My dog was diagnosed by two vets. One said he had a mild case of collapsed treacha without doing an X-ray. The other one said he had a reverse sneeze due to allergies. He is also sneezing. Put him on medicine. With a mild case of collapsed treacha what would be the symptoms?
When is it ok to stop prednisone abruptly after the dog has received 5 days of twice per day Med? An ER doctor who gave us the med had warned us against stopping it abruptly because it could cause complications. Approximately 5-6 days later the dog had emergency neck surgery at the same facility where the ER vet worked. After only one day of rest post op, they said the dog could go home early! When I asked about the prednisone and tapering it, they said, just stop. The discharge doctor said the surgeon didn’t want him on it. I was very confused at this instruction. Does anyone understand why we were told to just stop his prednisone?
Rhonda Newberry Thank you both so much for your response. I think this was not the first sign we had that our experience there was not going to be a good one. Since our dog’s dc from that surgery center, we have consulted another physician to reevaluate and help recovery efforts with better medicine selection and pain control.
Rhonda Newberry It is just hard for me to believe that a surgeon would not expect that stopping prednisone mid treatment would be imprudent. Further, if my dog were to have a crisis, it would be in their financial gain when I brought him back for stabilization. As I wrote earlier, this was one among other issues that came up with our dog’s post -op care. Now, I wouldn’t willingly take any of my animals there again.
14 year old 20lb Terrier – looks like Benji– has a growth/tumor somewhere in the stomach area- pushing on the spleen and intestines. He started having accidents in the house a few weeks ago– went to our vet — took x-ray — our Dandy has strong desire for food and water. Stomach is puffy. Lost his desire to walk much and when he does he is not 100% sure of himself. Is taking a Selegiline pill once a day. I guess because he is eating and drinking that is a positive of some degree. What can we do med wise or food wise to make his days left with us the best for him?
My Boykin Spaniel, Georgia (will be 1 year next month) has just started vomiting yellowish color bile. She also has very foul smelling, dark urine. She eats and drinks very little at the time. Could the bile and dark urine be from something she ate recently, or something more serious going on? Any suggestions?
I have a 9 week old German Shephard puppy that is itching and scratching. Apparently all if them from the litter are. Ive washed him in oatmeal bath for puppies and someone suggested they were allergic to the food (blue buffalo puppy, chicken formula). Ive started to change his food, but I dont know what it could be!??
I have 2 other dogs and they don’t do this.
My little dog had a biopsy 10 days ago on her eyelid. The result is that it is Necratic. I know this means dead tissue. May this be because she suffered from immune system illness and had to be transfused. Is it likely she may have cancer as my vet did hint at this. He has told me to keep a very close eye on her and not hesitate to call if she shows any signs of being unwell. Quite concerning.
My kitty is 8 weeks old, a Himalayan Breed a male as his name is Rocco. We took him to the vet after a couple days we was doing bad, as he was very lethargic, not eating, and weight loss. As the vet, recommended us to get a ultrasound for the kitty since he has a heart murmur problem as the vet can see he’s low on fever, blue lining in the gums… Anyonr on here experienced something like this with their kitties/(not sure if pups have the same concept and kitties). I’ve been really down lately, not knowing what to do, and would love to hear from others. Thank you.
Angelina Grande Hi, Krista I can definitely provide more information! All I know his mother is negative for Fel/FIV. However, recent Tuesday we took him to the vet for the first time after getting him after a week and two days.. but during that time he was doing well and normal he ate regularly, played all the time like a crazy kitty would and then fall asleep that was his kind of routine for the first three days, then all the sudden got very sleepy, loss of energy, didn’t wanna eat/drink, and stoped playing and noticed by day he was getting a little bony and threw up no more than 4 times of food and 1 time of clear yellowish color. However, on Tuesday they listened to his heart and mentioned how he has a heart murmur, they did a x-ray to see if any was up in his intestine or had any infection and he had nothing, did a blood sugar test, tested his stool for parasites he was negative for that, he was low due to not eating well and being hydrated. Then, they gave us Vetoquinol Care-Nutri-Cal to give before his meals (wasn’t very helpful) and canned food called “Hills”-Prescription Diet of Urgent Care a/d with Chicken (Wasn’t too helpful as well) to use for the kitty. Afterwards, the vet told us to call/visit after three days if no changes… he wasn’t doing a little worse, still nothing improved and noticed his meowing changed to more of a hoarseness sound ( we are not sure if it’s from all the meowing he had at the vet/wait for 6 hours) .. on Friday recently went back.. took his body temperature which was 99.8 low but not too severely they said, did his blood sugar test which was normal, they said to keep up feeding him but gave us syringe to put food/water in.. but in the meantime I sent a text to the owners of that bought kitties from the same breeder we did since they are sister/brothers. However, one of the kitties was underweight under a pound due to inflammatory in her private, so the owner mentioned he feeds her KMR-Kitten Milk Replacer with canned food mix and the kitty is now a double weight.. so I asked the vet about it.. he said, definitely I could do that.. I was very upset he did not mention it to me but since I was lucky to have the owner tell me since from last night he was changing slowly.. and still is now and always meowing for food when he’s hungry, eats very little almost every hour of mixed milk substitute and urgent care canned food. Thank you for responding. I appreciate it so much.
Angelina Grande Let me know what have to say, I would appreciate it so much. I’ve been worrying a lot lately. Thank you once again.
My Jack Russell-Terrier will not eat her food at my house. I just brought her to my house and she will not eat her food and will barley drink her water
my little dog had a problem with her eye lid in November and now my vet wants to do a biopsy tomorrow. Am i right to be very concerned
Good morning…
When you went for the second opinion, were you able to explain the first diagnosis to that vet as well? Did you ask for an X-ray? I cannot tell you what to look for, as I personally have never dealt with a collapsed trachea. I am sure one of the Pawbly experts can help you more specifically there… I’m just offering that if you are unsure of the diagnosis, I would certainly have a thorough conversation with the vet who regularly sees your pup, and explain your concerns, so that you can both come up with a plan of action you are satisfied with. Best of luck.