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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Walks Great The Further Away He Is From The House And Is Amazing On…

He walks great the further away he is from the house and is amazing on leash. But I can’t always be carrying him or dragging him for that first little bit. I have searched everywhere but most things are on leash pulling and getting a puppy used to a leash. I could really use some help.

1 Response


  1. Catherine Pepe

    I agree, it takes time for a little pup to build confidence! He is tiny and just spending time with him in the yard working with his basic commands and puppy treats will get him confident. Soon he will be dragging you everywhere! I started carrying small tidbits of treats in my pocket and after pottying I would treat him. Then walking around the house with the leash attached to me as he gets older taught him to watch me and when he had that connection I would begun to walk side by side him outside and keep eye contact when I switched direction and he had to switch with me. I would give him the command to sit occasionally and then treat him. Soon I said his name…then pointed to my nose then a treat when he had eye contact. It takes time and patience to teach them to connect with you and time will build his or her confidence.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Had A Vet Appointment In June And Was Fine.

She had a vet appointment in June and was fine.

4 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Can we have some more information – are both dogs fixed, male or female and have there been any changes in the household or in your pets individually?

  2. Brenda Patacca

    Hello, thanks for the response. Both are female and both are fixed. There have been no changes, but Maya has had to have surgery due to the last two fights they were in. I have had them separated more lately, and monitored when they are together because Nala (the three year old) just goes to Maya (my 11 year old) Tower over her then attacks.

  3. Brenda Patacca

    Any recommendations would so greatly be appreciated. I love these dogs so much, but can’t risk another surgery to my 11 year old.

  4. PK Dennis

    You need the help of a behaviorist.  Someone that comes into your home that can see what triggers the terrier to attack the larger dog, etc.  They will cost a lot less than more surgery! There is not much we can offer in this situation with not being able to see what is going on.  When terriers feel that their leader is not in control they can become very aggressive and try to take control themselves.  I suspect this is what is happening.  The larger dog is aging, you are not in control, and a vacuum has been created in the leadership role – which the terrier is trying to fill.  Get professional help in learning how to be the leader of your small pack so that the terrier can relax and feel secure.

    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Yorkie Hasn’t Eaten Probably In 3 Days All She Seems To Do Is Want…

My yorkie hasn’t eaten probably in 3 days all she seems to do is want to sleep and she finding it hard to walk up an downstairs,also she not as lively as she usually is

4 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi Dawn, there is obviously something wrong with your Yorkie. All the symptoms you describe point to it….she could have anything from a spinal problem to stomach problem or both.

    You need to take her to your Vet and tell him whats going on and take her today. 

    Its really not wise to let small breeds go up and down stairs or jump on sofas ect. It puts undue pressure on their spine and can cause all sorts of problems. I would honestly carry her up and down stairs, and lift her on and off the sofa. 

    Hope she recovers soon. 

  2. Robin Laybolt

    Its not good for any kind of animals not to eat for even one day, three days is really not good for them. When animals don’t eat it will lead to alot of unwanted problems, it is really unhealthy so you need to get you baby to a vet asap. The reason she isn’t as active is because she hasn’t been eating. Good luck and I hope you get your dog the help that your dog needs.

  3. Kasey Litt

    Is she drinking water?  Sometimes I’m not so concerned when my pets don’t eat especially if they are still hydrating themselves. The listlessness and physical issues though worry me and as mentioned by my other colleagues, please take to the vet as soon as possible.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Mom Wants To Put Him Down. But There Must Be Something We Can Do

My mom wants to put him down. But there must be something we can do

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Annie, just a note on top of what Krista has said, having had a dog with this condition myself. She was younger than your boy too.

    I’m afraid your only option here is expensive surgery. If you decide to go down that route find a Specialist to do the Surgery. In the UK we have to be referred by our own Vet for Specialist treatment but I don’t know about Canada.

    There is an aid you could look at that would enable him to walk with your help. Perhaps this would help short term until you decide what to do. At least he could go outside. 

    The aid is called The Walkabout Back Harness and you will find the company online. 

    I wish you good luck. 

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Sarah | 9 years ago
We Have A WONDERFUL Cat, Who Is Destroying Our Furniture More, And More. Would Someone…

We have a WONDERFUL cat, who is destroying our furniture more, and more. Would someone please share some possible solutions to curb her scratching the furniture before we have no furniture left?

3 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Sarah,

    There are lots of things you can do to help your cat. First, here is a great link about it :

    Make sure to provide lots of other options for her, scratching posts are great, or the rigid cardboard scratcher boxes–you sprinkle some cat nip on them to lure them and encourage her to scratch.

    Clip her nails as short as possible. If you are not comfortable doing this, take her to a groomer or your vet. It’s important to do this every 4 weeks so they don’t get too long. This will help a great deal.

    Make sure she has a lot of things to keep her busy,,cat tree, interactive toys, etc..that should help too.

