Dog is a 6.5 yr lab mix. Was fine yesterday. This AM she doesn’t want to walk on her back legs. Looked @everything, tried pushing spots to see if we could find problem. When we did get her to walk it looks like her back end is squatting.
i have a 7wk old kitty. her eye was swollen shut. i opend it & cleaned out the puss inside, i noticed a white substance balled up in the outer corner. she’s hot & shakes from side to side. could she have been bitten by a spider?
My friend’s dog stepped on a sticky mouse trap and still has some stuff on his foot. Any suggestions?
My dog has a biting problem, and I no longer feel safe around him he actually drew blood one time?
Lauren Lister is he aggressive? my female had this same problem. each time she bit i would take my hand and bob her bottom jaw. after a week she quit biting. and i mean. take your hand under his chin and swing up.
Anonymous please don’t listen to Lauren.
see your vet ASAP (today, if possible) to ensure there are no medical problems causing the biting. this should include things like a blood panel for thyroid. once your dog is completely cleared of all medical problems, contact a veterinary behaviorist. the directory is here:
do NOT hit, knee, or otherwise act violent toward your dog. this will not help.
ashlyn hag My vet said I should put him down, and since the humane society won’t take him because he drew blood, should I?
ashlyn hag My dog is a threat to my family and I am afraid that he will bite me kids, we have tried training classes, a trainer, and the humane society, anything else I should try?
ashlyn hag Also the reason my dog bit the lady was because he didn’t get his way
ashlyn hag Okay, thanks we had to put him down because he bit my daughter and he just gets so over protected, I know that there were other answers but my husband said their wasn’t we might get another dog do you have any suggestions for a mix breed dog that is easy to train and is medium size for under 200$
Anonymous That’s such a shame. This may have been a medical issue. Putting him down should have been a last possible resort AFTER having a vet do full blood panels and AFTER engaging a veterinary behaviorist.
No dog from an ethical, reputable breeder will cost auch a small sum. Please reevaluate your priorities with any future dog before running out and finding another one.
ashlyn hag We did have blood samples and everything done but it came out normal.
ashlyn hag He is aggressive and you should never hit any animal.
jerry smith Kinda hate to go against the flow on this one, probably get blasted ,but here is what I experienced once. I had had a lab for about a month once and he decided to snap at me one day. I punched him in the nose and rattled him pretty good, i never had a problem after that. My grandpa used to say kick them under the chin hard as you can, but that seems a bit rough to me. Anyway, I don’t advocate animal abuse, but you could try this one time before putting the animal down…might just need a good “attitude adjustment” from his master. If you afraid to try it, then go ahead and put them down, because if he won’t change for you, he’s not going to. Sometimes a little old school works better, lol! please no one hate on me.
My cat has been spayed for a while but every so often for about 1/2weeks male cats still hang outside the house,its like shes in heat but she doesnt show signs of being in heat,my dog also tries to hump her during this time,what could it be
One of my guinea pigs have an abcess that popped. I cleaned it out and it doesnt have an infection but it isn’t healing at all. What should I do.
Anonymous take your guinea pig to a vet.
Alex Sheets I am getting her an appointment but is there anything else I should do until then.
PK Dennis Keep her clean and dry, perhaps cut the fur away from the wound so the area can stay clean. If there is drainage you might want to soak the area with a wash cloth dipped in hot, salted water two times per day (morning & night). Use Epsom salts if you have them, kosher or sea salt works too. Salt the water until it tastes like the ocean. Dip a clean cloth in the water and wring out to it isn’t too drippy (and the water should be hot, but not burn you or the GP), then place it over the wound and hold it there until the cloth cools. Do this a few times per treatment, cleaning the area with the cloth at the end. Use fresh salted water and a new cloth each morning and night.
Good luck.
Alex Sheets Thank you both so much. I really appreciate the help.
my 6 month puppy(brownie) was throwing up small amounts of yellow liquid during past 2 days(@ morning before meals).2day morning she threw up clear foamy liquid & ate grass afterwards.she s behaving & normally.should i take her 2 the vet??
my children found a little kitten yesterday that had both eyes shot closed with a brownish crust on them we took some warm water and a wash cloth and cleaned that crust off its eyes but there is still a film over both eyes what should I do
Why does my male cat have such stinky bowel movement? I can hardly stand it. My female cat’s (his sister) bowel movement hardly stink and they eat the same flood and water.
Anonymous so, my tom has IBD. it was a STRUGGLE to find something that worked with his system – if he’s eating something that doesn’t cooperate with his gut, he has house-clearing BMs and if left to run its course, ends up with a lot of bloody stool.
it may honestly require a food change, and you may have to feed them separately. i’d get him checked for any possible health problems – you never really know when something is just a little off with cats, since they never show it. then i’d look into possible food changes.
what do you feed now?
Christina Chambreau This is a great example of how every person and animal have unique systems, especially digestive systems. some can be sensitive to one food and not another. The holistic approach is to see the stinky stool as one of the early warning signs of internal imbalance (see more at if any of the following suggestions helps, but you have to continue using them, you need to seek out the help of an integrative veterinarian. You can find links to all the organizations on my site under links.
- Get a stool checked for parasites
- Add a really good probiotic (I love Mitomax – see it at my site or go to and try that for 2 weeks.
- If still stinky, see if he will eat raw meat (chicken, turkey, beef, etc). If he will, start feeding that with the probiotic mixed in. Then read some of the books that teach you how to feed a raw meat diet (Dr. Becker’s guide to real food for healthy dogs and cats, or anitra Frazier’s Natural Cat) so you can balance it.
- do not let either cat eat dry food as it can cause some health issues, especially for the kidneys.
- Learn Reiki and offer that every day.
If you want to learn more about these approaches with personal coaching for your cat, email me for an appointment (
If it was me, I’d see a vet immediately. Particularly with sudden onset like this, I’d suspect some scary cause such as neurological problem, spinal problem, infection, toxin … I wouldn’t wait.
home remedies is not the answer please rush her to the vet for a scan