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carolyn zeller | 8 years ago
I Think Our Dog Tore One Of Her Nails Out On Her Back Foot. …

I think our dog tore one of her nails out on her back foot. what can I do? She is not real happy about me trying to mess with it.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    You should make an appointment with your vet to make sure there is no infection.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Puppy Got A Bloat As He Ate Today But Is Sleeping And Shows No…

My puppy got a bloat as he ate today but is sleeping and shows no sign of pain ! What to do ? Is it major or will go on its own ?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would never treat bloat as a normal issue – if this is true bloat, the dog would be pacing and obviously uncomfortable.

    I would plan to get your puppy to the vet today, to be sure nothing’s wrong.

  2. Sandra Sellers

    I’d have to know exactly why you think they were bloated as that would come with a lot of signs and distress. Sometimes when puppies lay down on their sides, especially on a full stomach, their belly can look bigger but that doesn’t mean they are bloated. If you are truly concerned a trip to the vet is always the best response.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Just Recently Been Limping And I Dont Know Why My Dog Is A Chihuahua…

my dog just recently been limping and i dont know why

My dog is a chihuahua and she is only 2 years old. Just happened when i got home from work and i dont know why shes limping.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I would keep her on crate rest for 24 hours and see if she improves. This means she only goes out for toilet while on leash, and she stays in her crate otherwise. This will make it easier to determine if it’ll improve on its own or if she needs vet intervention.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hi Can U Please Tell Me How Many Times Should I Feed My 14 Days Labrador…

Can u please tell me how many times should I feed my 14 days Labrador puppy?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Your infant puppy should be feeding off its mother right now. Is there a reason this isn’t a possibility?

  2. Sarah

    the best feeding for an infant puppy (or any animal for that matter) is from its mother. If that isn’t a possibility, then I would contact my vet- you’ll find that between routine vaccinations and check ups that you will be at the vets office quite a bit over the next year with your new friend? Your veterinarian will be able to guide you through everything you will need to know and more. Very best of luck!

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Terri S | 8 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. You Are Our Vet To Our Indoor Cats. Last Week, We Brought…

Hi Dr. Magnifico. You are our vet to our indoor cats. Last week, we brought in a feral cat that was roaming our neighborhood. Turns out, he is pretty friendly, allows petting and belly rubs. On Monday June 19th, I took him to Animal Rescue, Inc., to be neutered, a rabies shot, and flea control. They also checked for a microchip (none), and I paid to have blood work done to have him tested for feline leukemia. Unfortunately, he tested positive for FIV. I would like to find him a home. I have two questions. Do you know anyone willing to give a home to a big orange friendly male tabby cat, or is there anything you can do to help? Maybe doing a courtesy post on your facebook page? I asked Animal Rescue and was told to put him back outside since he is now neutered. I was shocked they said that, as he could infect other ferals. We are currently keeping him in our basement and I just noticed a tapeworm coming out of his anus. My second question is, can you prescribe a tapeworm medication, without me having to bring him in, since he is FIV feral, and just went thru so much at Animal Rescue? My husband can pick it up after work. If not, can you recommend an over the counter medication to treat tapeworms? I am hoping whatever it is, that it will be something easy to give, maybe something I can put in his food that is tasteless. Thank you. Terri

1 Response


  1. Shiria


    When our animal shelter takes in feral cats that turn out to be FIV positive we still let them back to their usual place, if they are truly feral and otherwise healthy. Nothing would be worse for them than to be contained for the rest of their live, always stressed out and afraid.
    However if they turn out to be friendly, like yours and like to be touched etc. we try to find a new home – however still with the option to go outside, if they turn out to be not lucky inside.
    Before doing so of course they will be treated against fleas, worms, get their cat flu shots, get neutered etc.

    Of course they risk to contract FIV to other cats, but for neutered cats it’s lower, as they don’t get into fights that much and don’t mate.

    It’s worse for leukemia. Of the last colony we trapped, most were tested positive for leukemia and they looked like it. They had a (very) bad health status and were put down, as they were completely feral.

