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tracy | 3 years ago
Our 4 ½ Month Old Westie Pup Was Almost House Trained. Now, She’s Back To Peeing In …

Our 4 ½ month old Westie pup was almost house trained. Now, she’s back to peeing in the house. What can we do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Make sure it isn’t a urinary tract infection or medical issue by talking to your vet and then once that’s cleared to back to basic housebreaking training

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Chuck | 3 years ago
My Dog Is A 4 Year Old Spayed Doberman And She Is Starting To Have Occasional Incontinence …

My dog is a 4 year old spayed Doberman and she is starting to have occasional incontinence which seems to be getting worse. Should she be on medicine or a would a home remedy work? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These cases always start with an exam and usually need a urine to look for potential urinary issues. If the diagnostics are all normal and the case looks like it might be a spay induced incontinence then we talk about hormones to help keep the bladder from leaking. I do not know of any at home remedies

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ANA ANGELIKA | 3 years ago
My Cat Is Currently On The Hospital For Confinement, He Has UTI And Is Not Fond …

My cat is currently on the hospital for confinement, he has UTI and is not fond of water these days. How can I engage him into drinking water and not forcefully feed him water?

PS: I already have water fountain on the way but I’m not sure if he’ll get comfy on drinking there and if there are any other ways to make him drink water

1 Response


  1. Shiria

    Does he eat wet or dry food? If he eats wet food you can add a little bit of water to every portion.
    My cat didn’t drink out of her water bowl… possibly because it was too close to her food bowls. But she started drinking out of my water cups/glasses… so I placed some for her in the rooms and she uses them.
    I have a fountain too, but it is only used when I clean her cups.

    Otherwise you can use things like the water that’s left when you cooc chicken and there are also special fluids for cats with UTIs. (I think from Royal Canin?)

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Jazmin | 3 years ago
My Dog 4 Year Old Dog Got Neutered Yesterday. He Hadnt Licked The Wound But I Notice …

My dog 4 year old dog got neutered yesterday. He hadnt licked the wound but i notice its a little red should I be worried?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always encourage my clients to be proactive and not worry versus sit back and wait. Is there a way you can call your vet to ask them if the incision needs to be looked at in person.? At our clinic clinic we often encourage emailing a photo before we decide whether it needs to be brought in to be seen.

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Jen Behler | 3 years ago
My Dog Is Prescribed 10mg Of Amlodipine Per Day. Today He Was Accidentally Given 2 Pills. Any …

My dog is prescribed 10mg of amlodipine per day. Today he was accidentally given 2 pills. Any idea what this will do to him?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    You should always call your vet for specific medication concerns. But in general this one time accident will probably not cause an issue. Please remember that medication overdoses are best handled immediately after they happen. In some cases we will recommend inducing vomiting.

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Tina | 3 years ago
Recommended By Jarrettsville Veterinarian For Krista Magnifico – Requesting A Consult With Dr Author For My 3 Yr …

Recommended by Jarrettsville Veterinarian for Krista Magnifico to request a consult with Dr Author for my 3 yr old intact Female English Bulldog. She is in need of a vulvaplasty due to consistent wetness and bacteria in her urine. Ultrasound is negative for any abnormalities but does confirm large vulva in which urine is pooling. I want to get her spayed while she is under anesthesia since she is a bulldog – looking for someone in the Bel Air, MD area in expertise in this surgery and I hear Dr Author is the best! 410-459-6296 to reach me – Tina

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please call the clinic at 410-692-6171 and make an appointment with me and we can do an exam on your dog and talk about surgical options. I would be happy to meet you both.

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Jenn | 3 years ago
My 9 Yr. Old Megacolon Cat Eli Wasn’t Able To Poop. It Happens Sometimes. He’s …

My 9 yr. old Megacolon cat Eli wasn’t able to poop. It happens sometimes. He’s on Cisapride and Merilax daily, but he still get’s backed up. When he started vomiting after not being able to BM and jumping out of the litter box I took him to the vet. They did an enema on June 20th. He’s still backed up! I can’t afford 1k plus to have a vet manually extract the feces (this is Washington, DC area – everything is very expensive!). He hasn’t started throwing up again, but he’s not eating much and I need to find out if there is something I can do more at home to get him through this emergent time. I can’t just watch my cat suffer. I have Pedi lax, but don’t know if that would help or hinder at this point. I watch videos on palpitating the colon to try and break up the feces. I know there are specific enemas to give cats at home. Is it too late to try this? My vet is frankly bad and too busy to bother, so she said to just go to the emergency. It sure seems like there are other steps that can be taken ,,,at least I hope so becuase I just don’t have that kind of money left with the cost for caring for my hospice Husky, Loki. Help!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For these cases I talk a lot with owners about trying to identify the underlying cause. Often it is poor diet and sedentary life but there are also diseases and illnesses that can contribute. If able start to learn how to palpate your cats colon and feed watery wet food and use the fiber supplements and laxatives. Exercise is also very important. For these cats we start training in a harness to go outside for walks. I feel that if you don’t increase environmental enrichment and stimulation they won’t start moving.
    But before all of this you have to remove the obstructive feces. This often needs a vets help. Call rescues and shelters and keep asking for affordable help.

