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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is A Spayed Female, Around 2 Years Old. She Cannot Urinate, And Has A…

She is a spayed female, around 2 years old. She cannot urinate, and has a clear discharge with some blood coming from her vulva.

4 Responses


  1. Ashley Martin

    ****Also all vets are closed until Monday. I called everywhere, so in the meantime I’d appreaciate any advice

  2. dakoda peterson

    Go to your vet it sounds like an obstruction and it could be dangerous. With no urination your dog could possibly be developing kidney issues as well. Cysts can develops in the liver and kidneys causing blockage. Those are my thoughts

  3. julie brader

    You have to take her to an Emergency Vet now!!!! 

    If she can’t urinate her bladder will have ruptured by Monday, and thats fatal…..this is urgent you cannot leave it that long. 

  4. dakoda peterson

    Animal vets can be called in this is an emergent. Find an animal hospital if possible

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Please Do Not Say, Take Him To Your Vet. My Dog Is A Yorkie…

Please do not say, take him to your vet. My dog is a Yorkie, he is 9 years old and he has 2 tumors in his belly that have grown. They don’t know how long he has to live but my vet said that surgery isn’t an option because she believes he would only have a 10% chance of making it. This was two months ago and today his tummy is 4 times bigger than normal. A lot of it is fluid. I can feel his organs in his belly just floating in the fluid. Is there anything thing I can give him to help get rid of the fluid. I understand he doesn’t have much time but he is still full of life, my heart is breaking.

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Oh no….I am so so sorry. This must be heartbreaking for you.

    I honestly don’t think there is anything you can give him to get rid of this fluid. This, as I’m sure you know, happens with cancer.

    The only way to get rid of it is to have it drained by the Vet. It won’t go any other way.But I think it will just build up again within a short time. 

    Again my heart goes out to you. 

  2. c walkling

    Thank you Krista and Julie. I am going to call my vet and see if she would drain the fluid but I don’t think she will. Even though he is active he isn’t as active as he was a couple months ago and I am sad to say that there isn’t any meat on his body anymore. Thanks again !

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Bought The Wrong Kind. We Bought Something For Adult Dogs. He Is Not An…

We bought the wrong kind. We bought something for adult dogs. He is not an adult yet so we went back yesterday and bought the right kind. The vomiting stopped now he just won’t eat and he still has a fever. He’ll eat his doggie treats here and there just not his actual food. What should we do?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    I would take your dog and the dog food you bought to a vet!  This may be a case of poisoning from a recalled food – or it could be unrelated to the food at all!  Only the vet can help you determine what is happening with your pups’s health.  Typically switching to an adult dog food does not result in vomiting and fever!  I suspect something else is going on.

  2. Brittani McClain

    Thank You So Much I Just Called The Vet And Made An Appointment For Tomorrow Morning.

  3. Brittani McClain

    Thank You I Called They Told Me To Come First Thing In The Morning

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Our Yorkie Male Is Holding His Left Rear Leg Up. Upon Looking At It…

Our yorkie male is holding his left rear leg up. Upon looking at it, the center part of the pad is pink, not black. Suggestions!!

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It sounds like an injury, which in the city can result when dogs scrape the pad on concrete, like the sidewalk.  

    If this is the case then I would watch the area to be sure it does not get infected or inflamed.  However, I cannot examine your dog over the internet so my recommendation is to visit your vet.  If for no other reason then to obtain pain meds.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

  2. PK Dennis

    Carefully feel the leg, joints, and all parts of the paw.  He may have popped a knee cap and so now it hurts, or it may be a thorn in the paw.  Has he jumped any distance lately (off a bed for example)?  Then I would worry that he damaged something.  These little dogs can be delicate!  I would also wonder if he got stepped on my accident.

    When my boys are limping or holding their legs up I check for spots that are painful, or stickers, etc.  If I find no smoking guns then I wait a few days to see if it resolves on its own.  If it continues for more than 3 days then we go to the vet to see if they can find what I have overlooked.  

    The center pink could be from a blister that has healed (and it will darken to match the rest of the pad in time), or it could be the beginning of a raw spot.  Feel the pad carefully to make sure there is not a sticker in there and then just keep an eye on things.

  3. Matthew Kelcourse

    Hello Earl.

    Have a thorough orthopedic/neurological examination performed by a veterinarian you have confidence in. It may be a pad injury; but it’s best to make sure it’s not something more serious before making that assumption.

    Dr K

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He’s Feathers Are Ruffled

He’s feathers are ruffled

4 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    Something is off. I hope you can get him to a vet that treats avians!

  2. dakoda peterson

    It’s his feathers are unhealthy looking hi to the vet. If it’s normal he might be bored. Birds are active so you need to give him lots of things to do. Let him work for his food. Make sure to pay attention if it starts chewing on his feathers and hurting himself he’s depressed and sexually frustrated most likely.

  3. Anila Tariq

    I took him to the vets and they said he has an infection and he has to have antibiotics but he’s much better now Thankyou !

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
What Are The Chances Of These Puppy’s Eyes Staying Blue ?

What are the chances of these puppy’s eyes staying blue ?

