i really need advice on this and im trying to figure if i really want to work with wild animals to , i want to be the doctor that just talks aboutu medicien and evaluate medication also the doctor to make medicine one day like where do i start am i on the right track .
im trying to be a vetrinarian myself but im just doing my ged for now do you have a book i could probably study from befor i start college .? or a tip
Shradha Dang Hey, as you are still studying, you should take your baby to some other vet for now. Something is clearly wrong with him/her. And it doesn’t seem like you can treat it at home.
Take care
Anonymous your cat needs a vet, Eboni. please try to find a way to get her there today.
Eboni Wright i actually took her and it was just a cheack up i know i need to take her but i was hopeing i could get a home remedy or give her a bubble bath or changer her food i think she is allergic to her food . i asked a vetrinarian but wasint able to reply .
Eboni Wright what could i do for her now tnat wont charge me becouse im not working . thats going to cost me
Anonymous yes, veterinary care does cost. however, if your cat is constipated AND has an extremely itchy eye, waiting to see if it resolves is not the wisest choice. your cat needs a vet. you would take a sick child to a doctor…a sick pet needs a vet.
please, find a way to make it happen.
My malamute is acting very lethargic and has mucous in both eyes. The past two days is when he’s turned
6Month old kitten Nose bleed , alieniating itself and has eye gunk and possibly breathing irregular.
I have a very active Pomchi (pomeranian/chihuahua mix), he was playing fine then I noticed him limping. Front left foot. He is not whimpering and I can move his paw back and forth. Do you think it is a slight sprain? What can I do?
Dawn Ferara, DVM It could be a slight sprain, but it’s more likely he stepped on something. I would check the paw carefully for injuries or something lodged between his toes.
Other than that I would watch him for a few days and try to keep him resting and if he is still painful on Monday I would take him to your local vet.
I have two cats one that’s 4 and one that’s 2 the younger cat is constantly attacking the older cat and as a result of this my cat is over grooming and scratching alot and lost hair! Can anyone recommend what to do please
My 9 month old puppy has been given pyrantel liquid wormer multiple times, but the worms are still there. I made the mistake of letting her pick up a dead squirrel, so I think that’s where she got the worms. I used this wormer. https://www.southernstates.com/catalog/p-1443-happy-jack-liqui-vict-2x-wormer-2oz.aspx
I first noticed the worms because I saw dried yellow rice shaped things under her tail, and she had soft runny bloody stool with golden worms. After I gave the medicine, those worms went away and her poop is hard again, but the worms are now small and white. What kind of worms are small and white, and are not affected by pyrantel? Thanks.
Anonymous sounds like you’re treating the wrong kinds of worms. have you taken your puppy to the vet to get the correct wormer?
Annie Yang-Shaffer Yeah, I figure as much. 🙁 It’s been very frustrating. And no, I haven’t.
Anonymous that should be your next stop. that should be your first stop, really – can’t treat correctly without knowing which worms you’re treating, and whether there are others you don’t know about, you know?
PK Dennis AND never buy over-the-counter wormers at a grocery store! Many of the ones for sale are not effective, and some can kill your pup! Always go to a vet to be sure you get your pup the help it needs while keeping it safe.
debra yuhasz You seem to be describing tapeworm. This comes from your pup ingesting a flea. The best place to get meds for tapeworm at the proper dosage for your dog is to get it from the vet. Pyrantel works well for everything EXCEPT, you guessed it, tapeworm. She will have to be wormed twice a week to 10 days apart to ensure the worms are gone. Also, your puppy can re-infect as long as he has fleas to accidently swallow.
He just goes around sniffing and eating whatever he finds in my yard, and when i take what he takes and throw it away in the trash (which is in my yard) he goes to take it again whenever i am away from it.
Annie Yang-Shaffer I’m not really sure how I can answer your main question, sorry, but maube you should throw away your trash in a dumpster trash can.
http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7066/6989833803_78c05b1ed4_m.jpgI throw away my trash in these, and even I have trouble reaching inside.
Yousef Radwan Well thnx for solving one of my questions.
My dog ignores me when called, he comes to my mom immediately once he is called so am i doing anything wrong, i show my love for the dog as much as i can but it seems that he just naturally doesn’t like me.
Annie Yang-Shaffer Is your dog a new dog? Is your mom a new person to your dog? For the first 2 or 3 months of having my puppy, she responded emotionally less to me as well. She is more affectionate to my husband because she barely sees him, so she likes him more. Also, it’s beneficial to always reward with a treat every time.
Yousef Radwan Thnx for your feedback, I’ll try to improve my relation with him.
I don’t know about learning to be an animal doctor by reading a book — but I will suggest that you start volunteering your time with a vet or animal clinic. You will learn how to work with animals, and get enough exposure to understand if you really want to make this your life’s work.
great idea ! but does it count that i already have pets at home and watch the surgery videos on youtube .
Yes that helps but you still need to volunteer at a vet’s office.