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Picta | 3 years ago
6 Week Old Kitten Fell Off The Bed And Hurt Its Back Left Leg. He Can’t …

6 week old kitten fell off the bed and hurt its back left leg. He can’t walk on it. He cries when it gets bumped. He can pull the leg against his body and lays on it, but when he stretched his leg out the top of his foot was facing out instead of forward. I’m worried he may have broken or dislocated something. How can I tell and what do I do? And what can we give him for pain?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please go to the vet asap for an X-ray. They may be able to splint it to help it heal. Kittens heal fast and almost every fracture and dislocation will heal if you get there quickly. Also kittens are dare devils so try to keep them in a large crate or carrier for a few more weeks.

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Herd | 3 years ago
Household “accidents”, Need Advice, Please!! I Have 3 Cats, 3 Dogs, And A Toddler Human. In The Past …

Household “accidents”, need advice, please!! I have 3 cats, 3 dogs, and a toddler human. In the past few months my two youngest “house trained” dogs (9 & 5 yrs) and my youngest cat (4 yrs) have been purposely relieving themselves in different parts of my house. The dogs poop/pee on the floor, in the past month they began peeing on my couch, it’s gotten so bad I have to keep them in crates most of the time they’re inside. The cat will pee on my toddlers belongings – first on clothes in his laundry basket (which is now inside a closet) and on his stuffed animals (which I had to hide in a bin), now has resorted to peeing on any accessible hard plastic toys. If I put the cat in a kennel she uses the litter box 100% of the time, once releasing her she’ll behave for 1-2 days then starts up again. The dogs will have “accidents” within 10 minutes inside after being outside for 30-60+ minutes. I have 3 litterboxes, each with a different kind of litter, all clean, no diagnosed medical issues (taken all 3 to the vet twice since this started $$$). My oldest dog has been going through dementia for the past year, it’s getting worse but not yet at the point of euthanasia. I started preparing to move the past 6 months, house is almost done being packed/cleared. I’m not sure which/both/none are triggers for them acting this way. All of them have moved with me before and they never did this on previous moves. Vet prescribed multiple anxiety meds which are not helping at all, they have no other solutions to offer. Ironically my 14yr old dog with dementia barely ever has accidents in the house. Personality wise they aren’t acting any different. Messes are thoroughly cleaned immediately and they don’t even bother to do this secretively, all 3 seem to purposely do it right in front of me. The situation is driving me to my wits end, I really need help 🙁 Besides keeping them all in crates I have no other solution. Does anyone have insight to what I can do? Thanks so much!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In cases of inappropriate urination we always start with looking for a medical reason and start addressing the behavior possibilities. That means every animal urinating outside the box or inside in unwanted areas gets an exam and a urine check. It might be that one has a urinary issue and is soiling and the rest are following the same behavior because the area now smells like a place to pee. You have to clean so thoroughly they can’t smell residual urine (and remember their noses are so much better than ours!)
    Also rhe stress of moving might be contributing. Or even the stress of the other dogs dementia might be a contributor. I use a lot of calming agent like feliway and DAP and add more litter boxes. Different kinds of litter and even try different kinds of litter. Try not to get angry at them. They think they are doing something completely appropriate and never do anything to make you upset or for spite. (Only humans do those things). If all of that fails you can try an oral behavior modification medication. They have worked well in many cases I have had.

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Gina | 3 years ago
My Rescue Dog Is A Miniature Chihuahua And Today She Broke Her Front Left Leg And …

My rescue dog is a Miniature Chihuahua and today she broke her front left leg and I have no funds to help her until I get my Disability check next month.I was already taking her to the vet as soon as my check came.I don’t know what to do, she is everything to me and in awful pain and I have Never felt so helpless in my life.We have a very strong bond and I love her so much please help her I don’t know what to do I just want to die for real please help Thank you Gina

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In all cases it is best to have an orthopedic surgeon review the fracture to give options. In many cases it seems cheaper to place a cast but in lots of cases it is not superior to surgery and in many cases it can cost as much to manage over the long term and still give a poorer outcome. In some cases strict confinement can allow healing but it takes weeks and your pet must stay quiet and calm. In all cases I would never recommend amputation or euthanasia until all else had failed over weeks. In fact I never want to recommend euthanasia but these animals must be cared for and given appropriate analgesics. Good luck.