My eight year old Cocker Spaniel is a great wee dog, friendly and not at all cross and super with my grandchildren. However when the baby visits and cries Holly gets agitated and restless. No sign of aggression but the sound seems to really upset her. Holly is ok with my two year old grandson though when he was a baby she behaved in the same way. Any ideas?
Advice On Looking After A Bearded Dragon In The Near Future.
Advice On Licence, ALL COSTS, Medical Things, All The Essentials.
Anonymous I don’t know where you’re located that a license is required. I live in Maryland, in the United States of America, and we do not have licensing. Can you clarify this question?
Daniel N I live in Perth, Australia Laura, thanks for your replies.
Anonymous Okay…in that case, I DEFINITELY can’t answer you on costs, as vet care varies widely from country to country. Call your nearest vet and discuss routine care for them as well as average costs.
For licensing, a quick Google search took me here:
I suggest contacting that office with any questions about licensing.
Anonymous For everything else, start with a basic care sheet:
I would get a tank that is LARGER than the minimum. Beardies do need some room to be comfortable.
Daniel N Okay, thanks for your help.
My cat seems to have an ulcer on his neck, this is the second one he’s had the first was on his shoulder blade it’s clean and there’s no hair around he’s eaten today but it worries me, he doesn’t seem to be in pain or even notice it but it’s gooey and smells odd should I rush him to the vet?
My dog ate the end of a shoelace and foam but just pooped should she be good to go or what
Hi all, my cat is prescribed with tramadol tablet (50mg), to be taken 1/4 tablet three times a day for her broken pelvis. But it is so hard to make her take the pill as it is very bitter. Can i mix it with Ora-Plus or simple syrup? Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you!
My 7 month old neutered kitten keeps peeing on towels and blankets. He doesn’t have a UTI-he was tested. We do our best to keep him out of the bathroom, so the towels are manageable, but it’s impossible to keep him away from the blankets. Help!
My year old Aussie boy developed what the vet diagnosed as a Seroma on his right leg. He had no surgery or trauma that we know of. He does like to sleep in the “superman” position over the a/c vent on the hardwood and ceramic. Has anyone ever had this experience or heard of something similar
Is there a technique to reduce the side effects of Mirtazapine? My 9lb cat takes 1/16th of a 15mg tablet every 5-7 days. She meows and howls for 12 hours after each pill.
Thank you Dr Krista and Laura, appreciate the advice, will update progress, 🙂
My cat was hit by a car and broke her pelvis. The vet suggested surgery which is very expensive. Is surgery the only way to treat her? or is there any other alternative? So far she can urinate on her own but having problem pooping. I think she’s in pain. The vet prescribed Tramadol and lactulose for her. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Many thanks for your reply. I do make sure that she does not feel excluded and give her reassurance that really all is well. She would never ever be left alone with any of the children and if when she has had enough she just gets offside to her own spot. Do you think Adaptil plug in would help?
If she is anxious it is important to respect her discomfort and either remove her from the area to a safe and quiet place and/or start working with her so that she begins to get used to the crying and baby noises so you don’t have to worry about either of them. Ideally everyone needs to feel safe and secure in their own home. Please talk to your vet about a good behaviorist. They can help. Best of luck.