My dog was bit by another dog about a week and a half ago. The skin was not broken however she does a sac where the bite was. She’s been acting normal and will let me touch the area. Should I be worried?
My dog has got some serve ear infection and is very uneasy and pus can be seen. Kindly tell what medicine should i give and other precautions I can take.
My dog is vomiting diaherra and will not eat he us a black lab and is nine yrs old
Anonymous YES, she’s too old – this would be like your grandmother having a baby. it’s not healthy and puts her at significant risk. spay her NOW before it’s too late.
seriously. get her to the vet tomorrow morning and get her spayed.
Sonia M The humane society offers lower-cost spaying in some places, call them up.
There may also be a pill your vet can give you, but I’m not sure.
1. While We Play, She Is Moving…
My ~1 year old cat is having two problems:
1. While we play, she is moving her head in a weird way when (I think) she needs to focus on the “prey” with her ears.
This can be seen below in this short clip:
2. She sometimes plainly shakes head, during play time or walking. This behavior is clearly seen on the clip below:
Does this look like an inner ear infection (since I can’t observe any ear mites/parasites/fleas on the outside of the ears)? Is it possible to treat at home or she needs to see a vet?
Anonymous first: THANK YOU for linking to videos in your post. i really appreciate that, and it makes it a LOT easier to diagnose.
for 1 – i agree with you. i think she’s focusing on the “prey” with her odd head movement. i’ve seen this before in a healthy cat.
for 2 – maybe? i’d wait and see on it, honestly. if this is only during walks and play it may be behavior-related rather than health.
She is 11 weeks old and a cross of rottweiler and husky 🙂 I don’t know if I should be worried because I don’t really know alot about dogs :/
My doe rabbit had her seconds litter and at day 12 after she give a birth when i looked to check on them they was all dead and i dont know why she was taking good care of them the only one thing i can think of is when she was running around the garden male rabbit tried to mate with her
On Thursday my dog’s front right leg started to become very sensitive. I took her to the vet where they said she had just torn some tissue. They prescribed her two different pain medicines and they seem to be working. As of an hour ago that leg randomly starting oozing this grey, bloody discharge. In the beginning there was a lot but it has slowed down quite a bit, still it hasn’t stopped.
What’s the youngest age for a puppy to get her rabies shots?
Anonymous you should be asking your vet this question, as they know your puppy best and they have a schedule in mind for her.
seriously – ask them. 🙂
Carrie Gomez I am asking because we were told 8 weeks then 4 months.
Anonymous our puppies both had rabies shots at 4 months.
Carrie Gomez Ok
Dawn Ferara, DVM 3 months or 13 weeks by law
Carrie Gomez Thank you!
Sounds like the dog may have hurt the underlying tissue. I would take her to the very.