If you pet a newborn kitty will the mom eat it?
I’M DESPERATE! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have a 3 1/2 year old purebred Coonhound who we adopted from our local shelter. He is an awesome dog, however, he won’t stop using the bathroom in my house! Since day 1 he has done this. At first we thought maybe not housebroken, then we realized he only does it when we leave. We’ve tried everything- a trainer, working on the anxiety, crate training (that’s a no go), I’ve read so much stuff, watched so many videos, gave him treats, kept him busy when we leave, asked the vet (who is very old school mind you so not really helpful), benadryl, calming aides, asked for suggestions on here, different washes on the floor, punishing whe caught in the act, blocking off the area he goes too, EVERYTHING. Nothing is working. We’re at our witz end with him and it breaks my heart. However, now he has my other little dog doing it and she has never done it- she even knows she did something bad when we get home. I would hate to see him go back to the shelter where he probably will end up staying because of this but I don’t know what else to do. I NEED A MIRACLE. ANYBODY. PLEASE HELP!!! (Tyia).
Nora Greenia Dogs will soil where the eat, sleep etc if they have been kept in areas where they had no choice from a young age. A dog that is a soiler takes months of work. This is not a problem that is solved in just a few weeks. there are no quick fixes for this. First, you have a coon hound. this is a high energy, hard headed dog, that likes to have a job. A really tired coon hound is usually a good coon hound. Hounds are very hard headed and can be very difficult to train, especially once they develop habits that they see as no problem for them. Keeping your dog in a crate may never be the answer, but keeping him in an outdoor run only when you are gone may be something that works for the dog. They have really nice runs now days that are very comfortable for the dog ie shade etc. also continue to keep him in the house with you whenever you can, and work him. Get him started in something like agility even if he is not good at it. Keep him busy, tired and with a job to do. Keep an eagle eye on him when he is in the house with you and make sure he has regular bathroom breaks. He may never be able to be left in the house alone, but if he is a great dog and you make the changes that you can, he will still be a good companion and pet.
I have a young Oscar about 4 inches long. This morning she attempted to eat a cory but has been unable to swallow it. She has been holding it in her mouth for 8+ hours with the tail sticking out. Should I do anything?
My dog recently had puppies, they were all okay but I checked them yesterday and one of them has it’s neck tilted looking to left stuck in place, I believe it was the mother that hurt it because it got mad at it. The puppy with the hurt neck is still alive, I believe it’s eating, and it can walk (has some trouble though because of its head) I just I don’t know what to do, I want to take it to a veterinarian but it’s going to come out pricey for it to be checked out and I don’t have much money. The puppy is three weeks and was hurt 1-3 days ago
Anonymous Serious question, Elizabeth…why did you let the bitch carry to full term if you can’t afford vet care for the puppies?
What would you have done if she needed a cesarean? SO MANY emergencies come up with breeding…this is why it’s best left to those with experience and those with mentors.
Can a seroma build up on a dog’s side migrate to the opposite side?
My 7 yr old #@!#er spaniel is a pet UNTIL visitors call or leave. Then she gets so hyper, Barks its impossible to calm her. Then I get agitated also. I was thinking of buying a whistle, might this help to ground her. I tried a Kong filled with treats which worked initially but no.
My 10-yr old Tonkinese cat has a seroma on his throat from fighting with his brother (littermate), who bit him in the neck. This happened over a year ago. The vet did full test panel (no cancer), etc and drained it. It refilled within a week. I took him back to drain again, it refilled again. I did NOT want to repeat this cycle for fear of infection (not to mention cost). The seroma is still on his throat and I know bothers him, but does not affect his appetite. All the vet suggests is draining it again. He does eat more slowly than he used to, and doesn’t purr quite as much as he used to. I was hoping it would have shrunk by now, but it hasn’t. Any advice? I am extremely interested in holistic, alternative ideas, if possible. Thank you!
French bulldog keeps shivering and breathing small fast breaths!!!
Maria Simonova He is 8 months old. This morning he has vomitted everywhere twice, then later on was very drowsy on his walk. After about 4pm he ate a bowl of food and starting shivering/shaking and breathing small fast breaths. He then stopped shaking a little but has still continuous small faster breaths than usual. What could be the reason this has happened?
Hello all,
My German shepherd is getting older and has a lot of trouble jumping into the back of the car now. Friends of ours have been lovely enough to loan us a ramp for him. While I have been able to train this dog to do tons of things, I am having a hard time teaching him to use the ramp, and I can’t figure a way to make this work. So far I have used treat rewards for each time he puts his front paws onto the ramp, I have had our other dog Dierks go up and down it to show him, I myself have also gone up and down the ramp to show Butch. I have also tried lining the treats up the ramp in an effort to get him to follow his nose. Lastly, I have laid thenramp flat on the ground and tried to get him to walk on it… all of this to no avail. We have been working at it for about a week now. I never go more than 10 minutes at a time and I always end our little ramp session with something I know he can already do so that it ends on a happy note. Any and all suggestions on how to help him understand the concept of the ramp would be greatly appreciated!!?
Yorker poo, 2.5lbs. She is whining/crying as tho she’s in pain when she gets up to adjust herself as she sleeps, she spent most of the day outside with the family, laying out by the pool. She had plenty of shade, water and food. She is eating drinking and going to the bathroom normally, the whining did not occur until later in the night after dinner. No one has any idea what could be causing her pain. Any ideas?