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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Anit Had A Poo In Two Days What Can I Do To Make…

my dog anit had a poo in two days what can I do to make him go

1 Response


  1. Kelly

    HI Betsy,

    Anytime a pet isn’t peeing or pooping, you need to get them to see a vet. Is your dog eating and drinking? Peeing?

    I would call your vet and get him seen.


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Drank Frying Oil

My dog drank frying oil

2 Responses


  1. Kelly

    Hi Ashley,

    Did your dog get into an entire gallon of oil? Did it just lick some off the ground or pan? A little cooking oil won’t hurt a dog but if your dog drank a lot of it, it’s time to call your vet asap.

    Good luck,


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jen Hohman | 10 years ago
My Cat Has Not Eaten In Over 8 Hours. It Has Been A Hot…

My cat has not eaten in over 8 hours. It has been a hot weekend here. Could that be the cause of my cats loss of appetite

4 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Jen,
    There could be lots going on. Certainly the heat could be a reason. Is your cat an outside cat? If it’s an inside cat be sure that your cat has access to fresh water too. Try a different type of food–like stinky canned cat food or can tuna to see if you can get your cat to eat. Make sure you have a fan to circulate air if it’s inside to help with the heat.
    If you cat continues to not eat and isn’t drinking or peeing or pooping, please contact your vet.
    good luck!

  2. Lauren-Emma de Lancey

    Keep your cat cool and hydrated , fresh water and a fan would be good .

  3. jen Hohman Post author

    Hi Lauren, thanks for the help. My cat is doing a lot better, she still isn’t eating her normal food but she is eating small bits of chicken. She did try to eat her normal food after eating the chicken and she threw up a small amount of it however she is starting to feel playful again. She is drinking and using the litter box as normal.

  4. jen Hohman Post author

    Hi kelly,
    She is an outdoor/ indoor cat and has many places where she likes to hide. She also has fresh water in both the garage where she sleeps and on our back porch. She is eating little pieces of chicken however when i offered it to her she ate them too fast and threw it back up. She uses the litter box as usual and is drinking water normally. Thank you for your help.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Has A Place On Her Side It The Size Of One Of Her…

My dog has a place on her side it the size of one of her tits but looks like it is filled with blood and every once in a while it will bleed a little bit what is it.

1 Response


  1. Lauren-Emma de Lancey

    Vets , it’s the best option .

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Was Told To Remove The Bandages 3-4 Days Unless Swelling Occurs Than Remove The…

I was told to remove the bandages 3-4 days unless swelling occurs than remove the bandages in 1 day but since they fell off the day after surgery than im not sure on what I should do.

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Could you possibly get the bandages back on yourself? If the Vet has said 3/4 days its too soon for them to be off the wounds. If you can’t get them on then you need to phone your Vet and ask advice. 

  2. Kelly Furgason

    Most vets will just let you come back in and they can help you put them back on. Give a call to your vet and ask to come back in.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Had Though It Was Maybe Feline Distemper But Now I’m Not So Sure.

I had though it was maybe feline distemper but now I’m not so sure.

1 Response


  1. Lauren-Emma de Lancey

    I second this , vets immediately

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Female Pit Bull Pup And I Don’t Know Why Bit She Eats…

I have a female pit bull pup and I don’t know why bit she eats sticks chuncks of wood I clean the yard get anything that’s wood out and then she eats on our trees why does she eat them please help

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Puppies, like babies test things with their mouths especially if teething.

    You do need to watch her though if she swallowed a peice of wood it could cause all sorts of serious problems. Try and distract her with a toy or a treat…..hopefully she will grow out of it. You could train her not to chew wood too….you’d have to catch her in the act…..calmly and firmly say NO get her to come to you, lots of praise and a treat. Its not too soon for calm sensible training. 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Female Pit Bull Pup I Need Help She’s Done Something Yo Her…

I have a female pit bull pup I need help she’s done something yo her eye or has something in it what do I do

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi Brittany, if she was my dog I would take her straight to your Vet. Therr could be numerous things wrong with her eye….something in it; an infection; a condition called Entropian where the eyelashes rub on the eye; an ulcer….lots of things. Please don’t risk her eyesight by trying to treat it yourself. Take her to a Vet its the only way you will know whats wrong and have it treated properly. 

    Good luck!

  2. Anonymous

    ^ this. don’t wait to see what will happen, Brittany. take your dog to the vet TODAY.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Puking And Stumbling Around

Puking and stumbling around

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Vomiting and stumbling indeed means a very sick pet. There is one thing to do – see a vet. By the sound of it, see a vet immediately.

  2. Anonymous

    i sure hope you’ve gone to the vet by now.  what did they say?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old German Shepard He Is Slowing Down A Lot Sometimes…

I have a 12 year old German Shepard he is slowing down a lot sometimes won’t eat other times won’t stop eating .he is feeling very thin drinks well eyes bright and alert,coat in good condition is it normal for him to feel so thin

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    when was his last exam with bloodwork?  if he hasn’t been in a while, now’s the time.