Is it safe to give my 2 month old kitten cooked carrots? If yes how much should I feed him?
I know that he underwent neutering on 7/7 so 5 days ago, he seemed to have some discharge coming from his incision site. I asked the woman at the desk about it and she said it was ok but he seems lethargic and its still leaking, he doesn’t lick or bite it since he is always sleeping. I’ve kept him with me from the moment I got him because I’m worried for him.
Ashley Messer Does anybody have any advice?
Anonymous Has he been to your vet yet? If not – all new dogs and cats NEED to be seen by YOUR vet for an introductory visit. Get that done before the end of the week and ask that vet.
Ashley Messer I plan to take him to the vet asap. I had just adopted him yesterday and I was so worried but this morning he is active and trying to explore. He seems to be doing better. He isn’t leaking anymore and he was definitely interested in his water again. I called my closest emergency vet last night and they gave me some peace of mind and told me the only real red flag is his disinterest in food but that could be the change in environment since his discharge was clear and he Seems to have no problem in the potty department.
Anonymous Ahh, I understand your worry. 🙂 I’m sure he’s fine.
Ashley Messer Thank Yu, its always Nice to get other furbabies parents opinions since I’m aware I’m am over worrier lol
I’ve just got home to find my mum has bathed my cats wound with diluted dettol. After reading everything online, what should I do???
Anonymous I didn’t read too far into it, but it sounds like it’s toxic if ingested. I would thoroughly wash the wound again and put a cone on your cat to prevent it from licking the wound.
Charlotte Pearce Thank you! I’ve throughly washed him, although he hates me now. And making sure he’s drinking plenty. Still being his annoying self, so I think he’s ok!
How know if your boxer dog is dream or have seizures when my dog sleeping he run in his sleep
Anonymous Most dogs are dreaming when things like running and twitching happens. It’s a normal part of their sleep pattern. What makes you believe this might be seizures?
Dawn Ferara, DVM Seizures are very different, even scary. Normally they happen when the dog is initially awake and the dog can not be aroused from a seizure but can be from a dream.
PK Dennis If you think it may be a seizure, try to wake the dog (call by name,not by touch so you don’t get bitten). Try getting a video to show to your vet.
I was just wondering, how can you tell wether a cat has a sprain or a broken leg?
No vet in our town only visiting next month but i am nervous it is important. He is getting fixed next month. I have a video
Hi. My dog has been puking for three days. Mostly at night after he has drank a couple gulps of water, but always after drinking. He has been to the vet where he was given a penicillin-like medicine that’s white and came with a syringe as well as some pills for nausea. The problem is that my family will be leaving for a cruise soon and this includes close relatives so he will have to stay at a kennel or something. What should I do? Can they take him if he’s sick like this? I’m extremely worried.
My cat came home limping. Only one of her back legs is affected. She is in pain, however, her leg looks normal and she is otherwise healthy. There is no swelling that I can see. Could it be a sprain or muscle injury?
Haley Nickole My cats ALWAYS do a little something to there selfs , an when they were smaller , they would climb on things an jump off an limp for a day or two an then be fine . i took him to the vet after the first time an they told me it was a sprain an another time it happened to my other cat there was nothing wrong with him , he was just limping lol so sometimes unless you see a wound or they look badly in pain i honestly wouldn’t worry too much unless they persist to stay off the leg longer than 24/48 hours
A neighbor has a door dasher that seems to get out *frequently* despite her owners’ best efforts to keep her indoors. Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this behavior?
I do not have any further information, but my suggestions included diffusers with citrus scents near entry points, crating in a large dog crate, and keeping the cat confined to a room with a closing door when people enter/exit the home. Is there anything else you can think of?
Madelyn Fischer Hello, I would just make sure the door is closed and LOCKED. I don’t know any other suggestions for you, other than just “hissing” her away from the door. This means to make a noise much like a hiss noise. Good luck!
Anonymous Thank you!
It appears the cat in question door dashes when it’s opened (when people enter/exit the home). We live in a city known for B&E crime, and I know these folks keep the door closed/locked.
I’ll mention the hissing but I can confirm that this won’t work for a determined feline. Hopefully theirs is more sensitive than my brat. 🙂
Anonymous I dig. Passing this along, thanks.
My brother just returned from his mission a few days ago. While he was gone we adopted a border collie mix puppy, she’s now around a year and a half years old.
She has interacted with people at the park and gets along with most family members when visiting at their place. This her first time having a someone she doesn’t know at home like this, usually have her away from visitors.
She is not getting a long with my brother, she’s constantly barking at him. When he offers one of her favorite treats she tries to hide behind someone she trusts or she runs down and hides in the basement. My brother is getting really frustrated with her.
Expecting that this is going to take a while. Hoping that she gets used to him/desensitized to him over the next few weeks. Any advice would be appreciated.
Kate McKelvie In what way is she not getting along with him? My first thought is that he calmly go about his business and not attempt to interact with her. Let the dog approach your brother for interaction. Is he wearing a ball cap, something that she’s not used to? Everyone needs to be calm and act normally.
Madelyn Fischer Hello, this is perfectly normal. Dogs adapt, and it may take time. Good luck!
Amphibious 803 Thanks!
She has been getting better. She isn’t barking as much, but tends to avoid him whenever she can now. Want her to get used to being around him, but don’t want to force it. Now she usually hides downstairs or in one of the bedrooms. Gets really nervous and wants to be close to someone she knows when he is around.
She does bark and get snappy when he’s interacting with one of us, she thinks she is protecting us from him?
Slow going, but are improvements.
Cats are obligate carnivores. They do not need and cannot digest plant matter. Don’t give him carrots.
Seriously. Don’t.
Why would you want to give your kitten carrots? I agree with Laura don’t feed him carrots!