hello, which brands for cat food do you recommend ?İn Turkey the best known brands are pro plan,royal canin , Hills science plan … but i m not sure , what do you say?thanks in advance….
She seemed pretty happy earlier and there’s no blood but I don’t know how much of the pain medication I was given for her (Meloxicam) she actually ingested. I was given a syringe but it was very hard to get her to take any. Without knowing how much she’s had I don’t want to risk giving too much. Its now about three hours since I gave it and she seems more visibly in pain. She’s grinding teeth (not chattering) and her eyes have been bulging. She’s also licking the wound a lot which she wasn’t doing earlier. I’m worried for her, because of both the open wound and the thought she’s in pain! Any help?
Alex Holding Thanks a million, its just horrible seeing her hurting! As for the Meloxicam, I had seen a lot of stuff online saying that it’s been discovered that rats should be on much higher doses due to differences in metabolism and the fact that it’s not technically (off label) for rats. As a result vets tend to dose for equivalent body weight in dogs and they may not be getting enough. Is there possibly any accuracy to that? I have no medical background and so am absolutely not going to start adjusting prescriptions but if that’s the case I think a different painkiller would definitely be an idea. I hadn’t seen anything similar about the other medications so she may get more relief.
Alex Holding Ok, no worries. I hadn’t seen that you were a vet when I posted, so I hope you took that in the spirit it was intended! I’m just very aware that vets probably see a huge amount of dogs and cats for every one rat they see. It seemed plausible and didn’t exactly ease my worrying about her! Really appreciate you taking the time to help!
My dog was throwing up liquid foamy stuff. She threw up 6 times and she isn’t eating or drinking anything what could possibly be wrong with her?
When we arrived home from work, there was a grease can in the living room he had gotten into. Unless it is a major coincidence, we believe that he ingested who knows how much. Are these symptoms normal for grease ingestion in a small dog? He has had no diarrhea at all, and only vomited one time. The other times he is dry heaving it kind of sounds like he is wheezing
She is 8 years old and does not go outside except to use the bathroom. She is now at the point where she has just little squirts when she goes. The problem is she is sqirting all over my house and on my bed last night. She can’t seem to be able to control it. What could be the matter, and what should I do to help her?
Dawn Ferara, DVM At this point I am concerned she is dehydrated and think she needs to see a vet immediately! There are many reasons for diarrhea and the cause could be anything from ingesting something she shouldn’t to something infectious and really everything in between.
She really needs to see a vet, please get her into see one ASAP!
Good Luck
Dr D
Marena Jade There is a chance that is Addison’s disease look it up your dog has many symptoms I would think your dog needs a vet to diagnose
Marena Jade My dog has Addison’s and he had the same starting symptoms. Is she a white coat? If so white dog shaker syndrome is also a possibility at this point.
My pet behavior change looks like something bother on his ear i check but i havent seen anything. could be a tick inside the ear whats bother him..?
Anonymous If he has a bothersome ear, it COULD be a foreign body inside the ear but it could also be an ear infection. Please get him to the vet.
Alfredo Estrella Thank you very much for your help i will take him to the vet.. infection can happen in one moment to another i mean he was fine and 20 min lameanhe came to me i saw him shaking but he doesn’t complain or cry but he doesn’t let me grab his ear at all.
How do I know is my rabbit is stressed and how can I help and prevent it.
He’s chubby and I don’t notice any weight loss. He still eats as usual. He does drink a lot of water. They said to listen to his heart to see if it sounds “like a washing machine”. I have no idea! Sometimes it does but sometimes it doesn’t. I can’t see the vet until monday. Am I freaking out over nothing? I need to know how serious this is.
Litterbox training a dog means they’ll use your house as a toilet. Is there a reason you’re unwilling to walk the dog or let it out into a yard?
Bostons can be stubborn and very opinionated. What is your experience with dog ownership?
Litter box training… Once you teach a dog to poop/pee in your house you can expect a life time of cleaning up “accidents” all over your house. It doesn’t matter if it is pee pads at the door, or a litter box some where else in the house. Once you teach a dog it is okay to soil his home all bets are off. I once had a dog that was taught to relieve himself in the bathtub. He grew up in a 5 story walk-up in NYC, so I assume they did this so they didn’t have to make the 5 story trek to the great outdoors. I lived in the country with 5 acres of fenced yard. That dog was with me for 6 years and if I did not walk him outside every morning and after dinner he would pee and poop in the bathroom – any bathroom, and as he got older he didn’t bother to get into the tub, he went on the floor just outside of the tub.