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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Indoor Only, Still Feral Male Cat Has Not Eaten Or Drank Anything For 2…

My indoor only, still feral male cat has not eaten or drank anything for 2 days since bringing him home having been catheterized from being close to blocked yesterday. I’ve tried chicken baby food and his treats he loves. Any suggestions.?

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I would call your vet a cat that doesn’t eat can actually destroy his liver!

  2. Davi Parrish

    I put a call in but I haven’t heard back yet. I’ll be at their door first thing in the morning. She has to knock him out to do anything. Thank you

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Recently (three Days Ago Specifically) Took In A 1 Year Old Pitbull Puppy For…

I recently (three days ago specifically) took in a 1 year old Pitbull puppy for a family friend who can no longer keep her. I’m starting to worry about her, because she cries a lot and I’m not sure why. I had just taken her to use the bathroom where she did both, and when we got inside she started to whine – so I know it wasn’t because she had to use it. She lives upstairs with my mother and sister because my cats (three of them) live downstairs with me, and fear her. So whenever I get the chance to I come upstairs and visit and play her with her. She seems sad. She throws herself on the floor and makes a big deep SIGH. What could I do to help?

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    First I would take her to a vet for a check up to be sure it’s not medical.  However, it is possible she is depressed and may take time to adjust to a new family!

  2. Eliss Bonilla

    Thanks! I hope she adjusts soon, I feel bad for her. Nothing I do seems to help – she walks around with her tail in between her legs.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Recently (three Days Ago Specifically) Took In A 1 Year Old Pitbull Puppy For…

I recently (three days ago specifically) took in a 1 year old Pitbull puppy for a family friend who can no longer keep her. I’m starting to worry about her, because she cries a lot and I’m not sure why. I had just taken her to use the bathroom where she did both, and when we got inside she started to whine – so I know it wasn’t because she had to use it. She lives upstairs with my mother and sister because my cats (three of them) live downstairs with me, and fear her. So whenever I get the chance to I come upstairs and visit and play her with her. She seems sad. She throws herself on the floor and makes a big deep SIGH. What could I do to help?

2 Responses


  1. Eliss Bonilla

    Will do, I’m taking her Saturday to the vet. I don’t understand why though, the family who used to have her kept her 5,6 hours locked up in a cage by herself. I feel like she should feel happy to be free to roam around the house at all times. 🙁 But thanks, I’ll try excersizing her more. I’m noticing her losing muscle within the short three days that I’ve had her.

  2. Kasey Litt

    Krista is right!  Puppies need exercise, mental stimulation and love!  Give her some puzzles that she needs to do — something as simple as a stuffed Kong or you can make homemade puzzles with treats, a muffin pan and tennis balls.  Work with her on basic obedience.  Chicago might be a bit harsh for outdoor activities but if she’ll fetch (or even is interested in tennis balls or other toys) throw them down a flight of stairs and call her back to you so she is running up and down the stairs.  A good game of tug can get her energy going too.  Also think about a flirt pole — this is sort of like a fishing pole with a toy on the end (almost like a cat toy) where you can have her chase it, stalk it, pounce on it.

    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Beautiful American Bull. Such An Amazing, Sweet Character. A Few Days Ago…

I have a beautiful American Bull. Such an amazing, sweet character. A few days ago, I noticed this distinctive black mole on his paw. He used to give both paws when he gets treats but he only seems to give just one… the one that hasn’t got the mole. It was quite small, but now it seems to be growing. I know for humans, a mole out of nowhere is normally connected to skin cancer. But is it possible for it to be the same case in dogs? I love him to pieces so I am really worried about him.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    melanoma definitely can happen in dogs – in the Doberman world, we see them in albinos quite a bit.  because it’s growing, i’d get him to the vet tomorrow.  better to get on top of it NOW, before it gets huge.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Dmy Dog Eats Chicken Bones And He Vomits What Should I Do?

dmy dog eats chicken bones and he vomits what should i do?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    if you can get to the vet, do.  i worry about obstruction and shattered bones causing serious problems for your dog.  please don’t feed your dog chicken bones.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Puppy Has Regular Normal Poop But Is Smelly Which Might Be Normal But Has…

My puppy has regular normal poop but is smelly which might be normal but has blood in it to

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    If your puppy has blood in its feces please call your vet and discuss this!!! Blood should not normally be in the feces!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Seemingly Around The Same Time She Started Flicking Her Ear As If She Had Something…

Seemingly around the same time she started flicking her ear as if she had something in it bothering her I am wondering if these symptoms are linked in anyway and if a vet visit can wait a couple of days or is even necessary.

2 Responses


  1. Joshua Harrison-Simmons

    hmmm must be something stucks the only thing i can think off is grass seeds i say go to the vet

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Honestly, it could wait a few days but I know it’s difficult to watch your baby be uncomfortable.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Found Pimple Like Bumps On My Dogs Ear. I Touched It And The Next…

I found pimple like bumps on my dogs ear. I touched it and the next day I had 3 of the same pimple like bumps appear under my chin. Hes te patter is warmer than usual. What are some possibilities of what it could be and is it dangerous?

1 Response


  1. Joshua Harrison-Simmons

    could be cancerous i say take it to the vet 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Never Eats His Own Poop. So I Never Pick It Up. Yesterday, He…

My dog never eats his own poop. So I never pick it up. Yesterday, he ate some poop in the yard. It was a stacked mound of poop, rather than logs that not on top of each other. It was by the side of the fence where my neighbors live, and they have a malamute that is allowed to roam, so I figured that it somehow broke into my fence and pooped there. I actually had seen my dog sniff it but didn’t think he was actually going to eat it because he occasionally poops along the fence and honestly thought it was his own poop.
Then today, just about 30 minutes ago, he ate another poop, in the same stacked mound fashion, except it was by the side of the fence facing the road instead. I don’t get it… How are these poops getting into my yard? How should I exercise my dog now that he ate poop? How do I know when my dog is going to eat a poop and when he isn’t? Please help! 🙁

2 Responses


  1. Annie Yang-Shaffer

    I have no idea why he’s starting to eat the poop though. He never has done it before yesterday… That’s why I’m sure those are not his own poop. :

  2. Anonymous

    i’d get a game camera and hang it somewhere unobstructed – that’s the only way you’ll know who’s producing the stool.

    until you can figure it out, you’ll have to be far more strict with poop cleaning in the yard prior to letting your dog out.  you can’t stop him – he’ll do it for as long as this strange stool is available.  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Not Eating Her Dog Food But Is Drinking And Eating Our Sandwich Ham…

she is not eating her dog food but is drinking and eating our sandwich ham. she is moving around when called but seems to just want to rest in her bed after checking her over we have noticed her tummy is bloated and some of her nipples are enlarged.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    bloated belly and swollen mammary glands would indicate something’s wrong.  please get her to the vet tomorrow if they aren’t open today.

  2. amy doughty

    shes booked in tomorrow afternoon. we were just wondering if anyone could shed any light on it. Thanks laura