    I can’t recommend a medication for worms however, as the products will most likely be different from where you live and I’m no vet anyway.

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Christie | 8 years ago
My Dog Has Not Had A Bowel Movement In 4 Days . Is There A…

My dog has not had a bowel movement in 4 days . Is there a home remedy I can try ?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would let my vet know and see what they recommend. I know that one time one of our dogs was on a medication that bound him up and it was recommended that we feed him pumpkin. I don’t know if this particular situation warrants that or not, but your vet would probably be able to discuss this with you. Good luck!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would be very afraid that the lack of output is related to a lack of input. That’s what I most commonly see. A dog who is not eating well or at all. The only thing I can safely recommend is to see your vet for an exam so they can assess whether this is an obstruction, constipation, anorexia, etc. until you know why your dog isn’t defecating I would not try anything at home. Please see your vet as quickly as possible. Either tonight or by morning. Good luck

  3. Shiria

    I agree to Krista. Bring your dog to a vet. While there are home remedies you should look for the cause first.
    – If your dog ha snot eaten (enough), there can be no output – what are the reasons why he doesn’t eat?
    – The dog has eaten enough, the cause could be slow bowel movements or even a blockage. Forcing something through that blockage could kill your dog.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My 11 Years Old Cat Died Yesterday After 12 Hours In Pain. She Has Been…

My 11 years old cat died yesterday after 12 hours in pain. She has been lethargic for about 1 month now, but I really thought that was a result of her aging. She was occasionally puking, mostly unprocessed food. Yesterday she started puking but just liquids, greenish and with some foam. She was really in pain and she started breathing with her mouth open and tongue out. We took her to the vet which told us that was probably a kidney failure and run some blood test on her. Then he sent us home with the cat telling us to come back the other day, he didn’t realize it was an emergency. We took her back home but the situation got worse. She puked more, the pain got worse she didn’t have any energy at all. So we rushed to the clinic again at 1 am. The vet did some x rays on her, and told us she had something near her stomach but he couldn’t tell what it was. It could have been anything from a tumor to a hairball. He thought it was best for her to stay overnight. She was in very bad conditions, he just injected some pain killers to her. She died three hours later. I feel so bad for letting her there. I just can’t believe she is gone like this. Another vet that saw the blood test and the x rays thinks it neither kidney failure nor tumor or hairball. I’m devastated. What could it possibly be that killed my cat?

1 Response


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Heidi Becker HeidiB | 8 years ago
My Cat Is Having Trouble Urinating And I Don’t Think He Has Eaten For About…

My cat is having trouble urinating and I don’t think he has eaten for about a day. What should I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would be very worried that your cat might have a urinary blockage. This should be considered an emergency and you should go to the vet immediately. I hope your cat is ok.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Bleeding Histiocytoma Last August, I Took My Dog To The Vet Because She Had A Bump…

Bleeding Histiocytoma

Last August, I took my dog to the vet because she had a bump that kept coming and going. The vet cut into it and found it nothing to worry about. Now, the bump has persistently been there for about 3 months. It is hairless, hard, about the size of a quarter and hasn’t seemed to bother her. Yesterday, I noticed a small scab. Today, the scab covers the whole bump and she has been trying to itch it. Is this normal? How can I help her?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If the mass is persistent I would discuss having it surgically removed and submitted for biopsy. That’s the best way to resolve them in many cases.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Doberman Gabe, Has Has Diaherrea For 6 Days, Possibly From His DA2PPV Shot, Same…

My Doberman Gabe, has has diaherrea for 6 days, possibly from his DA2PPV shot, same thing happened last year! I took him to the vet, stool sample normal. They gave him Provable Forte kit and Metronidazole, 5mg. He has been on chicken & rice but still has the symptoms. I was wondering if kapecto or pepto his old would be ok for him until I get him to the vet tomorrow?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Is he acting otherwise normally? Happy? Active? Seemingly feeling ok? If so I would prefer to withhold food and water until you can get to the vet tomorrow.. if you are a jvc client you can also private message me on our jvc Facebook page anytime.