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Pawbly | 9 years ago
A Few Months Ago, We Adopted Two Pups From The Same Litter. They Are Blue…

A few months ago, we adopted two pups from the same litter. They are blue heeler/ Victorian bulldog mixes and they are the loves of our lives. Well they got into a few pretty bad fights, and we figured that they were just puppies and were just playing around. Well one day, they got into a HUGE fight to the point that one was dripping blood. From that point on, we have had to keep them separated- one of them is in the cage constantly. This is not fair to us or them, considering they are cattle dogs and shouldn’t ever be confined to such a small area so often. Plus it is nearly impossible to potty train them like this. So now we have two dogs who potty everywhere and fight with one another if they’re ever near each other. We desperately need help!

4 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    Sad to say, this if a common occurrence when you adopt two males from the same litter.  Either they grow up to be totally dependent on each other and can never be separated, OR they are in constant contention.  How old are they?  Have they been neutered?  If they are over 6 months old they need to be neutered.  This will help reduce the aggression.  

    However, it is not the cure.  You need to find a behaviorist NOW!  Don’t just pick any dog trainer – look for one that can come to your home and work with you there.  Or one that specializes in aggression cases such as this.  And sad to say – the only answer may be that you have to find one of the boys a new home.  They may have developed such a dislike of each other that they will never live comfortably together.

    You do desperately need help!  But it is far beyond the scope of this forum.  You need hands on help from a professional that can see your dogs and figure out what triggers the aggression.  And in the future – remember – never get 2 puppies at one time!

  2. Ash Scism

    They are almost a year old and have appointments scheduled to get fixed. You response is very insightful, but I do have one issue. One of them is a female. Does this make any difference? Thanks.

  3. Anonymous

    littermate syndrome – the issue you’re experiencing – has nothing to do with sex. it has to do with raising two puppies of the same age together and not giving them time apart for training and socializing.

  4. Anonymous

    and i agree with PK, this NEEDS to be handled at home. anyone giving you further advice online is being reckless. you need someone in your home, watching your dogs interact. until this can happen, continue crating each dog separately and rotating which has freedom in the house. this will help you to keep them safe from each other. every fight will get worse, every interaction will escalate, and you may end up with a dead dog if you continue to allow them to be around each other.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Lucky Is Having Her Heat Soon But We Are Having Her Spayed On…

My dog Lucky is having her heat soon but we are having her spayed on Tuesday what do we do?

2 Responses


  1. Kelly


    I’d talk with your vet, many vets won’t spay a dog in heat, but if she’s just close to it should not be a problem. Good luck! 


  2. Anonymous

    I agree with Kelly. Communicate this with your vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Dog That Is 4 Years Old And Is A Pug. We Cant…

I have a dog that is 4 years old and is a pug. We cant afford to have it stay in a kennel for that long and none of my realitives and friends are able to let her stay at their place. So we hired a pet sitter to come to the house to feed the dog in the morning and for dinner, and to let out my dog in the morning afternoon and night. We also hired someone else to come in between those times to come to my house 2-3 a day while im gone to play with my dog and walk it for about 1-2 hours. Do you think my dog will be okay? I’m just so worried and stressed. Also the people we hired are trusted. Also we have cameras in my home and will be able to monitor and my dog has a designated area that is contained.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Is the sitter bonded and insured?  Do they have excellent reviews?  Have you discussed your concerns with them?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chihuahua Has Pine Needles Stuck In Between The Pads Of Her Paws And She…

My chihuahua has pine needles stuck in between the pads of her paws and she freaks out everytime I try to help her remove them. Any suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Take her to the vet where they can sedate her to get the needles out.

  2. Amy Marchand

    Thank you. After further research I agree that this is the best solution.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Miniature Collie That Was In A House Fire Very Stinky Very Thick…

I have a miniature collie that was in a house fire very stinky very thick hair also has like a stye on it so I can I save this dog what should I do

1 Response


  1. Brijit Malone

    Was supposed to say stye in its eye and can I shave this dog

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, I Want To Get Information About Health Issues Of Hybrid Kitten From Persian And…

I want to get information about health issues of hybrid kitten from persian and a tabby cat?How often is it possible to see health problems( like kidney failure) at a persian-tabby cat hybrid? thanks in advance

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Just for future reference: this isn’t a hybrid.  The word “hybrid” indicates a mix of a wild species and a domesticated species.  What you’re talking about is simply a mix, and the risks are about equal to those of a purebred.  In short, you’re taking a risk no matter what…chances are the owner(s) of the parents have not done any sort of health testing and do not know the overall health of either cat’s pedigrees.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Breeding 2 different breeds together gives you hybrid vigor.  This term basically says that mix breeds tend to have less health problems and live longer than their purebred parents.  Although there is always a risk hybrids of 2 purebreds are usually healthier.

  3. efsun sanders

    thanks for your interest…

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Betty Has Always Been What I Call A Scaredy Cat But Hasn’t Always Sprayed It…

Betty has always been what I call a scaredy cat but hasn’t always sprayed it seems to be after we moved house. I don’t think it was the house move but around me are a lot of cats and this makes her nervous she is constantly sat at a window.
She loves the baby and I feel like she is spraying as a way of claiming and protecting the home but obviously it’s not good for the baby! I’ve wondered if she has behavioural issues but am worried to take her to the vet with high costs if that’s not the issue. I’ve tried plug ins also. Basically I need advice. O find out what a vet would do to determine if she needs treatment and what kind of treatment it would be! Thank you

1 Response


  1. Charlotte Vokes

    Thank you! She uses her litter tray though still so I have no problem in that! It’s only when I seem to have my window open she does it, I’m presuming due to all the other cats in the area! I love her but with him starting to move around I need to get it sorted for both of their sakes! X

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is A Chocolate Labrador, He Hasn’t Been Able To Walk On His Back…

My dog is a chocolate Labrador, he hasn’t been able to walk on his back right leg & now all his genatals and inside thigh is seriously bruised coming up in a black and dark red bruises,we have taken him to the vets twice what could this be?

2 Responses


  1. Emma Wootton

    Yeah I think we need too, the bruising has only just come up recently, he’s panting really heavily, not being able to go to the toilet not wanting to eat or drink, we have to though.. We give him tablets from the vets but their not helping him. He hasn’t had sleep for ages, us thinking it’s his hips, but not this bruising has come up

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 9 years ago
My Cat Is Really Really Possessive Over This One Plant In The Yard. Is…

My cat is really really possessive over this one plant in the yard. Is there any way to get him to play nice with the other cats around this thing?

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    Other than removing the plant or keeping the cats indoors, I cannot think of anything that would make him friendlier.

  2. B Everitt

    Wire covers would work to protect the plant

  3. Julie Brader

    Does the plant live in a pot? You could try adding scent around it that would make the cat want to avoid it.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Hamster Is Shuffling Around In Its Belly And Can’t Lift Up His Head. He…

My hamster is shuffling around in its belly and can’t lift up his head. He moves a little bit then stops and goes to sleep. He isn’t making any noise and he is a healthy weight. What is wrong with him?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    That’s very odd.  Are you sure he CAN’T lift his head?  This sounds like something a vet needs to see in person.