My friend gave me her puppy and she doesn’t have her shots, she has worms and she’s 3 months I’m really scared !! Help !!
I have been agonizing over this for 2 days now. Last Monday I took my 14 year old cat to the vet because he had stopped eating and drinking. X-Ray showed what the vet thinks is abdominal cancer. After talking to my vet decided that surgery/chemo would not be an option for me and she prescribed steroids which may help and gave him fluids. He perked up a tad after fluids and would eat maybe a quarter to half a can of wet food a day. Since Friday though I have not been able to get him to eat anything (he did come out and lick the food yesterday but would not eat) and all he does is lay under the computer chair. He will not sleep in the bed with me which is something he has done his whole life. I plan to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning, but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.
Michael Hamilton you might try some tuna packed in water to get your cat to eat, I know what your going thru three months ago i had to put my 19 year old down and 2 months later i had to put my other cat down. both of mine had kidney faluer it,s a hard choice. but try the tuna packed in water, and best of luck.
Hi my dog ear is really dry n red and he keeps scratching at it making it bleed is there anything I can do to make him more comfortable till I can get to the vets thanks
LouisLouis Walsh Ridley Thanks for your answer Im going 2 get him to vets 2mra jst wanted 2 try n make him a bit more comfortable today bless him thanks again
LouisLouis Walsh Ridley Hiya krista i actually got some antihistamine y”day n it worked a treat he’a alot better 2day the redness has gone he still shaking in his hrad every now n then but he doing a lot better thanks 4 ur replies really much appreciated thanku I shall let u no how he doing in a couple of days hopefully this will work
Can Neosporin ophthalmic for humans be used for cats?
Dawn Ferara, DVM No, do not use or give human medicine to any animal unless instructed to by your vet.
debra yuhasz I wouldn’t chance it. Human meds are usually stronger than pet meds and can do more harm than good. It’s not wise to give any meds unless instructed by a vet. A lot of human meds are toxic to animals.
I want it to heal properly so what can I do?
my puppy got hit in the head/neck area with a closing door now he has been drooling and whining at night and lathargic … He is eating fine
Has been to the vets but shows no outward sign of brain damage or an area that should be hurting
The vet says its prob a parasite and he may have nauseous from it and thats why drooling but all of this started the very night the door hit his head
I dont know what to do puppy is 10 wks old
Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly tell me what type of medication or shampoo I should get for my yorkie, her skin almost looks as if it’s “flaking off”
Anonymous i would first get a skin scrape done at the vet to figure out the cause of the dandruff. better to treat the cause than the symptom. 🙂
that said, i would go with a gentle, dog-specific shampoo…bathe your dog in tepid water (not cold, not warm…just slightly cool on your wrist), do not scrub against the grain of the hair, and rinse thoroughly. this is how we avoid dandruff in dobes.
is it safe to give my cat curam457 for treatment of her bronchitis?and also his left eye have infection what should I do please help me.
there’s no reason to be scared UNLESS your puppy is horribly, horribly ill. don’t panic! we’re here to help you. 🙂
first things first: get that puppy to a vet today or tomorrow (ideally today). get started on a vaccination schedule. take a fresh poop sample in a ziplock baggie – it should be very fresh, like the last poop before you go.
secondly, invest in a crate. crates are immensely useful tools that help with housebreaking…and trust me, if you have never had a dog before it’ll be a LIFESAVER.