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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Is Really Aggressive Towards Humans. When I Reach In Her Cage…

my female netherland Dwarf rabbit is really aggressive towards humans.
When i reach in her cage she grunts and bites
Anyone have any helpfull tips
Btw she is Spayed

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always recommend seeking help from your vet to make sure it isn’t a medical issue. Often the only way these pets can show pain or discomfort is with a change in attitude or behavior.

  2. Baz Jarvis

    Training. They have some good behavioral classes you can take them too. Look online around your local area

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
9/23/16 2 Yr Old Maltese Has IVDD And Has A Cervical Issue. We Didn’t Take…

9/23/16 2 yr old Maltese has IVDD and has a cervical issue. We didn’t take him to the neurologist, but chose to treat with medication. He was paralyzed is all but one front leg. Never lost deep pain. It’s been two weeks of crate confinement and he is much better. He can sit and has even stood a couple of times.
My question is, how long does he need to stay confined in a small space? Do i let him try to stand?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I usually cage rest dogs like this for at least 6-8 weeks and recheck them at least once or twice during the this time.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello, I’m Aspiring To Become A Veterinarian. I’m Currently In A Community College. For One…

Hello, I’m aspiring to become a veterinarian. I’m currently in a community college. For one of my school projects, I need to interview someone in the career field. I was wondering if I could email one of your vets or private message you on this site. I have about 10 questions that hopefully won’t take long to answer. Thank you for your time.

1. What made you decide to become a veterinarian?
2. In your opinion what is the hardest subject in school for vets?
3. How did you handle that subject? Do you have any tips or advice for a student in that field?
4. Have you ever questioned your decision to become a vet?
5. Do you have any advice or recommendations on the hours needed before being accepted into a vet university?
6. What school did you attend and what was your degree for, besides A.S.?
7. What is your favorite part about being a vet? Least favorite?
8. What is the hardest part about being a vet?
9. What advice, if any, do you have for a student aspiring to become a vet?
10. What advice would you have liked to have when you were becoming a veterinarian?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is important to get experience in a vets office. In US schools it is mandatory. I recommend that you volunteer with a vet and over time ask these questions. Good luck

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Guinea Pig Is Not Feeling Well She’s Hardly Eating And She Keeps On Getting…

my guinea pig is not feeling well she’s hardly eating and she keeps on getting cold spells she is 8 years old and i don’t know what to do

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your guinea pig. Try to keep her warm and try to see a vet as quickly as possible. 8. Years old is very old for them and your vet would need to see your pig to help provide guidance and advice if she is not well.

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Krista Magnifico | 8 years ago
Hey,, Thought You Might Enjoy A Photo Of The Lazy Kids This Rainy Day..

thought you might enjoy a photo of the lazy kids this rainy day..

3 Responses


  1. Cocotipio Linbayn

    Cute! Is the dog in your profile a Bichon? I have one, and I am trying to potty-train her. Any tips? Thanks!


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Cat Is Acting Different Lately She Is Sleeping More And Not Really Wanting To…

my cat is acting different lately she is sleeping more and not really wanting to do anything and when we touch her on her belly she meows like she is in pain does she have cancer or is she sick?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I cannot tell you what is wrong but she ABSOLUTELY NEEDS A VET! Please go as quickly as possible. If you think she is in pain and if she is lethargic and poorly responsive why hasn’t she seen the vet?
    I really hope she gets to the vet soon (like tomorrow morning) and that she is ok.
    I expect that she will need an examination, xray and bloodwork to help understand what is wrong and provide her an appropriate treatment plan to help her feel better.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 16 Month Old Shih Tzu Who Will Not Stop Eliminating In Her…

I have a 16 month old Shih Tzu who will not stop eliminating in her crate. She is a house dog so she has a spot in the house that she goes. She knows where this spot is and she will use it with no problem but as soon as I put her in the crate and walks away she will pee and poop in there instead of waiting. She also lays in it and steps in it and its so frustrating…any advice?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    She has been taught that inside the house = potty. That means *anywhere* inside the house. Eliminate the pee pads and start taking her outside every single time. Make the spot in the crate just large enough for her to lie down and turn around. Take her out every hour and praise her when she eliminates outside.

    Also, thoroughly clean the crate with white vinegar and/or an enzyme cleaner.

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 8 years ago
My Cat Just Loves To Chew On Wires.. Any Ideas About How To Keep Her…

My cat just loves to chew on wires.. Any ideas about how to keep her from electrocuting herself?

9 Responses


  1. Laura

    Spray the wires with Bitter Apple.
    Keep her out of the rooms where wires are.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I would try keeping her away from all wires and using a spray bottle of water to discipline her anytime she approaches a wire. Good luck

  3. Chris Wieland

    Rabbits are always chewing on wires. We protect the rabbit by putting heavy plastic tubing on lamp cords, and any other power cords. Get a thick plastic tube from something like Amazon or an auto supply store. Carefully, make a cut using a sharp blade the entire length of the tube. Then spread apart and use it to cover the power cord. Now they are safe for cat biting.

  4. Nicholas P. Woodward Post author

    FYI- I’ve been having luck with the spray bottle of water to some degree and Bitter Apple – working on trying the heavy plastic tubing around the wires next, but it’s just a big process (I’m a computer guy.. got lots of wires everywhere lol).

  5. Chris Wieland

    Foil will not do the trick. The plastic tubing keeps them from coming in contact with the electrical wires with could injure or kill them. The foil, if bitten, would only serve to increase the possibility of an electrical short, or having them make contact with the electrical current. The tubing is not a psychological deterrent, but a physical one.

  6. Turner Halligan

    Did any of these methods work for you?

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Update, This Started Early This Morning.

Update, this started early this morning.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello! My 4 Month Year Old Lab Had Diarrhea Last Night And Seems To…

Hello! My 4 month year old Lab had diarrhea last night and seems to go every 2 to 3 hours. I tried her on some rice and she vomited. She acts ok. She still will play then nap, which is kinda normal. After the rice her pooped looked green?I wonder if anyone has some advice to avoid dehydration? How soon should I take her in?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    If your puppy is 4 months old, this is an emergency. Get her to an emergency vet NOW.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I agree with Laura get your pup to a vet.