Until recently, he was high energy and playful, despite being underweight. Now he will not play, and lays down immediately if not eating or eliminating. He has also gone from EXTREMELY affectionate to seemingly avoiding physical contact
Anonymous I’d be getting him to the vet. Sounds like he needs it.
Amy Mize Thanks I spent $5,000 on him at the vet since January I was trying to get input from other sources
Anonymous Because this is a recent change, it’s warranted.
PK Dennis It sounds to me that he is in pain – the avoiding physical contact. Have you found a Great Dane group? Often things like this are specific to a breed and other Dane owners will point you in the right direction quicker than folks not as familiar with that particular breed. I found a Scottie group on Facebook that has given me tons of help with my new Scottie mix puppy since my first Scot was older when I adopted him.
When I hear about thin dogs that won’t gain weight I immediately think about Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). This is a condition where the dog’s pancreas does not produce sufficient enzymes for the dog to properly digest their food and they can not gain weight no matter how much they eat. The undigested food in their gut leads to pain and and produces very large stool.
Enzyme supplements or feeding raw pancreas (you need to get the whole pancreas and feed it fresh, I believe) is the solution. Here is a link to a Whole Dog Journal article about this:
Sam Brizz Ask on the Facebook page “Great Dane Rescue, Inc” there are a lot of Great Dane owners there with a lot of great knowledge of the breed
I found a turtle covered in chiggers what is the best way to get them off without hurting him?
Anonymous Thank you for caring about this wild reptile! People like you are refreshing. 🙂
I would get the turtle to an exotics vet. There are a number of things you can use but if applied improperly they can be seriously harmful. It’s better to get the vet involved to ensure you’re using the right stuff in the right way. If you don’t want to go this route, please contact a wildlife rehabber (your local SPCA should have phone numbers for you).
Zack . Thank you I’ll see what I can do.
SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My dog lost half her hair, her eyes are red, and she’s really warm. I don’t know what this is help,?
PK Dennis What did your vet say when you took your dog to see him/her? Haven’t been to a vet yet? What are you waiting for?
Anonymous Consider this an emergency and GET TO THE VET NOW.
Emma Tiernan Took to the vet. Gave her steroids
Anonymous What was the diagnosis?
PK Dennis So, steroids. Did the vet tell you this was the result of an allergy?
If so, the first thing you must do is get all grains out of her diet, including treats. No more sharing the odd cookie or corn chip with her. Go to a good pet store (not the grocery store or a big box store) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog foods. Then start reading labels. You want a dog food that lists real meat as the first 2, or even better, 3 ingredients. Real meat is easy to recognize, it will say Elk, Bison, Turkey, Lamb, Pork, Salmon meal, Whitefish meal, etc. Meal is the entire animal ground up and dried – a good thing. Avoid chicken and beef – many dogs are reactive to those two proteins. Do NOT buy any food that lists ‘by products’ as an ingredient, this is a sign that you will be paying premium price for a sub-standard food.
Read all treat packages – they sneak a lot of grains into treats.
To help with the itching right now – rinse your dog daily with a mix of vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – organic apple cider vinegar is best if you can afford it. Use white vinegar if your dog is a very light color since apple cider can stain the coat.). Flush the mix through her coat, working it down to her skin, then let her shake and dry – don’t rinse it out. The vinegar helps calm the itch. You can do this several times per day on the naked skin since it will dry fast – you don’t want her to go to bed damp though.
You can keep a bowl of this mix at the door (use fresh mix every day) and dip her feet when she comes in from outdoors – this helps keep down the amount of pollen and mold spores she tracks into the house.
Cover your furniture with sheets or towels where ever you allow her to nap – then toss those covers in the wash every week. Same with her dog bed or crate liner. If she sleeps in bed with you – cover the foot of the bed with a sheet or beach towel – and wash it weekly. This keeps down the amount of pollen and mold spores on those surfaces too. Vacuum each day with a HEPA filter in your vacuum.
If the vet suggested Benedryl use Zyrtec instead – it seems to work better for dogs. The generic is fine, and use the same dose as the Benedryl – one pill in the morning and one at night.
If she has any hot spots (raw open wounds), dab on witch hazel with aloe vera (find in any pharmacy over the counter) and let it dry.
Consider feeding your dog a raw diet – google “BARF diet for dogs”, “raw diet for dogs”, “biologically appropriate diets for dogs” to learn more. It is a little intimidating at first, but after the first 6 months you will see such changes in your dog that you will never go back to dry bits out of a bag. And your dog will smell wonderful!
