it is 477. My question now is how do I get him into the normal range of 80-120 Blood glucose safely without seeing adverse symptoms from too much Prozinc?
I could use some advice to keep my dog from eating cat poop. We have 1 dog and 2 cats. On our first floor there is a mudroom with a pet gate with a cat door. The cats have their litter boxes on one side of the mudroom and food on the other side. This arrangement has worked for 8 years. My daughter’s young cat has had digestive issues for her entire life and would poop on the floor outside the box once a week. We tried all different kinds of boxes and litter and probiotics and food but no changes. She also hates the feel of litter. We tried all kinds and newspaper and towels and pee pads…you name it.
For a month she decided to poop on my daughter’s bed twice a week…which of course was a cleaning nightmare. Sometimes she pooped on the bed while my daughter was sleeping in it.
Finally we found a limited ingredient food that worked along side of a probiotic and her poops are now more manageable for her, less painful I’m guessing and pretty regular. We added a litterbox upstairs to my daughter’s bedroom but she would never use it. We moved it to the large hallway outside my daughter’s room where it was darker and more private and she still didn’t use it. Purchased cat attraction litter and after 1 week she finally used the upstairs box to poop. I held my excitement but it’s been 3 weeks now and no more pooping on the bed. Her poops are also a lot less messy and stinky. Now my problem is if she goes at night the dog jumps right up and eats it. I caught her doing this twice but she was too fast to stop. Other times you can smell that she must have pooped but it’s gone. She’s only going upstairs so I don’t want to take the box away. She’s so picky with boxes and how she sits in the box and how it smells a covered litter box won’t work. There isn’t way to put a gate up in that hallway as it’s a super old house and shaped weird. I’m afraid any change to the box will stop all the good progress. My dog probably gets to the litter box before us about half the time–so it’s not every time. My dog is healthy, eats well, is up to date on everything and is well taken care of. Thanks for your patience with the long explanation.
My one year old lab mix has worms. She did not even poop and their was two worms stuck to her but and I don’t have money for a vet please help
You COULD, but it would take work. I ‘d also look into reinforcing your fencing, and making it impossible to see through. I’m sorry your neighbors are terrible dog owners. 🙁
They already can’t see through I have high fences and there’s no way they can possibly get into my garden but it’s the noise of us opening our door or walking that sets them off. I know it’s not their fault they must be bored out of their minds. I worry any dog I got would be scared or distracted too much by them
Well, if you keep a pup engaged with YOU when outside, they’re less likely to be distracted by the other dogs.
I wouldn’t leave a dog out in the garden unsupervised – I don’t with my 6 year old, and I certainly wouldn’t with a puppy. If pup starts barking like a fool, the fun ends and everyone goes inside.
I’ve read not to ever let a dog unsupervised and was planing on having it on a lead when in the garden until properly trained. Thanks for your reply, I was more concerned someone would have experienced something like this before and had negative outcome. I’m more than happy to spend extra on training the puppy as well
Hi there???? I’m in agreement with a Laura- it will take work on your part. But it’s possible. You will just have to work a lot on proper training to get your dog in the mindset he or she needs to be in. You’ll almost ha e to somewhat desensitize them to your neighbors dog(s). That will be hard work, but again- with time, patience and training, anything is possible. And also- I would test the fence and make sure there is no way dogs can get in or through it… just to be safe. Best of luck!
Thanks for the replies its very helpful. I know 100% their dogs can’t get through the fence. They mostly stay in a patio area in their garden and our fence is high, no holes and cement slabs at the bottom.
I am prepared to spend a lot of money on training so that I can do this right, the type of dog I’d like is a Golden Labrador