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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Vets Opinion Is Cancer Tumor But Diagnosis Will Cost Heaps And If It Is Cancer…

vets opinion is cancer tumor but diagnosis will cost heaps and if it is cancer nothing could be done due to location. i have been prescribed pain killers which i give her daily. however a new development has me confused, she has started to bleed a little bit from the mouth at the affected area can a tumor bleed? . should i get antibiotics for an abscess ? she deserves to be comfortable but i can not afford untreatable cancer diagnosis

2 Responses


  1. David Staunton

    what ? did you read my comments

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
What Is Wrong With Her? She Also Has Had Lots Of Big Fat Tumors Pop…

What is wrong with her? She also has had lots of big fat tumors pop up on her, not sure if the two are related.

2 Responses


  1. Britney King

    There isn’t anything open for a couple of hours.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Can Kittens Get Dandruff?

Can kittens get dandruff?

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Also just be sure the dandruff is not moving.. White specks can be lice too.


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Is In Labor She Has A Greenish Black Discharge What Does That Mean…

My dog is in labor she has a greenish black discharge what does that mean? Please help

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    VET.  don’t wait, take her in NOW.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Three Week Old Kitten Who Hasn’t Had A Bowel Movement Since Wednesday…

I have a three week old kitten who hasn’t had a bowel movement since Wednesday. My friend told me to give him a dewormer since he was an outside cat and it will induce a bowel movement. Is it safe for him? Are there any alternative ways?

2 Responses


  1. Cheyenne glasheen

    He’s active and eating two tablespoons every three hours. He just learned how to run and he tries to chase our adult cats.

  2. Cheyenne glasheen

    He just had a bowel movement and it was super solid for a 3 week old. No one induced it. But he had a hard time it took two people to hold him.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hello,my Dog Is 13 Yrs Old And Diabetic. He Suddenly Starting Urinating And Defacating Uncontrollably…

hello,my dog is 13 yrs old and diabetic. he suddenly starting urinating and defacating uncontrollably. he got a blood test and his blood sugar is 23. the vet thinks maybe it is UTI so he gave antibiotcs but if it doesnt,what do i do?

1 Response


  1. Kasey Litt

    depending on breed, 13 is pretty old for a mid-to-large dog. Hopefully, the antibiotics will help.  Your vet probably has also suggested to keep him on a bland diet for the poop issues – boiled chicken, white rice. With him being diabetic, go easy on the rice to make sure you don’t spike the blood sugar.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Border Collie Is 11 Years Old, He Had TPLO Leg When He Was 6. He…

border collie is 11 years old, he had TPLO leg when he was 6. He was running around the pool and he seemed fine, after laying down he had trouble moving. We assumed aggravated the TPLO leg, but he’s gotten worse to the point leg paralysis

2 Responses


  1. Erica Tobias

    No swelling that I can find, no neck or jaw stiffness, no visible discomfort. Unresponsive to prick test in the feet, all bowel/urination seems voluntary? It’s been two days of this now.

  2. Kasey Litt

    My lab had this procedure a few years ago.  When she over does the running around she’s quite stiff getting up and down for a few days.  We will restrict her exercise but she’s never been so bad that she couldn’t move.  I’m afraid he might have torn something again.  Once the tear happens, a dog will show no visible discomfort and will naturally distribute body movement to the three good legs.  I would probably have an X-ray done quickly.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Thank You For Answer, But If My Cat Has Never Taken This Med And Reaction…

Thank you for answer, but if my cat has never taken this med and reaction is unknown is it safe to try it? What happens when there is an allergic reaction?

1 Response


  1. Ramiah Smith

    If your pet has swelling of the face, itching, or appears to have difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Do not touch the dropper or tube opening to any surface including eyes or hands.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cats Eye Has Been Discharging And Shut Off And On For Few Days. Is…

My cats eye has been discharging and shut off and on for few days. Is it safe to use the neomycin and polymyxin B ointment I have? Allergic reactions?

3 Responses


  1. Ramiah Smith

    This drug is an eye medication that is a combination of three antibiotics and is used in dogs and cats to treat bacterial infections. 



    Cats can have a severe allergic reaction to the neomycin or polymyxin component in this eye medication

    Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of these drugs should not take this medication

    • Cats can have a severe allergic reaction to the neomycin or polymyxin component in this eye medication
    • Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of these drugs should not take this medication
  2. Brandon Barris

    Thank you, but if my cat has never taken this med and reaction is unknown is it safe to try it. What happens when there is an allergic reaction?

  3. Ramiah Smith

    If your pet has swelling of the face, itching, or appears to have difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Do not touch the dropper or tube opening to any surface including eyes or hands.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Need To Know How To Treat Pink Eye At Home On My Own Due…

I need to know how to treat pink eye at home on my own due to not being able to afford vet

1 Response


  1. Denise Ford

    until you can bring to a vet, i have used warm wet tea bag compress, wipe eyes 2-3 times a day. use separate tea bag for each eye. the tianic acid it the tea bag helps