My chewawa has a puffed up face like swelling a human would have when they have a severe tooth ache. Unknown if she had a run in with another animal. Should I attempt to treat her face with ice. So far she does not react violently.
PK Dennis Sounds like an infected tooth to me – she needs to be seen by a vet. She will most likely be placed on antibiotics to fight the infection so the swelling can go down, then she may need a root canal to prevent a more serious problem from developing.
It might be an insect bite, or an animal bite.
Please get her to a vet as soon as possible so you can get to the root of the problem.
My dog was breathing really hard when I got home, expresses pain towards her rear end, won’t let me touch her tail, is gassy, threw up earlier and it had a quarter of an unchewed rawhide bone in it, now she’s very lethargic, walking around in pain, her breathing is shallow and is having spasms on her bed, she’s an otherwise healthy 3 and a half year old catahoula American bulldog mix…..
MY cat has been sick for 5 days with a fever. No vomiting no diarrhea except for a little on the second day. He has a fever, he’s drinking a lot, lethargic, not grooming. I took him to a vet who gave him something for the fever and an antibiotic shot. He’s eating and drinking which is good but the fever is not going down. The vet prescribed Fevadol which has paracetamol in it. We are in a country with no good vets and no real access to pet medication, but everything I have read says that paracetamol is poisonous to cats. I would give anything for him to get better, but there are no vets that I trust here and I am so confused on what to do. He’s obviously fighting an infection but the vet said he doesn’t seem to have a URI, he has no signs in his chest and no discharge from eyes or nose. I just don’t know what to do and it’s breaking my heart watching him in pain. please help.
He’s a 4 year old male.
Dawn Ferara, DVM Normally I would tell you to follow the doctor’s instructions but it seems paracetamol is acetometaphin which is very toxic to cats!!! However, without examining your cat it is impossible for me to really give you any advice. My recommendation is to try and find a vet you trust because your cat needs treatment.
Good luck
Dr D
D A Thank you for your response. I know he needs treatment, I am very scared for him, but as I said there are no reliable vets here. Is there something over the counter that could bring down his fever?
Dawn Ferara, DVM No there really isn’t.
She’s already had two healthy kittens and has a couple more inside of her but we think the one that is coming out is stuck and she had been pushing on the same one for there hours
my poor boy has a horrible dry hacking cough, although I haven’t taken his temp he feels quite warm, his been extremely tired all day has gotten up maybe three times today at most. He didn’t eat all his dinner either today which is unusual
All of a sudden my 3 month jack Russell seemed off. He was laying down when we picked him up he was like a noodle. Very wobbly and he puked in the car. He has his first shots. What could possible be wrong with my pup? Please help
My 13-year-old Beagle has, over the course of the past five days, been in very poor health. It started on his birthday when he had an edible rawhide birthday card. He chewed on it all day and I don’t believe he ate dinner that night or if he did it, was a small amount. He did go to the bathroom normally, but the next morning, he wouldn’t eat again and from there the symptoms progressively worsened. He threw up some 24 hours after first eating the rawhide and it was mainly unchewed bits of his regular Science Diet dry food (about a handful). He did not go #2 at all that day and though I initially thought he might be constipated, I realized that’s not really a common thing with dogs so it must mean there’s something more going on. The third day, he refused food again and was still having trouble using the bathroom. Peeing fine, but not drinking enough water (maybe going to his bowl 2x that day). He was reluctant to move and didn’t want to climb the stairs. He normally likes to walk forever and ever as he is a Beagle, but he went to pee, slightly sniffed, and returned home. The fourth day, his breathing appeared quite short and in rapid bursts. He wasn’t wheezing or coughing or anything. It just seemed like he was constantly out of breath. Same symptoms as before. The fifth day, we took him to the vet as he was really beginning to worry us. Symptoms maintained and he was unwilling to walk down the stairs to go outside. The vet said it looked as if there was food or possibly a small bit of rawhide in his stomach. Considering his lack of eating, I assumed it was the latter. She ran a general blood test and said that his blood was thick coming out, but the results were perfectly normal and all of his organs seem to be in good standing. There were no specific tests, only the X-Ray of the abdomen as she was aware of his consuming the rawhide. The fourth and fifth days, his hind legs would cross over as he walked and his hind feet would drag almost like he’s dizzy and was trying to catch his balance, but only in his hind legs. Te vet said she didn’t feel anything obvious in his tummy and whilst performing an overview of his teeth, she found he had pus coming from his upper canine teeth and the gums were pale and swollen. She followed up with anti-diarrhoea meds and recommended anti-nausea meds, but didn’t say they were necessary. Nothing was given for his teeth or any possible stomach pain. He was then given 300mL of fluids before giving the go ahead to take home.
