What is the likelihood of this poor kitty regaining bladder/bowel function?
We recently trapped and rescued an injured stray. We’ll never fully know what happened to him but he has a multitude of injuries some old and healed and some not. Required a lot of teeth to be pulled and had to have his tail amputated due to sores and maggots inside. He has about 2 inches of tail left. Surgery was done 3 days ago. He wasnt moving his tail when we got him but is walking fine. Since getting him home I notice hes leaking urine with no control and seems to be constipated. I’m unfortunately no stranger to spinal injuries in cats but he appears to still have anal tone, unsure about sensation at tail base and is mobilising fine. But his abdomen seems quite distended and a little tense. I have managed to express urine from him and giving him laxatives (back to the vets tomorrow if no poops). Just wondering what his outlook is likely to be to better guide his rehab. I know it might be too soon to tell yet but any guidance is appreciated.
I have an elderly cat who is about 15 years old. Vet says she is in good health. I just want to know what is normal behavior for elderly cats. She is relaxed and sleeping most of the time. Her favorite spot right now is on our mat in front of the oven. Her appetite has decreased. She often makes a sound like she has a hair ball but just a little clear liquid comes out. Are these normal things for a cat of this age?
The vet thinks my cat is blocked but is charging an outrageous price. I’m not currently working due to my own health issues. What can I do to save my baby?
My four-year-old boy Chihuahua named Buddy is in very rough shape. He is such a loveable highly active very fit healthy dog. He suffered a type one IVDD incident. This was six days ago. He went from stage one to stage four in 48 hours. He was not diagnosed until after an x-ray when he was already in stage four. Four days after that he has been diagnosed to be in stage five. He showed signs of improving his stability when holding himself up with his front two legs two days ago and did not eat until just 12 hours ago. He’s eating and drinking and his general comfort seems to be much better but he has zero high pain feeling and has no bladder or control of his annular muscles. My regular vet who is not a surgeon has recommend putting him down. I named him Buddy because he literally is my buddy. He was adopted two years ago and rescued from Mexico with scars all over his body that already healed when I got him. He is a survivor and so am I as I have suffered emotional and physical scars as well. I can’t bear the thought of losing him and not seeing him run and be happy again. I don’t want to give up on him yet. I also don’t want him to suffer. He is totally responsive from his front legs forward. He is kissing, eating and drinking now. I am hoping I hear from Krista. I have seen Krista’s videos on IVDD recovery stories. I don’t know what to do for him. I am doing every thing I can but not surgery which I can’t afford. Is there any hope?
Our adult cat (probably about 10-12 years old) has a fracture on her front left paw/leg. It’s the holiday weekend, so we splinted it but we don’t want her to suffer until Tuesday. There’s an emergency vet but it’s over 2 hours away (we live in a rural area) and of course the expense will be outrageous so while we are willing to do whatever needed we’re wondering if there are any OTC pain meds we can give her until Tuesday when we can take her to our regular vet, or is she at risk of complications if we wait? Any info is appreciated. The break seems to be right above the paw joint.
Lucy and Lacee were boarded over last weekend, Friday nite through Sunday. We picked them up Sunday afternoon. Both have had their bordatella vaccinations. Thursday and Friday they both coughed a couple times. Today, Lucy is coughing a lot, not eating very much, and she seems a little lethargic. Lacee hasn’t gotten any worse and she is playing and eating. What do you suggest we do?
