Hello there. My cat has had an ear infection for over two years now and has been treated with antibiotics over and over but it will not go away. Just about a year ago the vet removed a few polyps from my cats ear and throat and we thought for sure that’s why the antibiotics weren’t clearing up the ear infection, so we have done more ear infection treatments since the polyps have been removed but it’s still infected. My cats ear is stinky and water flys out of my cats ear when he shakes his head. I am so over antibiotics, we have literally tried every kind. Is there a home remedy out there anyone has had success with? Please help.
Hello everyone,
I have a 3-year-old cat with a polyp. I’m not sure where the polyp is located since the x-rays/MRI scan cost 1k. I’ve joined groups on Facebook to find any clinics to remove the polyp. VCA quoted me 4-7k which doesn’t include any kind of scans and most local veterinarians only remove polyp if they can physically see it.
I really need any help trying to find any clinic in the US. I’m willing to travel but for a reasonable price. I’m a college student living on my own with many expenses and it’s truly upsetting seeing my little guy go through this. I can hear him snoring and couching. I believe the polyp is located in his throat and nose.
Please please help me out!!!
Hi Pawbly friends! We are in WV – beautiful place to rejuvenate the spirit. One of our vacation neighbors takes in strays, and has a vet coming Tuesday to check on a few. One kitten that she recently rescued is only 6 weeks old by the vets estimate. She was having trouble with bowel movements and her hind end was covered in maggots. They cleaned her up and she is on day 5 of an antibiotics, however with each strain to go to the bathroom, maggots still appear. The fear is that even though she is being cleaned each time, that there are many more than she can stand. Nearest emergency vet is 2 hours away in Virginia and not really a feasible option. Any advice on how best to help this baby until the vet can get out here on Tuesday?
I have been using cat fountains for my cats for a long time now, because they all love fresh running cold water and insist on drinking out of the sink. The problem I’m having is that I still have not found the best cat fountain for my kids. So many of them are made from plastic, and regardless of how often you change the filters they mold easily. Gross. I have seen ceramic ones and stainless steel. I am reaching out for input from everyone to find out what it is they use that they find is the best. Even the filters tend to get funky quickly. I only have three cats and I do wash their fountain often. But I’m looking for one that will not mold easily and also does not make a huge mess on the floor. Thank you so much and advance!
Hello! We were hiking with our dog this morning when he got a thorn in his paw. Luckily we were able to remove it but it required two of us since he doesn’t like having his feet touched especially when he’s in pain. I have two questions. I realize now we need to carry a soft muzzle or something in case this happens when he is with only one of us, do you have a kind you prefer? Also how can we work with him, so he is more comfortable with us touching his feet?
Thank you so much,
Hello I recently watched a lot of your videos on youtube about ivdd and the beagle you were taking care of. My Gracie was diagnosed with ivdd yesterday and my vet gave her a steroid shot and she is now on steroid medication prednisone, pain killers and muscle relaxers. She is not able to walk or stand on her own, her right leg drags, her left leg seems normal. I have been using a makeshift sling to help her use the restroom, she is able to pee and poop on her own as long as I am helping her stand outside with a sling. She sometimes sits up in bed but mainly only using her upper body. Is this a good sign? My vet said I need to put her on a diet and give her strict rest but my vet also said if she is not better in two days I should take her to get surgery. I am relucatant to get surgery not just because of the cost but because my Gracie is 11 years old and I am afraid that it could worsen the paralysis in her other legs or it might be only a temporary fix. Me and my parents want to try naturally helping her, and I am not sure how to start or what to do. Should I just try making her get strict cage rest and see what happens or should I start physical therapy right away? I am planning on calling my vet to see what she thinks but from what she told me yesterday she seems pretty set on surgery only. Gracie has only been laying on one side when laying down. Her left side. Her right side is the side with the bad dragging leg. She is eating well and drinking well, I just want her to get better soon. Any advice or suggestions you can give me would be great. Thank you Krista.