Keep in mind that a naked dog will feel warmer to us – we are used to having a layer of insulation (fur) between our skin and theirs. Normally a dog’s temperature is 102.5 degrees F and we are only 98.6.
If your dog has a skin infection you will need to continue to work with a vet – don’t let your girl get worse!
14 year old cat, losing appetite and losing weight. Sleeping in very secluded places. And sleeping a lot. Is my cat dying?
I found a kitten today under a car it was about 94 F outside, she looks about 2 weeks old. I fed her small bottle of milk through out the day but she won’t poo or pee. I read online that we have to stimulate them like their mom would so I tried but she just won’t, I don’t know what else to do.
The two females dog never fought before. I dont know why they wont get along anymore.
Anonymous Intact bitches will fight, especially if they’re of a breed known for same sex aggression. You need to get all three desexed…the bitch he mated with needs to be desexed NOW, before puppies happen.
Also, be prepared to crate the bitches separately. Once bitch fights start, depending on the breed, they may never stop.
Erick Hernandez Well they are siberian husky. Why does she need to be desexed before the puppies happen? Why should i desex all of them. I got the male because i wanted puppies but i didnt know they would fight
Anonymous Your lack of experience speaks volumes, Erick.
What sort of health testing have you done on them? What is your intention for breeding? Who is your mentor? What happens when a puppy gets stuck and you need an emergency cesarean on the dam? How do you know these dogs SHOULD be bred?
Please, leave breeding to people who’ve put the time in to learn more about their breed. Please. Don’t contribute to the overwhelming number of dogs in shelters.
Erick Hernandez Can i get help from someone that is actually trying to help? Can you please just answer the question and not hate on what im doing. Please be mature about this. I care a lot about my dogs.
Anonymous I am being mature.
There is no easy answer to the aggression problem. This could have been started with irresponsible breeding (the other bitch shouldn’t have been permitted anywhere near the breeding couple while they were tied). This could be hormone related. This could be due to questionable temperament of the dogs living in your yard. In truth, you will most likely have to deal with bitch fights until you start crating both bitches and rotating which is permitted out of the crate OR until you rehome one of them. Bitch fights only escalate.
Beyond that, I have said my piece. Take my advice or don’t, but don’t complain about the advice you’ve been given. You bred irresponsibly, and now you risk having puppies with questionable temperaments. It would be irresponsible to allow this pregnancy to come to term for that reason alone.
Erick Hernandez Thank you for your advice. That actually really helped me
PK Dennis I agree with Laura on all counts – breeding dogs should be done by people that understand a breed, want to improve the breed, or breed dogs for a particular purpose, and have a full understanding of how to go about it. NOT because they want some cute puppies or because they think they can make money selling the pups. It is okay to be a novice at this – but you should have educated yourself by reading a few books, or finding a mentor long before you threw three dogs together and hoped for the best. And especially with huskies! All the Northern breeds are closer in temperament to wolves than most other breeds and typically will fight to keep other females from breeding, and may kill other female’s litters if they can get at them. You have created a very dangerous situation for your two girls – you need to rethink the way you are keeping these dogs, what you want to do with these dogs (how would you even run them as a team if they want to kill each other due to your mismanagement? Pretty serious consequences to have some cute pups.
Our cat is about 8 years old, and we got her from the humane society 2 years ago. Her problem is that she poops outside of the litter box frequently. Sometimes she poops in the box, sometimes not, sometimes on the couch, the table, the laundry, the floor, wherever. Never the same place twice. She’s not sick and doesn’t have worms, and she pees in the litter fine. We’ve tried different litter, moving it to different places, and nothing works. We are so confused by this cat! Help if you can please, thank you!
Anonymous Dr. Magnifico often suggests using dirt in the litterbox. I would also have at least one other box on hand…most cats really don’t enjoy pooping where they pee.
Michelle Baggett Does the litter box have a cover on it? My vet told me one time that cats can become intolerable of their litter boxes if they are enclosed (have covers on them) no matter how much you scoop or change the litter. That did the trick and did not happen anymore.
not breathing right has not eaten all day and seems to have a snotty nose what should i do as we do not feed him foods that contain bones we are worried naighbours may have given him wrong food
Well, the hope is that whatever made its way down came out. Jasmine once accidentally swallowed a sock. She threw it up and all was fine. So the question is whether he threw up all he ate or not and whether if something remained it can make its way out safely. I’d be watching him very vigilantly for signs of trouble. If loose stools continue, get worse, he keeps vomiting, refusing food, starts looking or acting ill, I’d see a vet asap.
Well thank you he is fine he plays eats and sleeps convertible