It’s a long story, but I will try to make it brief. Molly, 3.5 month old Labrador patient of Dr. Magnifico, unfortunately found a canister of Trident Gum that had fallen between the front seat and back seat of the vehicle. We were traveling across the state and stopped at a Vet Clinic. I knew Xylitol was poisonous to dogs. The receptionist consulted with the Dr. and he said to call the Animal Poison Control Center and meanwhile try to induce vomiting. We didn’t have to induce, but she started vomiting on her own. I did administer peroxide to make sure she emptied her stomach. This all took place within 1/2 hr window. We started on the road again as the nearest Emergency Hospital was an hour and 1/2 away. I called the Poison center and the Veterinarian on the line did the toxicology calculation and said Molly really needed emergency treatment. She told me to give Molly some kibble to ward off hypoglycemia. We got her to the emergency hospital and they started testing her blood sugar (elevated to 133), administered an antidote for Xylitol, checked her ALT liver value (114 reading) and gave her dextrose and a liver supplement. This all took place late Monday night into Tuesday. On Tuesday, Molly seemed to be recovering nicely and I was expecting her to come home on Wednesday. On Wed afternoon, they said her ALT Liver value was elevated 1 point (76 instead of 75 which is normal) and they were concerned. 1 pt doesn’t seem that alarming, but I’m not a toxicologist. They will do another test this evening and I am to call them Thursday morning. 🙁 I have already paid $1500 for what was supposed to be for up to 36 hrs care. In your opinion, does the 1pt ALT elevation warrant another evening in Emergency Hospital as opposed to her staying with Jarrettsville Vet for care?
My dog has been sneezing frequently over the past few months. We are now noticing a small growth and change in shape on his nose as well? Any advice or help would be much appreciated, thank you!
Hello! I am about to rescue 2 kittens and as a new pet owner I’m looking for some advice! We think the kittens are about 5-8 weeks. They haven’t gotten any shots or medication—they were found on the side of the road. I believe they have fleas and am not sure how to move forward. I know I need to take them in for shots but I’m not sure when. Advice would be appreciated!
My dog got spayed on August 1st, she is a 13 year old poodle mix. She also had a mastectomy along with her spay so she has a very big incision. She is on her 4th week and the lower half of her incision does not look like the top half. The surgeon said it may take a while to heal because of the placement but I noticed a bump at the base of her incision at day 4 that has not gone away. She keeps licking at it and the surgeon suggested we must let her heal and later investigate. Also, at day 10 I noticed a white tiny pimple sized thing trying to come through under her skin. I really checked it out today since it has not gone away and it feels like something sharp poking under her skin, she has two of these that feel the same. I am scared she might have torn her internal stitches but the surgeon did not seem too worried. I notice when she eats she seems to look like she feels uncomfortable. She threw up yesterday but I took it as maybe her pancreatitis acting up. I am freaking out and don’t know if I am making a big fuss over nothing. She did not run during her recovery but she would stand up on her hind legs no matter how much I attempted to keep her calm. She did slip 3 times and land on her tummy, twice at day 8 because I had her on a short leash and she would try to run, the third slip was at day 13 and for the same reason of the short leash and attempting to run. I feel so sad and don’t have peace of mind. I feel guilty she slipped on me those three times but then again don’t know what to make of that lump at day 4. After the two slips at day 8 and after on day 10 she started having severe diarrhea. I contacted the surgeons team and they suggested boiled chicken and boiled rice, but at day 12 the diarrhea was a soft serve ice cream consistency and then she thew up so I took her into emergency immediately. At emergency they checked her vitals and incision and could not figure out what may have caused the stomach upset since from her pancreatitis history did not have the swollen tummy and her incision looked fine. They attributed the upset to possible pain med side effect and prescribed a probiotic and to stop the gabapentin. It’s has been a tough healing process for her. I will attach pictures of of what the incision looked like at day 7, 10, and now. I hope it’s not what I am fearing but it’s better to know if I should advocate for her and have them check again. Thanks guys, sorry for the long story but this is my little girl who is my first owned dog and who has been by my side for 13 years. I love her so much and it pains me to see her uncomfortable. Fyi her appetite is always good no matter what and her bowels are back to normal since the 18th of august and they were fine before the 10th of august as well.
The answer to this depends on a lot of things. Like age, degree of trauma , other neurological deficits and post op time.
In general cats are very resilient and even if they don’t fully recover they often manage their challenges quite well.
I guess my advice is to not give up but know what you are dealing with. Palpate the bladder multiple times a day and check a urine anytime it smells bad or looks murky. Keep encouraging walking and playing. Nothing rebuilds muscle better than that. Learn to palpate the colon. Add water or a laxative (not fiber as I feel it just adds bulk and makes defecating harder) to help the stool stay soft and easy to pass. I hope this helps.