Gracie’s mom.
For a couple weeks I have noticed my dog chewing on his back paw… he normally has pretty strong allergies this time of year and he is a licker anyway.. however tonight when I got home from work I took another close look at his paw (it was looking very pink) and noticed that he is missing a nail.. it’s completely gone ! He is in no pain as it seems.. hes walking, running, playing and eating as normal.. the only thing is he is obviously licking the area where his nail was.. it’s not bleeding and doesn’t look infected…
what advice do you have for this type of situation? I have been reading and watching videos about this but it’s half and half of I should take him to the vet or if I can take care of this at home.. Thank you
My baby Brownie was diagnosed with IVDD 6 days ago. I didn’t go for the surgery due to the cost. I’m giving him crate treatment at home he’s on two pain meds and a steroid at the moment. I hate seeing my baby in pain but I’m trying to stay positive. I saw your video on YouTube and it was very positive and hopefully. I’m hoping you can share any advice on our I can bring my baby back to good health. Currently his back legs aren’t working and he has no control over his bladder so I’m helping him go potty and cleaning his pee pad. His back and neck are in pain. I’m hoping he can make a great recovery.
For about 3 months now, our 9 year old cat, Wheezy, has been making strange noises when she breathes that are similar to snoring or sounding just really congested. We took her to the vet and determined that her lungs are fine and she doesn’t have an upper respiratory infection. We believed it was possible for it to be a polyp.
I found the video about Stripes, by Dr. Kristina Magnifico, and I would be willing to bet that Wheezy also has a polyp on her throat. However, like Stripes’ owners, our usual vet gave us an estimate of close to $1200 for all the procedures to check for a polyp and remove it (some of them seemed unnecessary for this process). We cannot afford a cost like this and if there is a simpler way to go about this like in Dr. Magnifico’s video then we need to go that route.
I also wanted to ask about another symptom Wheezy appears to have where there’s a lot of fluid building up in her right eye. Not sure if this is any more evidence of a polyp or not. I’ll attach a picture.
Everything seems to have slowly gotten worse and she has a lost a VERY unhealthy amount of weight because she won’t eat, and I would guess she’s dehydrated as well. She has lost all her energy. Prior to this starting she was a very healthy indoor/outdoor cat.
If there is anybody in the area of Eastern Massachusetts that could recommend any where they’ve taken their animals that would be so helpful.
Thank you!
I’ve got a first time urinary blocked cat that had a sewn in cath/IV fluids in ER at 6pm yesterday. Tricky thing was, they were only an overnight so I picked him up this morning with the plan to have primary take over but they basically refused when I got there, stating they would only remove the catheter when needed. So I took him home with the catheter and continued IV fluids myself (ER left the line and gave me a bag they had started) and returned to have the catheter removed at 3pm today. She came back saying his bladder was empty, so she couldn’t tell if the blockage was still present and to just monitor. Well it’s been about 4hrs and I’ve seen him go to the litter box three times. First time (about an hour after we got home) small bloody urine, and the last two times nothing. Should we have a second catheter placed and resume IV for longer? He’s currently on Prazosin and Buprenex q12hr. He’s currently acting normal but I presume his bladder isn’t as full as it was yesterday afternoon.
I just found your question. Have you found a solution for your cat yet?
We had a cat at our shelter, that was found with an infected mass inside their ear canal. The mass was removed, but it wouldn’t get better. It was smelling bad and pus could be seen. When the mass started growing back, his whole ear canal was removed.
Maybe that is an option for your cat, too? It helped Tony a lot. No more itchy, smelling, hurting ear. Altough he had to war a cone during healing, but after that he was the happiest cat.
I wish the ebst for your cat.
Hello again! My cat is going in for a total ear canal ablation one week from today, but not only are they removing just the ear canal they will also remove the middle ear too. I am so worried and nervous for him but this is my last resort.