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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Dogs Neck Swollen Up Suddenly ….what Should I Do

dogs neck swollen up suddenly ….what should i do

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    If there is ANY difficulty breathing, GO NOW [to a vet]. Even if there isn’t, I’d still see one asap [today] or at least talk to one.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hey My Almost Two Year Old Labrador Needs A Cage As I Don’t Have One…

Hey my almost two year old Labrador needs a cage as I don’t have one and needs one before she gets out of the vets I’m looking at these foldable ones (pictured below) and just don’t know what size to get her and cant measure her cuz she’s not here they come in small medium large and extra large I just don’t know what to get her hoping someone on here might be able to help. thank you in advance.

3 Responses


  1. Jana

    You don’t need precise measurements but the rule with cages is that the dog should be able to stand up in it (weight), turn around (width) and, of course, fit their full length.

  2. Miranda Arms

    Yer ok thanks so much that helps 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    Is she already used to a crate? If not, this is a bad idea – fabric crates are easy to escape.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Is A Pitbull Female 10 Months And Her Anus Has Been Swollen For…

my dog is a pitbull female 10 months and her anus has been swollen for about 2 days but she acts normal. But just a few moments ago we saw that there were a few drops of blood on the ground and we r thinking it came from her. What should I do? Helpppp

2 Responses


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Sunday, After Groomed In A Petshop, My Cat Can’t Stand Right, Tremble When He Walks…

Sunday, After groomed in a petshop, my cat can’t stand right, tremble when he walks and his head turn to left and can’t turn back. His appetite still good, doesn’t have trouble in peeing or pooping. Eyes roll well. I have gone to clinic performed x-ray and see 3 different vets. But no vets has the same answers. One said axis and atlas bone dyslocation, other said fracture and muscle neck inflammation and the last said otitis interna. what happened to my cat actually? Can he fully recovered?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. This cannot be answered without an in person exam and review of the radiographs. I strongly recommend that you seek a specialists help and give her rest in a cage so she cannot hurt herself further.

  2. Zhai Hui

    I know that. But here in Indonesia, we don’t have any specialist. So idk what to do again now.

    maybe you can help me to interpret these xray results? I add another xray from different position. So i hope you can help me by giving a good interpretation of my cat’s results here

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Cat Is Missing Fur On The Tip Of His Tail. It Almost Looks Like…

My cat is missing fur on the tip of his tail. It almost looks like it got cut or shaved off. What could it be?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It can be anything from infection, disease, trauma, self traumatization (licking the end of the tail), infection, parasites, etc. I would look for other areas of hair loss or irregular skin and talk to your vet if it worsens or persists.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Serbian Husky Is Throwing Up Constantly. Today She Has At Least Throwed Up 20…

My Serbian Husky is throwing up constantly. Today she has at least throwed up 20 times. I just recently got her 3 days ago. She’s 5 years old. Her stomach cringes and she will stop gagging then a puddle of slimy clear liquid with a little foam like substance will come out. After she eats she throws it up and you can see the food and it looks like it hasn’t been chewed up. When it does this, it’s ALOT. It’s really white and foamy. I have no clue what it is and I’m freaking out!

4 Responses


  1. Nicole L

    Has she ate anything new? Like change of food or new treats? Human food? Are you feeding her the same foods her last owner fed her?

  2. Britney Kidd

    She has parvo.. 🙁 I got her medicines today!

  3. Krista Magnifico

    She should go immediately to the closest emergency clinic. They will examine your dog, provide injectable anti nausea medications and even sedate your dog so the vomiting stops and the tissue can begin to heal. I also get extremely concerned that these cases might be something like gdv/bloat, obstruction, toxin, or disease. Any dog who vomits more than a few times, or has intractable vomiting needs a vet immediately.

  4. Sarah

    I’d get to a vet as soon as possible. Simply because if she isn’t keeping anything down at all, dehydration will become a serious issue. The vet can get fluids into her and then better assess the situation. Good luck.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Puppy Is 13 Weeks, For The Past 2 Weeks He Has Been Very Good…

My puppy is 13 weeks, for the past 2 weeks he has been very good! Training well and just being a very good puppy, but the last 3 days he’s been really bad, he’s starting to pee inside again, chew up carpet, growling barking and biting, and just not listening to me and my parter! Is there any reason or anything as to why he’s all of a sudden acting like this?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Certainly it is possible and plausible that there is a medical reason behind this. The only way to know is to see your vet. After that we discuss adequate exercise, diet, training and making sure that your puppy has everything they need to be happy, healthy, and a welcome member of your family. I would like to add that puppies (or any pet at all) are never ever “bad”. They are trying to tell you in the only way that they know how to, that they are frustrated and need something. Usually it is more time, attention, training and exercise. Please be very very patient and understanding and please try to find someone who can articulate what your pup is trying to tell you. This is a crucial age for development, training and a lifelong successful happy relationship together. Get help from a positive reinforcement trainer.
    Very best of luck
    Please let me know how things go.

  2. Sarah

    Right now it is really important to create good bond with your pup. This is best done through training, play and walks. Granted, the age and stamina of your puppy dictates the amount of time spent, but it is the quality of that time that is key. Being in tune with your pup is key. A puppy class would be very beneficial for both owner and dog. It is great for socialization, which is very important. It also helps owner with training and is great mentally for the dog. Please be patient during training… if you find you’re getting too frustrated, chances are that your puppy is too. Walk away and try again later. It should be fun for everyone.
    Good luck?

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
How Much Does Vitamin K1 Usually Cost From Vet

How much does vitamin k1 usually cost from vet

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The medication is actually very inexpensive and available over the counter. The exam at my clinic is $50, the coagulation profile blood work is about $100.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Think My Dog Ate Rat Poison 2-3 Days Ago. Is There Any Thing I…

I think my dog ate rat poison 2-3 days ago. Is there any thing i can do from home to help him? He had ran off a few days prior to this and attacked a neighbors livestock so i was supposed to take him to be put down but didnt, so cant really take him to vet..

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry to hear about your dog. If your dog did get into rat poison it certainly an be fatal. The longer you wait to get help the worse your dogs prognosis is. It is helpful to know what kind of poison he ate. With this information we recommend that you call the pet poison helping and the product manufacturer to get help for your dog. In most cases we pre-emptiness stray dogs on vitamin K supplements to slow or stop the clotting problems that rat poisons kill by. I cannot over emphasize how important it is to get help. I also cannot over empathize how quickly you need to act. Rat poison is a cruel, painful, and awful way to die. No one should ever buy or use this product. There are better, safer ways to manage rats. I suggest a cat, or two.

  2. Jana

    Was that a court ruling of some sort that you were told to put him down? Would the vet know about this? How about a different vet, then?

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog As Started Vomiting After Drinking Water Shes Not Eating And Been Like It…

my dog as started vomiting after drinking water shes not eating and been like it for 12 hours, she’s bright eyed but looking down in herself.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Please define “started vomiting”. You mean multiple times since? Since it’s a weekday, and she seems visibly unwell, I’d see a vet with that.


    thank you for responce, yes she vomits white gunk and clear fluid quite regular but full of life when out in garden, will book vet asap.