I lost an ibuprofen pill. Worried my dogs ate it. Been over 3 hours and no issue. Can I let them sleep or can signs take longer
3 chihuahua mix
One 7 mo and 2 are 4 year
So ten weeks ago my cat escaped while she was in heat. And now she gained weight and her nipples are swollen. She’s been eating alot lately.She’s a young cat and i read that a pregnant cat vomits during the beginning of her pregnancy but my cat hasn’t. Now I don’t know if she’s just bloated or pregnant. Can you help me please ?
my dog is 8 month. he is very high energy and happy. we had since poppy. when he is with other dog, he want to play . some times make other dog mud and start get serious. How can I train him play nice with any dog?
Three of my dogs have passed away within 2 weeks. They tested negative for parvo via the snap test. After the second passed, we had a necropsy done and they sent off a portion of necrotic intestine, a portion of seemingly normal intestine, blood, etc. After that I lost another dog. I had blood draws done on my three smaller dogs that had been around the sick dogs and all came out normal. Within 2 hours after this, one of the smaller dogs started showing symptoms (lack of appitite). This dog was the third one I lost. All of my dogs were UTD on vaccines. The tests came back as an extremely virulent strain of Parvo. This killed each dog, even with treatment, within 36-52 hours. All of my other dogs have been put on antibiotics and we are spraying everything with bleach. I am wondering how a strain of parvo can show normal bloodwork, kill vaccinated dogs, and not show up on snap test if it was this harsh of a strain. I also have no idea as to where it could have come from. We do not go many places. We never go to dog parks, etc. We are in the country and have raccoons, foxes, and deer, along with many other wildlife, but my vet says they could not have gotten it this way. I do not know how to try and make sure none of my other dogs get ill other than the bleach and watching them closely. I was a vet tech for 10 years and I never saw parvo manifest and kill this quickly. I need to understand. Please help me if you can.
Andrea Cox I feel grief for you. Are you sure they weren’t poisoned ?. You really need to get with the vet to find a cause and reason…even autopsy. I had a litter of cats die at one time and turned out to be rat poison by a neighbor. Listen to the previous vet and find the cause. I’m so very sorry for your loss. There is a reason and a cause. I wish you relief.
Can I use Revolution and Frontline on my dog at the same time?
If not what about spacing the products apart 2 weeks?
PK Dennis Why would you want to do this? Revolution kills every thing that Frontline does, plus it kills ear mites, mange, and round worms. These are very toxic chemicals you are dealing with – would you double dose a child with them? Of course not, so why even consider doing it to your dog?
Just use the Revolution once a month and forget the Frontline.
PK Dennis Oh and the Revolution kills heart worm – Frontline does not.
greg davenport the revolution does not kill all types of ticks.
I’m not sure if she ate it or just bite it but she had foam on the side of her mouth. I have already rinsed her mouth and cleaned her teeth etc with a wet towel. She is acting totally normal at the moment and hasn’t been sick as of yet
Our 14 month old male gerbil lost part of his tail about a year ago. This left a small black spot part way up the remaining stump on one side. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that it had got bigger. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all and he not lethargic or unwell. What could it be?
Andrea Cox I had a gerbil that got cancer and it started with a black spot on its back and it spread all over. Nothing you can really do about it if it is cancer. When you say it lost part of its tail are you saying you had it removed, or it just fell off? You will have to take it to a vet and they will tell you if it needs to be cut off and biopsy of the black part. It also could be other things besides cancer but only a vet can really help you. It could be an infection and need antibiotics. Please take it to a vet.
Amanda Wright He got his tail caught and panicked, and it broke away, they are designed to do that. It’s not an infection, it’s a nice neat, round smooth bump on the side of his tail. I have emailed photos to my vet, waiting to hear whether he wants me to take him down to see him.
About 2 months ago, my dog broke the window screen and jumped out of the second floor window. I was not home and thankfully my neighbor grabbed him, he was not hurt. After that. No opening the windows when I’m not home.
But recently my dog has been trying to escape out the window where the window AC unit is in. He has chewed through many sidings and even pushes my tv away from the window. I have sprayed no-bite spray and it didn’t seem to help. I just can home today and found blood from him all over the house. He cut his paw on the ac unit and thenot continued to tried other windows.
I take him for walks twice a day even though I am gone for 10 hours for work. I spoil him with toys and treats. He is a 4 year old German Shepherd/schipperke mix. He is not fixed. He never shows any interest in females.
and would that help him or would it kill him we have started to give him some pedialight because he will not eat or drink and i was just wondering what i could do
My cat has decided not to pooh in the litter box. Do you have a list of things that could cause this?
Hi Yvette. I’m sorry we didn’t see this but most of us are on the East Coast. How are the dogs doing now?
It’s been at least 13 hours, they drank water ate breakfast and went poop and they seem just fine. I feel awful I can’t remember if I took the pill. I’m just watching them. Nothing off at all.
Thank you for the reply
If ANYTHING changes, even if they become slightly lethargic, rush them to the vet. Otherwise you might be in the clear.
That’s what I’m doing !!! Because if one did take it I don’t know which pup.
Any idea how long the window is ?
No, unfortunately. I’ve not had to worry about this…I would ask the vet.