She has a lot of falls while walking around and doesn’t come out during fay usually.. also is she still too young to mate?
My dog is 3 and can’t hold her pee in anymore when she’s in her kennel she use to but now she pees in it everyday what could be the problem or is there anything I can give her
No one let him in, nor is there a way he can get in on his own. He is acting lethargic. He seems to have lost some weight. He will not eat and is currently resting on the edge of our bed. He will take water. He is not purring. He moves slowly. Any idea of what might be wrong?
She is a 5 month Pomeranian. We have taken her to the vet and was prescribed some tonics. But still there is no change. She also loves to eat paper and anything else she can get her paws on. She still hasn’t understood commands like SIT, STAY, etc. I am 15 and she is my first pet.
Anonymous she’s the right age for teething, which is when puppies’ gums are sore and eating can be painful. this is also the age both of my puppies went through a stage where they didn’t want to eat anything, so i would use that as an opportunity for training. i would put the bowl down and leave it for 15 minutes, and if she doesn’t touch the bowl, pick it back up. i would use her kibble as training treats so she’s working for it – you should be working on basic obedience right now, anyway, so it’s an ideal opportunity for that.
once she has all her adult teeth in, she should go back to eating normally.
i would keep things she shouldn’t eat out of her reach.
He is a rescue dog. He is fine with me and my husband and son and also my close family butany other dog, cat, or human he tries to attack. Im scared he will sseriously hurt some one or something one day
It’s been here about a week and is dark brown in colour … Also it’s hard but soft round the outside
-history, my ex husband and I got her at 7 weeks old. He already had a lab (approx 8 months old). We separated and I was able to keep my girl, he kept the boy. She has had 2 litters. The first, 11 puppies all healthy- the second, all passed away. (The litters were in no way planned) Not directly after the second litter but within a year she started getting severe ear infections. She was fixed and treated for yeast infections for the ears- she never full relief. After a couple rounds of antibiotics my vet recommended getting blood work done as well as allergy testing. Turns out she is allergic to 21 different things and is in the early stages of kidney failure.
I am taking complete care if her medical issues and spend a good amount of time with her. We go on morning walks, I come home at lunch and take her out, we go on evening walks, and she sleeps in my bed with me.
She is the sweetest pup I’ve ever known, but she is overly clingy. At first it was cute but now anytime I move, she moves. I walk into a different room, she follows. I go to use the bathroom and she sits at my feet. Literally, if she could, she would crawl inside me. Again, I love my pup, I’m just concerned this is not healthy.
Any advice??
I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. One dog is an American Bulldog mix and the other is a chihuahua rat terrier mix. I’m trying to house train them to behave around the cats, but it’s not going so well with my elderly cat. The 2 young female cats just run upstairs or up the cat tree if they want to avoid the dogs, but my elderly cat can’t really do that, and he just simply moves maybe 5 steps away in the same room, pretty much feeling trapped. When the dogs approach, first he just shuts down, and if the dogs come close, he hisses and bats at the dogs.
Right now there is a cheap baby gate separating his territory (the dining room and kitchen) from the dog room (the living room) but I’d like to make more areas available to him, since he seems to see all other areas as “not his territory.” If taken to any other room, he kicks the person holding him and escapes. (He can’t jump over the baby gate.)
What should I do in this situation? Is there any hope for getting him to be less uneasy around the other animals?
Annie Yang-Shaffer While it’s true that I shouldn’t physically carry him places to see if he likes being in those areas, the point is, if maybe he could see upstairs as a safe place, he would actually have somewhere to run to when he feels threatened by the dogs. I’ve heard that having “cat safe spaces” should help when trying to get cats and dogs used to each other. He definitely does mind a lot when they are in the same room, and I do find him to be afraid. I guess it’s your call though, since I am much newer to cats, so what do I know.
Annie Yang-Shaffer Well you see, I’d like to allow the dogs to come and go through the house. Right now, they only are allowed in their crates and in the living room under strict supervision, but always having to do that is very draining. I’d like to have them wander around the house one day just like the humans and cats in my house. But I can’t really do that because the cat-dog relations are an issue… However, if Loki would see upstairs as a safe place to be, maybe he could try hanging out up there. But he doesn’t want to. My question is, how can I make more spaces inviting for him, as an elderly declawed cat? He doesn’t seem to be able to go the cat tree because lack of claws.
Hi my rabbit has given birth sometime today, she was left with us by a friend only yesterday so we were unaware of her pregnancy. How do we tell if the babies are fed? What other precautions we should take?
Chun Li The babies are currently placed separately with beeding and fur to prevent Mom from stepping on them accidentally. I’m not sure if that’s right to do. Two babies altogether, one is well fed but the other one has a flat tummy. I have tried placing it back to Mom but she did not feed it. Any advice on that? What should I observe about the babies?
I have 2 male cats around 9 months old. They are brothers and I have had them both since they were 5 weeks. The less dominant of the two has been spraying so I went and had him neutered. Its been a week and there had been no spraying so I thought we were in the clear. Yesterday he started spraying again. I don’t want to rehome one of my boys but I don’t know what else to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
YES, she is too young to mate, and i would NEVER breed a dog with health problems! that’s irresponsible. spay her, please.
to clarify: under the age of 2 is irresponsible, as the dog has not had an opportunity to mature properly. it would like letting a 12 year old girl have a baby. she isn’t mentally or physically prepared to handle a litter of puppies and it could cause her to have difficulties with nursing properly.
allowing her to breed when she’s unable to walk is appalling. i can’t fathom why anyone would consider this acceptable.
i’m STILL disgusted by this post. i honestly cannot believe someone thinks this is a good idea.
i applaud your optimism. knowing the standard of pet care in India, i can’t be that optimistic.