What and how do I feed a two week old puppy that’s mother is gone?
Hi Pawbly, my sisters shih tzu Tobee has been visiting us for the week and his eye is getting a bit ‘weepy.’ I know these dogs can get eye problems easily. I’ve attached a photo. Do you think this weepy eye looks serious? Thanks.
Hi Pawbly, my sisters dog Tobee has been visiting us for the week and his eye is getting a bit ‘weepy.’ I know these dogs can get eye problems easily. I’ve attached a photo. Do you think this weepy eye looks serious? Thanks.
I have an American Bulldog who is almost 2 years old. Despite training, he is very aggressive towards other dogs. He was attacked by a pit bull, on our property, before he was a year old and every since will not tolerate any other dogs or any kind of animals for that matter. We have paid quite a bit for training to try and help him socialize but after a while he is back to his old self. No one will board him and we can’t take him anywhere that has a lot of people or other animals. He’s great at home and wonderful with our children, so I am at a loss s to what to do. He also has pretty bad hip problems and is in pain a lot if he gets a lot of exercise. I love him so much, as does my family, but I want to do the right, humane thing. Help.
Madelyn Fischer Hello, as an extreme animal lover, I say no, try to train and comfort as much as you can, but I don’t know you and I can’t tell you what to do. That’s the last case scenario. Good luck!
Madelyn Fischer Hi Krista, I totally agree.
Crystal Williams We have done two extensive training courses for his aggression . One two week program and one five week, away from home program.
Second Cat Is 5 Lbs
Dog Is 14 Lbs.
They Are All Three…
First cat is 11lbs
Second cat is 5 lbs
Dog is 14 lbs.
They are all three healthy outside of this issue.
Anikke Valecourt Honestly I know this is mange because I have worked at an animal hospital and seen it before. Its not that rare in Southern California and both me and my mom got scabbies bites from sleeping with the cat. Skin scraping doesn’t usually find anything in more than fifty percent of cases. My cat is missing huge portions of his coat. It has gotten better with lime dipping but he is just too strong to keep doing this to him for six weeks plus the other animals. I understand that you can’t prescribe meds online but you should probably mention this on the website homepage to save people from wasting their time…
I have neutered 3 yrs cat
I feed her Dr.Clauders grain free dry food until now
for female neutered the brand Royal Canin is better or DrClauders?
Anonymous Without having access to the labels, I really can’t answer that question – we don’t have Dr. Clauder’s in the US. I know most vets feel that wet food is better for cats, though.
Zahra Bashiri I just feed her with dry food during night
During day she eats boiled chicken is this good ?
According to ur experience which brand is better ?? -
Anonymous I can’t answer that question as we don’t have one of them. This is why you need to read the labels.
Boiled chicken is not nutritionally complete and I wouldn’t feed it for a meal.
Zahra Bashiri What do you recommend for a complete meal ?
Which brand is good in US?
All the labels abt nutrition it’s almost the same
Here we have these brands: sanabelle , bosch , royal canin, Dr.clauders, N&D -
Anonymous the only one from that list that i know is Royal Canin. we don’t have any of the others. for what we have available in the US, i rather like Nature’s Logic, Acana, Orijen, Wellness, and a few others…we feed Nature’s Logic at the moment.
a good kibble is a complete meal by itself.
and I doubt they’re all the same. read them carefully. i guarantee some will be better than others. search for reviews of the “better” brands, and go from there.
My dog is throwing up blood but it isn’t grainy it’s gewy
I gave my dog fat trimmings and bone from think steak he has had diarrhea since then 7/2 it is now 7/7 what can I do?
My dog is sneezing blood every now and then for the past day half just not sure what it could be he is a 6 year old min pin
My dog is about to have puppies I think she is lethargic and won’t eat what do I do
Anonymous I’m guessing you’re inexperienced with regards to breeding and lack a breed mentor to help you…that means you need to call the vet who has monitored the dam throughout her pregnancy.
Lisa Pfab Please go see a vet. I know money is sometimes an issue, but try to apply for care credit, or something to get your dog looked at. Is she eating? Is she Drinking? Are her gums nice and pink or white looking? can she walk?
Please call a vet!
A good commercially available puppy milk!