I’m kind of freaking out because I’m afraid the backyard, where we take him out to poop, is really infected, and also, the furniture that he sits on is infected.
Is there a for sure way to kill the eggs of these parasites from my yard and furniture? I’ve read on the internet that eggs only appear in places where he has pooped, so should I not be worried about the furniture?
Also, today I got him the medication he needs to treat these parasites. Will they completely clean the parasites, or will he probably have to do a second round of treatment?
Answers to my questions would be greatly appreciated!
How to prepare puppies to stay alone for a night and half of day alone?We need to fly in the evening to get our visas done and we’re gonna be home in the early afternoon.They’re gonna sleep in the spacious garden+food+separateBowls ofWater
Anonymous that’s WAY too long for puppies to be by themselves. please find someone to watch them.
Anna K If I had someone who would take care of them when we’re not here, I wouldn’t ask this question. Unfortunately, we’re new in this country and the vet advised us NOT to leave them at the clinic due to distemper outburst (they’ve been vaccinated today for the 1st time).
Anna K I wouldn’t have asked* sorry!
Anonymous Anna, i would look into a pet sitter in your area. seriously. PLEASE don’t leave these puppies alone for more than a few hours. please.
Anna K The only option we have is to arrange a pet check in the morning to change water. Pet sitters are not available at my region because of Ramadan (boarding centers are full) or religious issues (dogs are considered ‘haram’ ). I’ve already checked what’s available.
Anna K They will be staying in the garden where they usually stay for the whole day ( they poop there and pee). They are in the house usually for the late evening and night. Our lab will be 15/16 week and Golden 13/14. We cannot change the date, because we may not be able to legally enter the country if we stay any day longer – and this is pretty important part.
I can arrange somebody to change the water in the morning – but no touching the dogs or staying with them – religious issues for my neighbors and the person who will perform the pet check.
my kitten is just under 2 weeks old, has very swollen genitals and producing discharge ( smelly) only settled when feeding but walking around crying out
Joe Mccollum Your vet should take a look at this for it could be very serious. Three thing I would initially be concerned about is cancer, infection and testicular contortion. Contortion is where they cross over and the blood supply is cut off. All of these can produce pain and your cat needs to see a vet.
Kelly Furgason Hello,
A kitten that is under two weeks old still needs to be stimulated to produce urine and a bowel movement. Is this happening? Is the kitten with the mom cat? If you are bottle feeding are you using a warm damp cotton ball or wipe to gently wipe the area to encourage a bowel movement/urination? Sometimes when kittens have parasites they can have very soft stool that can get impacted around the area and smell….definately take the kitten to a vet. At this age they can go downhill very quickly if not kept healthy.
Good luck!
Have a female American Bulldogog at the end of a heat cycle. She will be spayed Very soon. However, she has started fighting with my other female, an Alapaha Bulldog. Unspayed dog new to house 4 weeks no problems until a few days ago.
Erika Graham We spay all,of our dogs. The only one that isn’t is the new edition. We were told that she had been already. Took her in for a check up and found out she was just beginning a heat. We are waiting for that heat cycle to end. She is a sweet dog and they have gotten along well together until two days ago. I was questioning if the heat could cause this sudden aggression?
my persian male cat (4 months old) does not have either thick or long fur but his mother is triple coated. what should i do? should i change his cat food?
my dog had a heat stroke. we took her to the vet but we couldn’t afford the expense for her proper care. what can we do at home for her recovery? will she survive?
zyvina jones thank you so much! but she isn’t really moving around. she’s just lying there. the veternarian gave her IV fluids and said it should ware off in about 8 hours. will the fluids help with her recovery?
mary toren Yes, fluids will help. Provide room temperature water, not cold. Good luck.
She Is 2 Years Old
She Was Also…
My dog is a American bull dog sharpei mix
She is 2 years old
She was also a rescue so she has never been in a crate before
Clara Boulton Hi there,
The best thing is to never ‘force’ your dog into the crate.
