Back in December my dog Beagle/Bulldog who is very persistent started not being able to jump on our bed from the floor. I thought he was just getting old. Then he really couldn’t so we would lift him but he would jump off and he has done this his whole life. Then it got worse where his legs were giving out on him in the back. I took him to the vet who sent us to the neurologist who told us he needed an MRI and possible surgery. No x-rays or bloodwork was done. I cried and was so stressed out I wanted to move forward but it could be 8-10 thousand dollars. My husband said no we cannot afford that. So I then asked the neurologist are there other options she said steroids and gave me a bottle and sent me on my way. In three days he was like a new dog. He was walking almost perfectly, and acting normally. This went on for about 2 months. He then started to have a little trouble with the back leg. It’s impossible to keep him off the bed. He follows me everywhere. I did get stairs for the couch and bed. I called the regular vet and she gave me another RX for the steroid after I told her it worked so well. She said she cannot give him anymore he would need the surgery. He just had another episode of the leg going out and this time it seems to effect his front leg. I gave him 3 steroid pills I had left and he is a million times better. I also put a gait in front of the stairs but he still goes on the couch. I want him to have a great quality of life. He seems ok other than the leg going out. We feel it’s almost like my back. I have a herniated disc and here and there it will go out. How do they make a proper diagnosis without doing a 2300 MRI? Please help with any advice. Is this IVDD
My beagle was diagnosed with IVDD in his neck. He is unable to pee on his own and will not let us express his bladder. The vet has been catheterizing him but told us we need to think about putting him down. Is there anything I can do to help him pee? I feel like he is holding it because he has never had an accident before and even crawls out of his bed to do number 2. I’ve read online about VetriDisc. Is this a legitimate option for him?
My one and a half year old cat seems to have a sore at the corner of her mouth. It might just be a small scab, she is eating normally/drinking water and going in the liter box like normal. I’m not sure if we should take her to the vet if it could be something really bad or if it’s nothing. Please let me know, thank you
I had our Doberman to the vet a week ago Thursday. We are not sure what is going on with her. She shakes, cries out, and paces all the time. The vet said maybe it is a pinched nerve and we could try pain meds first. I noticed today she is now dragging her two front paws and is still pacing. I don’t know if we should go to the ER?
My 8 year old dog started limping this evening. She ran outside to chase a squirrel and was limping when she came back in. I can rub, hold, look all over and she shows no sign of distress. She isn’t helping or whining. Acting normal except she seems confused as to what’s wrong and she’s eyeing up the sofa and thinking about jumping up before she does. Not sure if I should just give it a day to two…maybe she pulled or tweaked something or make an appt with vet right away. Currently she’s being nosey about what’s going on in the back yard and acting fine.
My two year old jackabee has started expressing his anal glands all over my furniture! This has become a new thing over the past year for him (maybe once every three months) but this week he has done it four times and my husband even emptied them for him once this week! There have been no changes to his diet. He eats a spoon full of pumpkin every day.
Please give me some advice!!!
I have a senior cat who goes into labored open mouth breathing when he is in a hard purr and also has wheezing and snoring but otherwise acts normal – eats, drinks, and is active for his age. The snoring is even when he’s not in a deep slumber and it can be an airy rattle if that makes sense and he has a little squeak when he swallows. I saw your video on the cat with a polyp and thought maybe this could be what he has except that he’s almost 17 so the vet suggested it probably isn’t since that’s more of a young cat thing but did suggest a scope and CT which will cost me 2500-3500 and he will have to be put under. In reading about breathing, heart disease can also cause breathing problems and since he has heart disease I would hate to spend all the money and put him through that to be told the scope didn’t show anything. I’ve also been reading about asthma, but my regular vet nor the specialist even mentioned that it could be that and from what I’ve read, it’s hard to diagnose. He’s a flame point Siamese and he has early ckd and some heart disease (stage 3/4 systolic murmur and hypertension), so I’m nervous about putting him under. Aside from these “old man” things, the specialist and my regular vet say his labs are spectacular. The specialist said when she is presented with a cat that has these conditions, they bloodwork and labs never look this good. So I certainly don’t want to put him down if he looks good but I also feel like he can’t be comfortable with these breathing episodes. One thing to note, when they did bloodwork a couple of weeks ago, his eosinophils were elevated which I have read can be linked to upper respiratory and asthma. Im putting the link to videos of the wheezing and purring to see if you’ve ever seen such a thing in a cat. I sure wish I had you closer by. Thank you so much!
My 2 kittens were spayed last week and both have developed a seroma. One of which is leaking a bit. We have 2 other cats and never experienced this with the others. The vet said they are caused by being overactive, is this accurate? They were both relatively calm and quiet for most of the week after their spay and these just developed within the past 2 days. After we had them rechecked at the vet Monday, they told us to separate them and basically quarantine them to separate bedrooms. We tried this yesterday but keeping them isolated has just caused them to be overactive when they finally get to come back out. We don’t want to make them go crazy from the isolation. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you in advance!
Hello I have a Rottweiler that is 15 weeks old and I have had him for 7 weeks. I’m thinking about selling him and buying a new dog because he bites way to much like whenever I’m at a park and I’m running around he will just jump at me and bite me furiously, do you guys know how to fix it. I have taken him through puppy school, I spray him with water and when he does something bad and I always yell no when he bites I just don’t know why he does it is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler?
Hello I got a Rottweiler puppy and I have had him for 7 weeks now. His name is rocky and he’s 15 weeks old and my question is: whenever I go to a park with him and I run around he always bites me and jumps at me and bites furiously and growls. Do you guys know how to fix it because ive been thinking of getting a new dog. Is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler he does this?
Good morning ?? Dr. Magnifico has a lot of videos posted on IVDD, and I believe that she has written a few blogs on the subject as well. Look into those. Also, If I were you I would call my vet again, and have a serious conversation about what you want, what you can afford and come up with a plan together. Hope this helps.
Tell your vet hat you would like another opinion and that you cannot afford surgery. If they still refuse to help find a vet who is willing to help you. Or call the neurologist again. There has to be some help for your dog that you can afford or else your veterinarians care is useless. There are always options. Even on a budget. Don’t take no for an answer.
Hi I have been watching your videos. I love them. You are a true champion for dogs and thier families. Thank you. I wish there were more like you. Do you do video consults? Or can I speak on the phone. I would pay you for a visit. Thank you so very much!