I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update regarding my kitten’s condition and share the findings from another veterinaries opinion I sought.
As previously discussed, I took my kitten to two different veterinarians for examination and attached their report for your reference. They provided their own insights and suggestions for potential treatment.
Additionally, the second veterinarian suggested exploring the possibility of physical therapy (PT) as a potential avenue for helping my kitten. He mentioned that PT has shown positive outcomes in some cases of mobility issues in animals. I wanted to seek your professional opinion on this matter and discuss the feasibility and potential benefits of PT for my kitten’s condition.
I greatly value your expertise and I am seeking your guidance in determining the best course of action for my kitten’s well-being.
If you could kindly review the attached report and provide your thoughts I will be appreciated.
My cat has hematoma in one ear.it has been drained several times but keeps filling up and gets puffy.he had Lazer done a few times also.it is puffy again can it just go away on its own or do I need to get drained again
I am writing to seek guidance and assistance regarding a concern I have about my four-week-old kitten. Last week, I noticed that her legs do not bend from the joint, and I am unsure of what steps I should take to address this issue. While she can move her legs, she is unable to walk and instead crawls using her front legs. I believe this condition may have been present since birth, as there have been no accidents or injuries that could have caused it.
I would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance that you or anyone else could provide in helping my kitten. She is a Scottish kitten
Thank you in advance for your attention and support.
middle stage of urinary blockage of 7 year old neutered male ‘tux’ cat.
He hasn’t peed in a day and very little before that, is very needy, but still reasonably active. His abdomen
Doesn’t feel hard but he isn’t well.
My last vet here retired and he’s such a horse I lagged finding another.
The local spay/neuter service has a vet but am not confident, nice folks that they are…
I got a tiny amount of Apple Cider Vinegar down him and have ordered the UTI Drops from amazon which should be here tomorrow but am quite worried.
It’s jut me and him now, we have outlived everybody.
I’m watching a cat for a neighbor for about a month in my apartment. The cat throws up food every 6 days or so. It smells horrible, like raw sewage. I’ve had cats of my own before and I don’t recall any of them vomiting and having it smell as bad as this cat’s vomit. She actually eats relatively slowly, so she’s not inhaling her food in 3 seconds. She’s not that big of a cat, I was told to give her 1 can of Fancy Feast per day ( broken up into 3 feedings per day for that 1 can). She eats it all on the spot, no leftovers. I also give her small handful of dry food when I’m at work for 8 hours so she doesn’t get too hungry during that time. And maybe a few more grains of dry food if she begs me. Dry food isn’t her favorite, but she’ll eat it there’s nothing else. Can anyone offer advice about why her vomit smells like raw sewage? It’s so bad it makes me wretch. She’s basically a happy cat, doesn’t seem otherwise sick or displaying any odd behaviors. Thanks so much for any help.
My cat lowered his right ear and shaking his head and when i look in his ear it had dark red spots and it was a litle bit swelling inside.i brought him to vet and also i said him that he closes his right eye and when he sleeps his left eye does not close-it is closed halfway.he gave me drops for eyes and something liquid for the ears.thing is that i can see the white tissue on his left eye.so basically the problem seems to be the left eye which do not close-it closes half way when he is bot awake and asleep.i can also see that his ears are not in the same position.he moves the right ear(which was the inflated)when he hears a noise,but the other ear is not moving(i am not sure about this).also note that a week before they injected him for anesthisia and i am thinking the possibility of nerve damage or that his left eye was injured by a scratch.
Recently every time my 7 year old black lab retriever jumps into the car he holds his back leg and whines a little or acts funny then lays down and is okay. He’s out running and seems fine any other time just does this when jumping up into the car. Any thoughts? Im going to purchase steps to help him into the car. Maybe just a sprain
I saw the YouTube video about constipated cats. I really need help with my cat. We have been through so much starting with elevated liver enzymes that are finally back to normal, diabetes that has resolved and now constipation. He was at the ER over the weekend and had an enema, and is on Lactulose and Miralax. I live alone with him and my dog. I am a grad student and completely exhausted from all the care I have given him and and my dog (who also has elevated liver enzymes) in addition to trying to keep up with school and the bills.
Please contact me with any help at maryob814@gmail.com or 415-754-9587. After watching your YouTube video, I took away the dry food. I should have thought of that sooner. I want to know how to care for him and my dog. They are my babies and all I have. Please contact me. Thanks.
Is it safe to put chicken broth/stock on my dog’s food? She is a 13 year old German Shepherd mix who is a picky eater. She has no problem eating human food but isn’t especially interested in eating her dog food. Just trying to think of ways to get her more interested in her food.
My cat has broken her toenail on her back paw it doesn’t seem to be bleeding too much but it definitely needs attention I can’t really afford a vet at all so please somebody help me with what I should do for her.
In my experience these cases do best with at home physical therapy We make a detailed plan and recheck about every two weeks. You need to teach your kitten how to walk with some assistance from light splinting for support. I have a few videos on my YouTube channel that demonstrate this.
Good luck. Ty for helping this little one.