Rottweiler, female, spayed, 11 years old
Just recently lost a toe to nailbed squamous cell carcinoma (hind foot). And now this has cropped up on her front foot. Not limping yet, but some weight-shifting away from it and licking at it. What are the odds that it’s the same thing again? 🙁
Writing to Krista Magnifico again–we are trying to find vets who can perform the polyp removal on our 7 month-old maine coon, but the clinics either have no availability until the summer or are not responding. At this point we are worrying about our Maine Coon who is making noise when he is breathing. We are trying to find any clinic that can work with us to schedule a surgery soon.
I have a 6 year old German shepherd who has his raised pink lump on her snout. I noticed it 2 weeks ago. I asked to a previous vet I used to work for years ago and he said apply animax ointment for a week and see if it goes down. If it goes down then okay cool , if not we need to sedate and remove it fast. I did not really want to have her sedated but I mean… I’m more curious about what it looks like and how fast it grew. It’s never happened before and it’s solid. No bleeding yet. I did forget to mention she has two. The one in her nose is different than the white one I found in her left shoulder. Is it just age ? Also , it bothered her when I touched her nose
We are reaching out to Krista Magnifico, as new fathers to a seven month-old Maine Coon named Goliath. We recently found out that Goliath has severe gingivitis and needs several teeth pulled. While doing x-rays, our vet found that Goliath also has “a large mass within the nasopharyngeal region which is most likely a nasopharyngeal polyp.” Every clinic/animal hospital that we have contacted is either well outside our budget, or will not give us an estimate of the cost of this surgery without first paying for an initial consultation, even though we have labs, notes and x-rays from our vet visits–all of which we can readily share. We found your video on youtube describing this surgery and the cost. We would be happy to arrange travel to you, but because we live in Jersey City, we hope that we could organize to do everything in one trip. Would this be feasible? And if so would you be able to share what scheduling availability you have?
I am agonizing over the hardest decision we have as pet parents…euthanasia. Our 12 1/2 year standard schnauzer has been having various behaviors and symptoms the past 6 -8 weeks. Excessive panting, fatigue, decreased appetite. We brought him in and he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He finished all his meds and we brought him back in for follow up X-ray and labs. He really wasn’t much better. X-ray confirmed pneumonia had cleared but lab work, which had been normal 2 weeks prior, now showed probable pancreatitis. He has declined rapidly the past 3 days. We are trying to get him to take meds, Pepcid, Cerenia, Carafate but we literally have to force them down his throat. He will not eat and I have tried everything , rice, scrambled eggs, bread, even doughnuts He is isolating, going upstairs instead of being with us. He still has labored breathing, his legs give out, he is restless. He has a strange odor. I have had dogs my whole life and all this points to end of life. I know this in my heart. When do you know when is the right time? I really was hoping he would pass naturally. Thank you for listening
Hey everyone. My sweet baby girl Ellie May is 11 going on 12 and has IVDD with back leg paralysis. The funny thing is that overtime she has been able to sometimes memory walk which resembles a raccoon on our carpet and can even kick her back feet when you carry her. She’s unable to urinate on her own so I do that for her and have for years. She has a wheelchair, her own playpen and even her own stroller because she is my diva child.
Last weekend little miss decided to jump from her stroller because she was too impatient to see what I was cooking in the kitchen. She didn’t help or anything and has even done this before and it doesn’t phase her but about gives me a stroke. Last Sunday morning I was getting her out of bed and she yelped and when I gently sat her on the floor to get her morning drink before tinkle time she flopped out on her left side. Since then she has weakness In the front and she knuckles the foot but can still put pressure but is hard to get around and will cry in pain and breathes heavier. She’s a dachshund so we all know their attitude and behaviors.
I called my veterinarian and it has been a back and forth battle the ENTIRE week and I haven’t actually spoken to the vet just desk people who apparently don’t like to pass messages or do anything really. I totally understand how busy a farm vet practice is but some communication would be nice. Thankfully I had some gabapentin left from her sister Miley’s dental and have been doing that twice a day but the dose is in half as she weighs less than Miley. When they did call me back they said yes what I was doing was fine as I’m also doing crate rest. I’ve done this dance before with my girl so we know what to do. From the start she wasn’t a candidate for surgery they said since she had already lost function In her legs. But with my love and care she bounced back within 2 weeks and then slipped again a few weeks later and has been without full use since.
I expressed my concern she could have slipped a front, they don’t seem all too worried,really????? Now my hubby and I have a game plan that as long as Ellie has the will to fight and live then so do we but the second she is truly suffering we will not allow her to deal with that. I’ve had so many folks wonder why we have a special girl and didn’t just put her down, I respond with would you shoot your own child if he broke his leg and couldn’t play sports again? You don’t give up on your dogs. If anything she has more attitude being my handy girl. We call her the sheriff of tiny town. I called my vet yet again yesterday to try and get in for a steroid injection and some nsaids and they just don’t seem to pass the message. So tomorrow I’m calling as their hours are 8a-12pm and if they can’t get me in then praying that at least doc can call the meds in for her. As a mama of an IVDD baby I’m familiar with the drill. Thank you for letting me vent.