    Finally, if you catch her in the act. You can try sound as a deterrent. Take a metal can–like a soup or coffee can, fill it with a few pennies and seal it. When you see her start to try to scratch, loudly shake the can and say NO in a firm voice. After a few times of doing this , you may see her not trying to go near the furniture.

    Good Luck! Make sure to check out the link I put in at the top of this, lots of good advice there.


  2. Sarah Post author

    Hi Kelly- we have scratch posts on each floor of our house and scratch pads as well. This is the first time that I have had a destructive cat. It is EXTREMELY difficult to cut her nails. I’ve gotten one or two here and there over the years, but have the scars to prove it. She loves to be cuddled, but not held. Everything is on her terms, which is fine. That is part of what makes her so awesome! I will definitely check out the link you not. Thanks!

  3. Cathy Woodward

    Someone I know trained his cat to not scratch furniture by putting double sided tape on it

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, I Just Adopted A Kitten And I Had A Few Inquires About Her And…

Hello, I just adopted a kitten and I had a few inquires about her and her health. Unfortunately, the previous owner did not know her age, therefore I do not either. The kitten is a Persian breed, at glance I’d say she’s about 5 or 6 weeks old. Please would you tell me what type of food to give her? Prior to my understanding of what cats eat, I have fed her cheese as meals for an entire day; I stopped upon finding out it is not good for them. I have then fed her boiled chicken, though she ate it she did not seem to enjoy it. I plan on buying cat food today however I do not know what brand to get; and since she was getting hungry I fed her smoked turkey rashers and I’m wondering if that would harm her?

1 Response


  1. David Bent

    Hi Zain
    As she is a kitten – she needs building up like any new animal- get kitten milk -it is called that- NOT normal milk -at the supermarket- this is a food supplement- any good commercial “wet” canned food and you can get biscuits for different age cats
    Also the local vet can give you advice – a lot of commercial biscuits are very salty- ask the vet
    regards David

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Is 3 Years Old And Has Hip Dysplasia And He Can’t Stand Up…

My dog is 3 years old and has hip dysplasia and he can’t stand up on his hind legs. What should we do. We took him to the vet 2 weeks ago and put him on medications. Surgery is to much money

1 Response


  1. Annie Hutchison

    Thank you so much but is there any way to find a vet near me (Burlington Ontario) that is very inexpensive?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi! I Recently Became Foster Mom For A Very Young Rescued Kitten. He Is…

Hi! I recently became foster mom for a very young rescued kitten. He is living in my garage until his first vet appointment. He goes anywhere he wants on the concrete floor. Is there a way to encourage him to use the box? Thanks!

3 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi….you don’t say how young he is….but very young animals, like babies have no control over their bladder and bowels. 

    Give him some time, lots of patience and he’ll get the hang of it as he gets a bit older. 

  2. Alicia Proulx

    You can try and put him in the box, then take one of his paws and move it in the litter box. If you do it often he should understand it

  3. Carrie Melka

    Yesterday he came in the house to have playtime. After, my daughter sat him in the litter box and he urinated! Thanks so much!

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Jana | 10 years ago
Adult Spayed Female Dog, Brownish Discharge Smelling Like Vinegar …? Twice In Two Weeks; First…

Adult spayed female dog, brownish discharge smelling like vinegar …? Twice in two weeks; first time it wasn’t clear where it came from. No other signs or symptoms.

3 Responses


  1. Jana Post author

    Yes, will be watching carefully. The first time I just found the “splat” and it was no telling where, who or what it came from. I’m assuming probably vagina but not sure (the second time I found it was on her bedding. She doesn’t lick anywhere excessively, there are no changes in drinking or urination, no other signs I can see. Once she left a tiny poop on the bed; found that in the morning, kind of surprised me. It was a tiny grumple and it never happened again. Doesn’t have diarrhea or mucous or anything wrong with the stools either. Had one little regurg few days back but it was normal in color and happened only once. No strange smells coming from her anywhere. No scratching, no head shaking other than what I’d consider normal.

    It’s particularly the vinegar-like smell that really confuses me. WHAT smells like vinegar?

  2. Jana Post author

    What would make it smell that way? Only those two times, otherwise it looks and smells fine.

  3. Jana Post author

    No further funny discharge last 48 hours. Going in for semi-annual soon, so I’ll bring it up; as well as see the vet sooner if repeats. Strange, though…

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cat Has A Abscess Above His Tooth, Tooth Appears Clean And White, But Abscess…

My cat has a abscess above his tooth, tooth appears clean and white, but abscess started to bleed I would like to know what antibiotic should be used at this time

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    your cat needs a vet to determine your next step.  don’t give an antibiotic without veterinary direction.

  2. Bob Minion

    If I could afford the 180 dollar office call he would if already been in, I got hurt and have been unable to work, money is limited but I love my cat don’t want him to be in pain

  3. julie brader

    Hes already in pain with an absess in his mouth. Please do as Laura said and take him to a Vet this won’t get better without the correct treatment. If the poison from the absess goes into his bloodstream it will get a lot worse. 

    Phone Vets see if you can pay the bill off, borrow the money, anything… but you have to take him.