The vet visit was two full days ago, nearly three, and we’ve seen little improvement aside from him eating the wet Science Diet food the vet recommended we put his anti-diarrhoea meds in so he would take them. He is still having trouble getting food down and around 6 hours ago, we began force feeding Pedialyte as he threw up once tonight and we thought the electrolytes might help. I’m concerned he may have Renal Failure or IVDD. These seem to be the two which match up the most with his symptoms and breed type, but I wasn’t aware he may have one of them when I took him to the vet and therefore didn’t mention it. I’m concerned the vet may have also missed something considering she seemed to overlook his hind leg situation and his teeth situation. Please give me advice on what I should do and he obviously needs to go to the vet again, but I think I’ll take him to a different one with records from his visit a few days ago. I dropped all of the money I had on his visit then and can’t afford anything more than the exam fee, so any recommendations on what to tell the vet that way we can bypass anything that isn’t absolutely necessary would be amazing and if he does need surgery (I hope with everything in me he doesn’t as I don’t know if he would make it out of being sedated given his short breathing which is still going on), are there any pet surgery fund donation sites anyone could possibly recommend?? Please, I beg of you, any help at all would be great!!!
Anonymous In your shoes, I would definitely get a second opinion. Has he passed any stool since this started?
Bria Rachele I’ve called about fifteen different vets in and around my city, some of which said it could possibly be IVDD and two said maybe TCC. He has passed stool, yes. He hasn’t within the past 36 hours I would say, but he has done it 2-3 times since it all started. He hasn’t had food within the past 18 hours though and because he was refusing most everything we gave him before, he really can’t afford to involuntarily fast right now. He’s lost quite a bit of nutrients and we’re still doing Pedialyte hoping that will help to at least replace some of them. His hind legs seem to have worsened a bit as well. I saw it could also be a disc within his spine, but it seems none of the symptoms for any of these completely match his, so I feel there a million and one things it could be. I just realized I inadvertently failed to include in the post above that the vet said he seems to have a swollen colitis as well, but she attributed that to his lack of adequate food, dehydration, and vomiting. I’m not sure if that would tie in with everything else to point to a diagnosis, but any symptom shouldn’t be overlooked. Please do ask any more questions you may have if you feel you might have an idea as to what it could be and I’ll answer the second I can! Thank you!
Anonymous You’ve done quite a bit. I’m tapped for ideas…hopefully Dr. Magnifico or Ferara will pop in with suggestions for you.
Bria Rachele Thank you for your input though and yes, any suggestions from any of the other two doctors would be helpful as well.
Yikes! What kind of glass? How large? How sharp? How many pieces? I would do my very best to find a way to see a vet. If you don’t know, you might have to later anyway with an emergency on your hands! At least call them.
I’ve seen couple times a vet feed cotton (I think it was) but all that has so many dangerous variables I would not risk it ever.
Thank you for the financial advice that’s not the question I asked now when I got the puppy I was financially sound until I lost my job a few days ago but that’s not why I’m here I’m here to do what I can to help him but thank you for not answering anything at all your a crappy Vet