We are ordering a secondary pop up playpen for her for when we are upstairs and when we are downstairs . Also ordering a raised bowl set so she isn’t angling her head down, I’ve rolled up blankets into the open areas in her playhouse so she is more secure and comfortable. Are there any other IVDD parents out there? Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated
My 10 year old cat has a giant nasal polyp. I took him to a specialist and they said he needs a bulla osteotomy, and possibly a double as he may have it growing on both sides. My question is if you are able to do that surgery, along with a CT scan, and if so what is the earliest appointment I can get in. (“You” meaning Dr. Magnifico at the Jarretsville Vet Center). Bc he now can not eat due to the obstruction of everything, he still wants to eat and tries to everyday but it is too difficult to swallow and it kills me that this superficial thing may actually kill my otherwise healthy cat. My other option is to get the CT scan here, along with a feeding tube, to help bridge the gap for me to get an appointment with you. Any help or suggestions I would appreciate. If you need any other info just ask. I could ramble endlessly telling you everything but I’m trying to be as concise as possible. Thank you for your help.
My female sealpoint siamese cat, Lika, has been constipated. She is 16 years old and has historically eated Science Diet dry cat food. She turns her nose up at canned foid; I have tried many. I have tried putting mineral oil on her treats and she would sometimes eat them but now will not, at all. She is still eating and she drinks a lot of water. She is active, bright, and seems to usually be in no distress. Her abdomen does not feel hard or distended. She vomits on occasion after which she sometimes poops. For the past two weeks she has been straining as if to poop but nothing comes out. I gave her an enema 4 days ago and it was successful. She had not pooped since, so I gave her another enema today, with success but with not as much poop obtained as there should have been after 4 days. Her stool is very hard. I would like to know if I can give her liquid docusate sodium , which I can buy in the grocery store and if so, how much can I give to my 5 lb. cat. How do I administer it? I would not want her to aspirate any medicine I’d give her. I am trying to avoid large vet bills because of my financial situation and bevause Lika is an old cat and I prefer to avoid any major costly intervention(s).
Can I help my 2 yr old cat to pee by removing the sludge, massaging him and drain him slowly? and putting a catheter myself once he’s sedated?
My dog (beagle, 4yr) has been diagnosed with potential IVDD. Vet provided meds for 2 weeks to see if there is improvement.
She is still able to walk, eat and urinate/poop normally. However, when she gets spasms in her neck, you can see she is in pain and she cries.
Is there anything else I can do to release her pain? Massage? Ice pack? Heat pack?
Also, the Vet did not say that I needed to crate her. She is pretty much always laying down, getting up when she wants to go out to pee or to eat. Should I still crate her? She is not used to it so I’m afraid she will try to fight out.
So nice to hear from you.
This is tough for me to answer because I don’t know enough about the way the scc was diagnosed nor how it presented. I also don’t know if there were surgical margins or amputation of the digit? Was an oncologist seen?
I have not had any patients with scc of the toe. But I have had scc patients have multiple areas affected. This is really best answered by your vet and an oncologist. I hope this helps. And very best of luck
Krista .
It kind of started the same.
– her licking at her foot for a couple of days and were unable to figure out why
– then she misstepped and became lame and there was bleeding
– vet determined it was likely a nailbed infection at the first visit
– wasn’t healing with topical treatments
– in the meantime, the toe came off completely
– the next visit, a different vet, figured it was potential cancer
– while we were organizing a biopsy, there were many cock-ups so we decided to take a step back and revisit with another vet
– that one convinced it was infection–long-term antibiotics (that trashed her digestive system)
– continued for weeks and weeks
– then, when I no longer believed dysbiosis was all there was to the diarrhea and insisted on imaging, they found a splenic mass
– I insisted I wanted the spleen out asap and agreed to biopsy at time of surgery
– surgeon looked at it and convinced it is cancer so I agreed to toe amputation at the time of the splenic surgery–it was confirmed to be SCC. Bone margin was clean, not enough soft tissue to judge.
– x-rays and all clean–no metastasis
– that toes is no perfectly healed
But this is starting the same way. Last time she lost weeks of life and in pain. This time, I definitely don’t want to loose all that time again. Don’t want to put her through surgery for nothing either, or have another pop up in a couple of months again 🙁
Seemed to look better this morning; been doing Epsom salt soaks; vet appt tomorrow
Just saw a vet, and she says it is a nail injury, and everything looks good to her/that’s the one to be the first to suspect cancer the first time around. So HOPEFULLY, that’s correct, and it will resolve speedily. *sigh of relief.
Also did a wellness check, and everything else looks good too. My little girly looks like she’ll be well and able to finally have the fun she deserves once this thing heals.