How do I stop my male cat from playing in the water dish? He has the floor all wet all the time. I put water in his dish then empty it as soon as he’s done drinking but I would rather leave water in the dish.,
My chihuahua mix ate one chocolate no bake cookie she’s 4 years old about 10-15 pounds and has shown no signs of illness so far it’s been about 3-4 hours since she ate it will she be fine.
The availability of items has changed so much since I last had a puppy over 10 years ago. I never give any of my dogs rawhide, so I’m looking for safe alternatives that satisfy the need to chew, especially for a 10 week old pup. Nylabone, nylabone edibles, what else is appropriate? I’m looking for safe, and hopefully not extremely expensive. And what about giving things like carrots, quartered apples, pears, etc? Thank you~!
Kelly Furgason Hi Suzanne,
Great question, I like Diedra’s suggestions too. Here are a few more….To answer your question, yes you can certainly give chunks of veggies or fruits as treats. You are wise to not do rawhides or rawhide chews as they are really easy to get stuck inside the mouth. Kong makes awesome toys and they last forever so although they may be an investment, they pay off in the long run.
You can also buy marrow bones (they look like smooth bones about 6+ inches long, sometimes they are hollow sometimes they are filled. They are really hard and basically impossible to break. If they are hollow you can stuff them with peanut butter or other treats. You can also freeze ice (empty cool whip containers work great) put some treats inside the water before you freeze it…hours of fun esp in the summer.
Enjoy your new pup!!
~kelly -
Jennifer Bae Hello Suzanne. I recommend antlers. Dogs/puppies love them and they’re good for their teeth. They are sold at any pet shops. I have 2 dogs and they both love to chew on antlers for hours.
Another great option is to make your own frozen treats at home and fill KONGs with them. One recipe that I make for my dogs often is really easy. Cook oatmeal, add pureed pumpkin and small amount of peanut butter and mix. Fill kongs with them and freeze. Oatmeal and pumpkin is really good for dogs and the peanut butter adds some sweetness that dogs love.
Hope this helped!
Guy Styles What? Are these people Kong representatives? My dog will chews up kong toys in about 10 minutes unless it’s their thick rubber cone looking toy, she just sniffs at that.
More economical, and almost more fun are plastic water bottles. Want it to last longer, braid some rope around it, put a treat in it, throw it out when done. They don’t leave many plastic pieces everywhere, plastic bottles will just get flat.
As for treats, every dog is different. Meat always works, but it’s messy.
How do I stop my cat from peeing on my lounge , he is a domestic inside 11 months old male cat who is litter trained. We have no other cats or dogs in our house and have had him here since he was 6 weeks old
Anonymous has he been checked for a UTI?
Anonymous to add: once he’s been seen by your vet (ASAP, please – UTIs can be deadly if a blockage happens!), retrain him to the litterbox. put him in a bathroom with the litterbox (and food and water, of course!), and ensure he’s using it regularly for about a week before you let him back out into the rest of the house.
I have a dalmatian who has been limping on his front left paw for about 2 weeks, he still plays and runs, but I noticed he limps and when he’s at a resting point he favors it. How can I know if its just growing pains or something more?
Anonymous i gather this is a puppy? has he been seen by a vet for this yet?
Alexis E He is 11 months old and he has not yet seen a vet yet, considering that I was trying to wait and see if it is growing pains.
Anonymous i’d get him in. better to be safe than sorry, you know? i don’t think i’d have pushed it more than a few days of consistent limping.
My rescue cat- who we’ve had for about 6 months- just had some white discharge come from her ear. Otherwise, she seems relatively fine. She’s eating/drinking normally. She had a sinus infection when we first got her and then again about a month later. Since then she’s been okay. Any thoughts? This has never been a problem for my other cat, nor any other cat I’ve had.
My dog has an issue with her front left pastern. There is a raw spot above the declaw. She is licking it and she won’t let me touch it. It is painful for her. Can I put medicine and a bandage over it to try and give it time to heal? Thanks!
A barn cat had kittens either yesterday or early this morning. When we found them, most were nursing, but them are stuck together by their umbilical cords. What should we do?
Help me PLS! I have a litre of 8 pups that r 4weeks old today. The runt has all of. A sudden gotten a leg lump on right side of his neck below his ear, he is unresponsive, won’t take bottle or. Eye dropper and I think he is going to die!
Charlene Kane Any time he moves his head he yelps loud and I feel HORRIBLE for poor lil guy! I got him wrapped up and holding him trying to get some baby formula into him but not having much luck! Could b a bee sting since I had them out in backyard for first time today but I was with them the hole time, for like a half hr, or maybe momma stepped on his neck accidentally!?!? I dunno but I feel helpless an he’s in pain, almost like party listed!!
Anonymous he needs an emergency vet.
Charlene Kane i took him to the vet and she said he had strangles, drained the large lump on his neck below his ear and gave us medicine, but now the lump is TWICE the size, he is having trouble breathing, keeps sneezing, coughing, weak, im so scared he cant breath and he is gonnadie, he’s only 4 weeks old. of course its sunday nite and there is no vet open…..
She has not been able to jump on the couch for a few days now. She has always slept in bed with me or my younger sisters but now she won’t even get down to pee. (she went in the bed for the 1st time since she was a puppy that was too small to get down.) My dogs are very close to me, and they are my closest friends. I am scared that she is developing arthritis and that I will not be able to afford much help for her if that is the case. I can give her away to someone that can afford frequent visits to the vet even though it would break my heart to pieces.. if I give her away, I would almost have to find a home that would take her daughter too. They could not live apart, it would only make them miserable. I don’t want to give them up at all. The only reason I’d consider it, is because I love her so much that I would rather her live a longer life without me than a shorter life with me. She does not deserve to suffer just because I am too selfish to give her away bc it would hurt me so bad. I love her so much that I would let her (and her daughter) go in order for her to receive the proper care if she is developing arthritis. I am just afraid that she would never be happy without me and my family. I would die inside, but I want her to be okay.
Erika Hogan Thank you, I usually do overreact to anything to do with their health. Her baby is hypoglycemic and the vet I took her to was so uneducated that I knew more than he did about he condition, unfortunately. I know I can pay for one visit at least, but if it is serious im scared it may get too costly. I go crazy when there is something wrong. I’ve never given a thought to giving them away before.
^^ was going to suggest a fountain.
also, i don’t know if this came to mind Dr. M, but my queen started playing in her water more and more near the end of her life. she was an old street moggy who had detached retinas and had difficulty seeing some things. she’d play in the water first to make sure it was there, THEN she’d drink.
Put a plastic tray under the water dish so that you don’t have to worry about the water splash?