4 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    Looks like a husky — the odds are pretty good they will stay blue.  What a pretty pup!

  2. Casandra Maldonado

    Yes he’s mainly Siberian husky 27 days today 🙂

  3. Casandra Maldonado

    Siberian husky dad mom is a husky white German Shepard mix

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
So They Held Him There For 3 Days They Had Him On Iv Fluids Vomiting…

so they held him there for 3 days they had him on iv fluids vomiting meds and anti flammatory meds they did 7 x-rays . Well they said he was eating real good and holding everything down with no vomiting and was passing his vowel movements but never seen anything in his vowl moments that shouldn’t of been there. Well 1400 dollars later they send him home and not even 24 hours

2 Responses


  1. Casey Stokes

    Not even 24 hours later and he is worse then before I took him. He won’t get up and he won’t even eat.

  2. Casey Stokes

    Thank you. He’s going back tomorrow.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Symptoms Are Swollen Bottom Of Eye, Weepy Eyes, Squinting And Keeping Them Closed. Since The…

Symptoms are swollen bottom of eye, weepy eyes, squinting and keeping them closed. Since the second dose we noticed about a week into treatment that she opens her eyes about half way every so often. Still squinting and weeping a little bit. Swelling has gone down a lot, but still there. She is also on a daily dose of lysine and has been using it for about a week. After her medication time is over will her eyes continue to improve? Could the swelling just be her eyes irritated from the constant drops?

1 Response


  1. Anna Marie Brady

    The vet thought it was an occurance of feline herpes from the stress of the adoption. Our cat had some issues before adoption such as abandonment and broken ribs. But if by Monday we don’t notice any difference we are gonna see the vet again oand see about goimg to a feline ophthemologist if they don’t have any other ideas as to why her eyes won’t clear up.

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Jana | 9 years ago
Can Having Eaten A Whole Bunch Of Grass (about A Handful As It Seems) Be…

Can having eaten a whole bunch of grass (about a handful as it seems) be a sole cause of an upset gut? (dog, whole blades)

1 Response


  1. Jana Post author

    She wasn’t vomiting, just had pad poop. Started out normal and then got soft and liquid at the very end, with a bunch of attempts and a bunch of grass came out. Her stomach wasn’t upset yesterday at all, when it is, she’ll eat grass but refuse breakfast. She ate her breakfast with enthusiasm and everything else she got to eat yesterday as well.

    So to me it seems that the grass must have come with some extra flavor or something yesterday, because while she routinely likes to eat SOME, or she eats some when upset stomach, she doesn’t normally gorge on grass; this is the first time such amounts came out of her.

    Hubby was upset about the diarrhea which her morning poop ended up with but upon close inspection, after the normal size chunk of normal poop, a bit of pudding which already contained a bundle of grass, what came out after was mostly grass with a bit of “snot” on it; not even any major amount of mucus.

    As over-concerned as I usually am, I do feel that the grass is the reason why the gut had the need to purge so vigorously. It appears that large bowel is the only thing that’s not happy.

    All our dogs always ate grass; usually just nibble on it a bit in the morning, when the grass is young or when there is fresh dew on it. Boys usually eat enough to throw up, girls typically don’t eat enough to cause any upset other than sometimes having poops strung together by a blade.

    We don’t feed table scraps, though we do feed “human” food, such as turkey breast, steak, roast etc. Always plain and lean, no fat and nothing on it that could upset stomachs.

    So I’m really just wondering whether the grass alone could have upset the large bowel to this degree or whether there could be something else going on at the same time unrelated.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Am Looking After A Cat Who Is Not Eating After Being Treated For A…

I am looking after a cat who is not eating after being treated for a bladder infection on 10/31. He returned home on 11/3 after being under vet supervision, and although he was somewhat active, he was still being lethargic and then slowly started to decline again (not eating, although drinking and using the litterbox). He was taken back to the vet on 11/7 I was told that he is depressed and misses his owner. I returned to the vet today and was told again that he is “starving himself from depression”. He has since stopped drinking and using the litter box. Any advice on what to do?

3 Responses


  1. Carolyn Hedlund

    Also, the owner is out of the country until June! I am the long-term caretaker.

  2. Kate McKelvie

    Hi Carolyn,
    There are steps your vet can take if he has stopped drinking as well as eating- give fluids subcutaneously, prescribe an appetite stimulant, etc. Did they run bloodwork? You can tempt his appetite, possibly, by offering Fancy Feast, or Gerber’s turkey or chicken baby food. Sometimes they’ll try tuna, or rabbit (vet sells.) You can syringe feed him with Hill’s AD(add water.) Worst case scenario- they can hospitalize him and/or place a feeding tube. They need to do something to turn him around.
    If you can post a head shot here, I could send him Reiki long-distance.

  3. Carolyn Hedlund

    Thank you, Krista. I appreciate your advice. The vet only suggested taking him to an emergency vet and said that they would run tests that would cost 3-5K, with no mention of a feeding tube or any other suggestions for sparking his appetite. Although he did give us nutritional gel, he was not interested in that and we have had to force feed it to him to at least get him some nourishment. It seems as though he should be taken to another vet! Thanks again. Best,