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Laura | 10 years ago
My Dobe Bitch Spent Last Week At My MIL’s Home, And Throughout That Week My…

My dobe bitch spent last week at my MIL’s home, and throughout that week my MIL fed her Beneful rather than the food we asked her to feed. This…is a problem, and one we will be discussing with her at another time.

However. As a result of this lovely, boundary-free vacation eating nothing but the equivalent of Big Macs for a week, she will not go back to her regular food unless we add enticements. I need her eating what i give her, when i give it to her, without exceptions. Normally this isn’t a problem – she’s trying to get us to give her that lovely, delicious junk food. She is healthy, so this isn’t a health-related problem. She’s just being a stubborn brat. 🙂

My question is this: what is the quickest way to get her back on her normal food? My husband is less than cooperative with my eat-it-or-lose-it method of training, wondering if anyone can suggest anything else. For the moment she is absolutely refusing plain kibble. The most I will do for her is add warm water, which I do for dinners anyway. She won’t touch breakfast at all.

Any suggestions? 🙂

3 Responses


  1. Laura Post author

    Before someone asks: I show her. She needs to eat when told just like she needs to evacuate bowel and bladder when told…otherwise things may get messy in the ring, and I cannot have that happening. This only becomes a problem after she goes to my MILs for more than a couple of days. Unfortunately, we have another lengthy stay planned later this summer, with a major show soon after. To say this has given me a headache is an understatement.

  2. Laura Post author

    I know the MIL isn’t trying to be detrimental. She just refuses to believe that Beneful isn’t what I want to feed my dog. If we give her individually bagged meals, she complies. If we give her a bag of Rip’s food and a scoop, she…doesn’t. Last lengthy visit, she managed to feed 15 pounds of food in a week and a half. I fear this may be an ongoing disagreement – she tends to keep her dogs 5 pounds overweight and free feeds, while I like my dog eating specific meals at specific times and I like to see a nice tuck at the belly with a visible waist.

    She will accept kibble from my hand if she complies with a command – she thinks it’s a treat. I got about half a cup in her that way this evening, so she isn’t going to go completely hungry. She’s just being a stubborn twit – at nearly 2, she’s at that age where UPS hasn’t shipped us all of the parts of her brain, so she’s still “forgetting” things she knows like how to come when called. I have used this method before with success, at both my breeder and my vet’s suggestion. The last time we did this, within 2 days she was eating normally. This time around she’s throwing a louder temper tantrum, though. Just wondering what, if anything, might make this less painful to my eardrums.

    I’ll consider boiling some extra chicken and burying the tiniest shreds in her food – that will depend on whether she eats breakfast. If she doesn’t, tomorrow night’s class will be a difficult one for her…we are in Baltimore and head up to Forest Hill for classes, so we leave around 6. She usually gets the kibble portion of her dinner in class as training treats (interspersed with higher value meats, because that keeps her on her toes).

    I can’t think of much else to add. We’re working on “puppy push-ups” right now to keep her busy (and get more kibble in her). Sometimes, I curse myself for bringing such a smart dog into my house. 😉

  3. Laura Post author

    good news! it took one training session on an empty stomach to convince her that eating might be a good idea. emptied her bowl and was looking for more.

    bratdog is a brat. but she’s eating, so i’m happy.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 17 Year Dog Has Had Problem With His Back Legs For A While Now…

my 17 year dog has had problem with his back legs for a while now they have got worse and he is finding it hard to get up and keeps falling over

2 Responses


  1. jerry smith

    typical for a dog that age, probably not much to be done. Your lucky to have had him so long. sorry about his condition, just try to keep him pain free

  2. anne pennington

    just to let you know I took him to the vets and sadly I had to put him to sleep it was the right thing to do for him thanks for your help x

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 8 Pound Chihuahua Licked My Grape Popsicle 4-5 Times And I’m Very Worried. Please…

My 8 pound chihuahua licked my grape popsicle 4-5 times and I’m very worried. Please tell me he’s going to be okay. I don’t know what to do.

1 Response


  1. jerry smith

    He’ll be fine, it’ll take more sugar than that to hurt him.  : )

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Jana | 10 years ago
Any Toxicity Of Mineral Oil To Dogs? (this Would Be Used In Low Concentration To…

Any toxicity of mineral oil to dogs? (this would be used in low concentration to create garlic extract to spray lawn to repel mosquitoes)

2 Responses


  1. Jana Post author

    No, just used to make the garlic extract, to be then diluted and sprayed on grass.

  2. Jana Post author

    It is possible that some of the grass gets eaten later, as our guys like their “salad”

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 10 Year Old Female Labrador Who Has Recently Been Licking Her Vagina…

I have a 10 year old female labrador who has recently been licking her vagina very frequently. Today we noticed a very large lump next to her vagina. She is not eating, however drinking a lot, but not going to the toilet to wee

4 Responses


  1. Chelsea Darby

    She is also breathing more weirdly than normal.

  2. Anonymous


    and she needs to be seen by a vet.

  3. Chelsea Darby

    Okay thanks to the both of you. Just a little difficult when my mother doesnt work :/ we will obviously take her to the vets, but will not be immediatley.

  4. jerry smith

    larger dogs and strong breeds tend to wait longer before letting the owner know something is wrong, leaving less time to treat quickly/ properly. Not eating and breathing changes are major issues. You can usually see a vet for maybe $40 and go from there, arrangements might can be made about the $ (discounts/ payments/charities/etc), so don’t wait.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi I Have 11 Yr Old Westie Being Sick Only After Evening Meal . Can…

Hi I have 11 yr old westie being sick only after evening meal . Can you help plz.

1 Response


  1. Molly Strawberry

    from what ive read it could be the food try changing to just a dry if that is was he / she eats try an veterinarian 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cat Has Watering And Some Discharge With Some Redness When I Open It. I…

My cat has watering and some discharge with some redness when I open it. I have been using warm compresses

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what is watering?  i think you missed a detail.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
How Do I Treat A Small Cut On My Cats Face?

How do I treat a small cut on my cats face?

1 Response


  1. Brent Harte

    Banixx, non toxic and is highly effective at treating minor skin bacteria and yeast infection.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Bearded Dragon Has Been Acting Weird Today. He Was Fine This Morning Now…

my bearded dragon has been acting weird today. He was fine this morning now his legs start to twitch and go paralized. We gave him a calcium bath and that didn’t help at all.

1 Response


  1. Kyle jay

    My bearded dragon Izzy had a bad seizure and honestly check the temp to make sure it’s right. I didn’t realize that the temp can do a lot of damage if it’s not right. I got a higher volt basking light and he seems like he’s doing better

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Male 11 Yo Neutered Minpin Foster Dog. He Has Had A Lump On The Side…

male 11 yo neutered minpin foster dog. He has had a lump on the side of his penis for months It is getting larger If I touch it he yelps but not every time. He has been peeing and walking around Does this sound like prostate cancer 2 you?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    when was the last time you and your vet discussed this?

    if never – do so.  please.  your dog is in pain.