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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 3 1/2 Year Old Coonhound That I Just Can’t Seem To Completely…

I have a 3 1/2 year old Coonhound that I just can’t seem to completely housebreak. He knows that if he goes outside he gets praised and a treat. As long as we are home, as a general rule (he has a few times), he won’t go in the house. However, if we leave, he always craps and pees in our basement. We had him go stay with a trainer and he was really good there. He was great the first week we had him home, now he’s back at it. I’ve cleaned the area he goes in with an enzyme cleaner, ammonia, vinegar, and even put cayenne pepper down as I read it was supposed to keep him from going there. I’m not sure if it’s just really bad separation anxiety or what the deal is. I try keeping him distracted with something when I leave but that doesn’t seem to be working any more. Now, he even has my other dog, a 3 1/2 year old Chorkie, reverting and she’s been going in the house even though she has been housebroke for years. I really hate to have to take him back to the shelter because of this, but it has been 3 months and I can’t seem to break him. ANY SUGGESTIONS OR HELP AT ALL?!? (We have to be able to leave him alone for 8 hours because sometimes our work schedules over lap) Also kenneling is not an option with him as he severely hurts himself and even the vet and trainer said he will never be able to be kenneled.

5 Responses


  1. Jana

    How long are they left alone without the opportunity to eliminate? that is one important criteria to consider. Nanny cam to determine whether separation anxiety is involved. Veterinary checkup to make sure nothing medical is going on.

  2. Anonymous

    I would find another trainer and block access to the basement.

  3. Melissa Rumph

    I have been through 3 trainers already. He does really well for them, is good for the 1st week, then back to the same issue. I have no way of blocking the basement off as the last time I tried that, he tore down the door which led to him tearing down half the wall so we had to tear it out. Right now he is only left by himself for maybe 1 hour, however, I would like to be able to leave him for 8 and have no problems, which should be doable. The vet said everything was fine with him and he’s healthy. I just don’t know why he always does this. It’s within the first 10 minutes of him noticing no one is around.

  4. Jana

    Nanny cam would tell you how much anxiety there is. And if that’s the case, you’d need to work on that.

  5. Melissa Rumph

    Okay. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how yo work on the anxiety?

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Help Me Determine My Kitten’s Gender? I Adopted Joey 4 Months Ago And The Vet Determined…

Help me determine my kitten’s gender?

I adopted Joey 4 months ago and the vet determined that he’s a boy. We never really brought up his gender afterwards during his vaccination.

He is around 6 months old now and I don’t really see his ‘scotum’ growing. Compared to the kitten nearby where I live (which is around 2 months old), his ‘male parts’ look less prominent.

I don’t have the time to visit the vet this week, so can someone help me determine his/her gender? I’m a little confused.

1 Response


  1. Shiria


    That kittens look like a female to me :). You should get er spayed soon, otherwise she will get pregnant if there are intact males around.

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L Willison | 8 years ago
Hello, My Border Collie Has Some Weird Coloured Skin On His Nose, Which Has Appeared…

Hello, my border collie has some weird coloured skin on his nose, which has appeared recently. Please can someone help or know what this is…


1 Response


  1. Jana

    There seems to be both loss of pigment AND some lesions on there … ? I would certainly work with a vet because you don’t know whether it’s an infection or autoimmune problem. Collies are prone to localized lupus; in fact it’s also called Collie Nose …

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Morgan Duff | 8 years ago
Why Does My Dog Lick Me After A Shower Or Swim In The Pool

Why does my dog lick me after a shower or swim in the pool

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    LOL I couldn’t say I know why but Jasmine used to do that too when she was little. Maybe she was trying to dry me off seeing I was wet. 😉

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Because he loves you? Because you taste yummy? Because they are inquisitive, sweet, adoring beings far more wonderful than humans? Just my professional thoughts on the question.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog, A Schnoodle 7yrs Is Lethargic, Seems To Have Pain In His Hind…

My dog, a schnoodle 7yrs is lethargic, seems to have pain in his hind quarters (like arthritis type pain) and is sensitive around the anal area and slightly runny stool. Any thoughts or advice please.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Where there is pain and lethargy combined, there is an emergency.

