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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Just Found A Tiny Lump Behind The Right Shoulder Of My 3.5 Month Kitten…

I just found a tiny lump behind the right shoulder of my 3.5 month kitten. How worried should I be?

3 Responses


  1. Chelsea Margolis

    He was vaccinated a clue of weeks ago and he doesn’t have any kind of parasites.

  2. Chelsea Margolis

    Would he still have a bump a couple of weeks after getting vaccinated?

  3. Chelsea Margolis

    Would he still have a bump a couple of weeks after getting vaccinated?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Yellow Lab Keeps Coughing And Ultimately Retching. Foam And Spit Come Up. …

My yellow lab keeps coughing and ultimately retching. Foam and spit come up.

1 Response


  1. Cybil Preston

    added note he went swimming in the creek yesterday and now his foam looks like algae from the creek in it…..could he have creek water in his lungs? When he lays still no coughing…..when he is active….coughing and retching.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
This Was One Month Ago. Dog Got Put Back On Pain Meds. He Is 10…

This was one month ago. Dog got put back on pain meds. He is 10. Forgot to ask if that bone chip was something to consider removing. Vet never discussed the option. Just need to know bc the healing is taking time. Every other day pain med admin. He seems to reinjure or as soon as meds roll off he’s back to pain. But with the meds he acts fine. Is it something else?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I agree with Krista, this is a question for your vet.  If you think it’s taking too long to heal I would recommend seeing a orthopedic surgeon and getting their opinion.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Changed My Bettas Water Two Days Ago And This Morning He Would Not…

I changed my bettas water two days ago and this morning he would not dance for me and I noticed his gills have a red tinge to them. He is active other than not dancing for breakfast and doesn’t seem to have difficulty breathing. All my reaserch come up with Ammonia burns but that doesn’t make sense with it happening after a water change instead of in dirty water.

He lives in a 3 gallon bowl that I do a 75%water change on weekly. I put aquarium salt in the water as well as conditioner and let it sit in the same room as his bowl for 2 days. I am very worried about him and need to know how to help him as I am leaving today for the weekend and have to give my mom instructions on how to medicate and care for him.

Please Help!

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has Sudden Diarrhea? Is There Any Remedy? Im Thinking The Cause Us The…

My dog has sudden diarrhea? Is there any remedy? Im thinking the cause us the rapid change in food

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Diarrhea is the body’s way of removing toxins.  One or two bouts of diarrhea is not anything to worry about or to try to remedy – I think recovery.  Fasting is always my first reaction to diarrhea – you want the gut to clear and rest (12 hours per Dr. Krista’s recommendation).  I encourage fluid intake (offer lots of fresh water, give ice cubes if he/she likes to lick them, I will even add a little broth to the water if I don’t think they are drinking enough).

    Probiotics are always good to aid recovery.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Pet Rat Shes About 2 Years Old. One Day She Was Perfectly…

I have a pet rat shes about 2 years old. One day she was perfectly fine and the next morning we noticed a big lump on the side of her neck. Its getting bigger and is now taking over the side of her face.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Fancy rats are prone to tumors, and I’d be willing to bet that’s what this is.  Please get her to the vet TODAY about this.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
After I Apply My Dogs K9 Advantix Ii She Becomes Itchy & Rubs Her Back…

After I apply my dogs k9 advantix ii she becomes itchy & rubs her back on the couch for like 2-3 days.other than that I love the stuff it seems to work so my question is, is there an anti itch spray I can use after I apply the k9 advantix

3 Responses


  1. debra yuhasz

    Your dog is allergic to it. Use a different topical treatment. There are several others you can try.

  2. Brittany Knox

    Is it that she’s allergic or could she just possibly have sensitive skin that causes it to dry her out

  3. Brittany Knox

    Ok thank you SO MUCH you have been VERY HELPFUL I greatly appreciate it

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 9 Month Old Rott/lab Mix Has Several White Blisters On His Tongue He Continues…

my 9 month old rott/lab mix has several white blisters on his tongue he continues to eat and play any clues as to what it may be im very concerned i just found it like 5 min ago

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I really don’t have an answer it could be an infection (bacterial, fungal or viral), cancer or a traumatic injury (like a burn).  My advice is to take him to the vet for an accurate diagnosis.  If he stops eating or seems painful it is more important to get him to a vet quicker, however, if he is still eating and not painful he doesn’t need to see the vet as fast.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Rotwiler Is Vomiting Yellow Stuff, And Is Not Eating Or Drinking..

my rotwiler is vomiting yellow stuff, and is not eating or drinking..

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    To the vet.  The yellow stuff is bile.

  2. Annamaree Randall

    we did phone but they could only see him on Friday….is there anything I could maybe give him now..

  3. Annamaree Randall

    the vet can only see him on Friday….is there anything else I could do or give him…

  4. Anonymous

    No – he needs to be seen before Friday.

  5. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Call your vet back and tell them he seems very sick and needs to be seen immediately.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Took My 6 Year Old Saluki Lurcher To A Drop In Clinic Today As…

I took my 6 year old saluki lurcher to a drop in clinic today as I had noticed a small raised lump which suddenly appeared next to her vulva. Upon brief examination, the vet suspected a histiocytoma and said that because of the area it was located should be removed as soon as possible. She was spayed in 2013 but has since continued to come on full heat with bleeding and he said that at the same time as she is having the histiocytoma removed, he would like to “open her up” and check to see if part of her uterus has been left in. I am concerned because the last vet that I consulted about this said there could be such a small amount of tissue left in there that it would be impossible to see/remove with surgery and that, provided she was healthy it would be best just to leave alone. I want to do the best for my dogs health but do not want her to undergo unnecessary and potentially dangerous surgery. It will surely be bad enough for her having surgery to remove the lump so close to her vulva without undergoing a spaying operation for the second time, especially now she is getting older? If anyone has any opinion or advice, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Ok I do not agree with either vet entirely.  She should be spayed again and it should be done when she comes into heat.  It is a remnant of ovary not necessarily uterus, although there is some uterus left to get bleeding.  

    Not having her spayed she is at a higher chance of breast cancer and can also get an infection in the uteral stump.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

  2. Tara Burton

    Thank you for your reply. I feel reassured that it is in her best interest to get her spayed again. Why should she be spayed when she comes into heat? The vet asked me when she was last on heat, which was almost two months ago, and wanted to go ahead with surgery on Wednesday.