The crate should be a safe haven for the dog, somewhere where they are never bothered and hopefully feel most comfortable to sleep in. Is it big enough or her to stand up in? If so try putting her water and food in there. Play with the ball and keep throwing it into the crate to get her used to the idea that every time she goes in it she isn’t going to be locked in and left alone. Especially with a rescue the crate should be build up slowly.Once she starts feeling more comfortable going ion and out of the crate for meals, the ball and treats (and she clicks on that you won’t lock her in it every time she steps foot in) start putting her in, giving her a treat, closing the door and going upstairs/out of the room. Most dogs are worse when they can hear you around the house so it will take time. Try leaving her for 2 minutes, however if she is starts crying or whining do not go to her, just wait it out. Have you tried putting a blanket over it? Even my dog who has been crate trained since a puppy feels bit more uncomfortable if he doesn’t have a blanket covering 3/4 sides.
To me it sounds like this dog suffers from separation anxiety, this can be managed but you will have to remember that she may never really adjust to being left alone for long periods. A drastic measure may be to consider getting another dog if she enjoys their company? Some dogs with separation anxiety can quickly turn very destructive and this can be dangerous for them if they chew through a wire or choke on something. However it may not be this at all and she may just get over excited that she has escaped the evil crate!
What type of crate have you got? Most dogs can escape a material crate as if they paw at it long enough the zip will start to move, try investing in a sturdy metal crate with several bolds to keep it shut.
Another thing to consider is that your rescue dog may need some time to adjust to your home. I have taken on dogs that have taken 2 years and some that have taken 2 weeks.
Best of luck!
Clara Boulton Sorry meant my reply as an answer not a comment.
ashlyn hag Thanks a lot we have tried putting food and water in her crate and even putting her toy in there, we have a sturdy metal crate but she uses brutal force to brake it we have tried zip ties and she just brakes those too, but at night when we put her in there she is fine because she knows that we are here and that she is not alone.
My dog Sira had a cruciate ligament tear of the right knee and had ACL done with complete meniscectomy on 1/21/15. After 2 months the knee felt swollen and all of a sudden there was a blister that broke open and release a LOT of almost clear fluid and the “swelling” was gone. The little blister wound healed but after 6 weeks swelling/fluid on the outside of the knee joint and the little cap opened up and again fluid oozing out. The vet examined the fluid, even cultured it and there was some inflammation but no infection. For almost 2 weeks the knee looked better, skin color was pink but all of a sudden this changed. The skin looked darker with every hour, turning purplish and again fluid collected under the skin. Again to the vet who tried to drain the fluid out with a syringe but with not much success. The fluid had become more bloody. My dog was put on previcox and baytril. But again after it looked better for a while one morning the certain (blister) spot looked a bit different and 5 hours later it was blueish – pink marbled and 5 more hours later it broke open and again this viscous discharge. What is the cause? Could it be an allergic reaction to the nylon line or the stainless steel crimps that were used for the ACL? How likely is this? I got the recommendation from another vet whom I consulted while the surgeon was on vacation to have the nylon line and metal crimps removed and hopefully enough scar tissue has developed by now so that the knee is stabilized by it. I have spend now close to $3000 on exams, surgery and meds. To remove all that what has been put in to stabilize the knee joint seems like a waste but what good does it do if it doesn’t heal? I cannot let it go on like that and risk an infection of the knee, can I? Has someone seen such a reaction after an ACL surgery? Does this look like an allergic reaction? Is removing the lines and crimps the right next step?
Hello I have a 4 year indoor cat only. He has now been sick three times in as many days, slight runny stools as well.
Today he is now refusing to eat and is just sleeping.
Eyes and guns bright though and still likes being touched
Anonymous please get him to the vet today. refusing to eat is BAD.
Emma Thatcher Thank you for your help
He has already had a hair ball two days ago, his sick has been just food, no blood and no blood in his stool
I was trying him on some new food, chicken with pate from whiskers. I’m hoping it’s just to rich for him -
Anonymous whiskas isn’t all that rich. i would be willing to bet it’s something else. take him to the vet.
Margrit Simons I think that this website is great along with all the caring people who are always ready to help!
MyPuppy has anEye discharge sinceSunday-watery eyes and one eye has a white pus-drop once in a while.Playful, eats well. Vet said nothing on Monday(derwomed),but I’m paranoid about distemper.His 1st vaccination is due to next Monday.
This is not uncommon. Your vet should have given you meds to kill the parasites. They will probably recommend rechecking a fecal in a few weeks to make sure that all of the parasites are gone. In the meantime, pick up your dogs stool in the yard.
Thank you everyone who replied!