  2. Anonymous

    I agree, treat this like an emergency and get him to the vet ASAP.

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Peggy Hysock | 8 years ago
I Have A 2 Year Old Pittbull Mix Who Does Not Like His Nails Trimmed…

I have a 2 year old pittbull mix who does not like his nails trimmed so he has to be but to sleep, it gets done about every 2 months because it is expensive. My question is it looks like the quick is getting longer but not the nails I asked the vet tech that but she said

I have a 2 year old pittbull mix who does like his nails trimmed so he has to be put to sleep every 2 months to get them done when I said to the vet tech that it looks like the quick is getting longer but not the nails she said it is my imagination. Should I be getting them trimmed sooner then every 2 months and if so putting my dog to sleep be harmful to him? Is there anything else we can try his vet is not helpful?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I completely agree with the previous answer. Our German shepherd does not like getting his nails trimmed either… we used to have to muzzle him when we first got him. We’ve had him for seven years now, and he isn’t great about it, but he us better to the point where he no longer needs to be muzzled. I got a book from the library that explained ways to get them more comfortable it’s having their feet and nails touched through positive reinforcement. Best of luck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think it will be cheaper and better in the long run to start working with a positive reinforcement trainer on getting your pup comfortable with nail trimming. I also think that there might be other options than anesthesia. Ask your vet for more help in coming up with a plan you are happy with, or ask for a referral for a trainer or find a vet who will work with you on terms that are better for both you and your dog.

  3. Anonymous

    Desensitization is KEY.

    My dobe wouldn’t let me go near her feet. She has bitten me and she broke our dremel when I tried to do it…so I took her to a groomer who works with show dogs. Over the span of a year we visited her every week, and we got my girl’s nails to where they still click but they’re not talons, and I can now do them at home.

    I would look into scratch boards while you work on positive desensitization. This has saved folks a TON of money.

    Are you on Facebook? I found a wonderful group:

    Their Files section has a TON of information and help.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Is” Royal Canin Fit” Cat Food Good For My Cat?

is” royal canin fit” cat food good for my cat?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that Royal Canin is a very good diet for cats. But, I don’t know anything about your cat so the best person to answer this is your vet.

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jen Hohman | 8 years ago
Hello, Is Baby Oil Safe To Use On Cats? I Heard That Baby Oil Can Help…

Is baby oil safe to use on cats? I heard that baby oil can help de tangle matted fur.

2 Responses


  1. Leah Hay

    You would probably be better to buy a cat conditioner spray to untangle the cats fur

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Leah. I would try a groomer forba shave down before trying to untangle. It can be very painful for the cat, and tear the skin which will lead to infection and even maggots. Please just ask the vet or a groomer to safely shave out the mats. Never use scissors! You can (it happens all the time) accidentally cut them which often results in an abscess.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Dogs Neck Got Swollen Suddenly ….i Would Like To Take Him To Hospital …but The…

dogs neck got swollen suddenly ….i would like to take him to hospital …but the problem is …he is street dog ..what should i do ….i really want to help him …is there any way?

3 Responses


  1. Jana

    I believe she’s asking about how to actually get the dog to the veterinarian.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing why it is swollen (infection, cancer, trauma, poisoning, etc), it is not possible to offer any treatment options.
    You can look for signs of wounds, infection, or whatever the cause may be and perhaps we, or a local veterinarian can provide more help from there?

  3. Leah Hay

    you could try phone the SSPCA or RSPCA if you aren’t able to take the dog to a vets

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 5 Year Young Border Collie Lab And She Has These Episodes Where…

I have a 5 year young border collie lab and she has these episodes where she starts licking/salivating, sometimes lip smacking occurs. Episodes last about 1-2 hours. Her heart rateia normal 69-80 bpm. Her breath doesn’t stink. I brush her teeth daily. Pupils are responsive (no epilepsy or seizures, she doesn’t lick the air just her mouth) She has had a general blood test done. Her kidney/liver function, electrolytes, thyroid, hormones, and her Red and White blood cell count were all normal. Test results were all normal.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would discuss conditions like megaesophagus, reflux, seizures, and neurological issues. This is a condition that very likely needs a vets assistance to diagnose.