Lucky is a 2-year old male kitty who was just hospitalized for a urinary block. He was hospitalized for six days. He’s now home recovering. He refuses to drink water and his having a hard time peeing. Although he had to big pees today that took him awhile to squeeze out. I need to monitor his bladder. When I feel around, I can’t feel anything at any time. Can someone help me locate his bladder? I’m giving him water through a syringe every hour. And, I’m encouraging him to use the litter box at his usual peeing times. I’d like to know how to tell if his bladder is overly filled.
Need a recommendation for dry dog food for my dog who scratches a lot. Vet said his skin is ok, no fleas, etc. Forgot to ask vet for recommendation on food. Currently eating Iams adult dry food. He is almost 2 yrs old.
Hello all!
My 7-month-old English labrador got spayed yesterday. She went into surgery at 7 am and we picked her up at 3 p.m. Of course, she was not herself due to the anesthesia. Once we got home, we fed her some lunch and then later some dinner, she was very hungry. Now, the following day, we have noticed she has yet to poop. She has peed minimally but has not pooped once. Is this normal for female dogs after undergoing surgery?
So my cat has a urinary blockage, and we took him in to get the crystals removed from his bladder but it keeps getting hard and he can’t go pee. Every morning for the last three days we have had to take him in to get his bladder drained and it is costing a lot. They have given us some relaxing medicine to help him, but soon we will have to put him down if it doesn’t work. I wanted to ask for any at-home tips to help his bladder empty easier in the litter box, like what kind of food should we feed him and should we give him water to help? Please respond it is urgent and he may have to be put down tomorrow.
Hello! So i just took home a pup, he’s an 8 week old cane corso. The breeder had his ears cropped a couple weeks ago and slowly started to noticed a small fluid filled “lump” on the back of his neck between his shoulder blades. He had called the ear cropping vet as well as his regular vet whom didn’t seem concerned most likely a seroma. They prescribed an antibiotic just to prevent an abscess as well as sending me home with some dimethyl sulfoxide cream. The first couple days we had him at home we didn’t use the cream because it made his breath smell and now the small lump has grown to the size of an orange. It’s still soft, doesn’t seem to bother his besides some itching, and he’s still very playful. Ugh it’s just making me nervous! I have an appointment with the vet for his final shots in a couple weeks. Just looking for some advice to calm my nerves or if i should go in sooner.
Our three year old spayed kitty Serafina (longhair buff and white tabby, 11.5lbs, utd on all shots) expelled her first hairball a couple days ago, and it was huge. Then she hacked up a couple smaller ones. The problem is she’s still throwing up. It’s only once or twice a day, never much in it, usually mucus or foam, sometimes a little digested food. Other than that her behavior is normal, her appetite was normal but has waned a bit, her drinking seems normal, but because we have multiple cats I don’t know if her bathroom habits have changed. There’s nothing alarming in the litter box though.
I’ve already sent an email to All Paws (it’s the only one we can afford with all the animals we care for) to make an appointment for her, but they’re not open on weekends and the auto-reply email said they have to go through a lot of emails on mondays so it may take up to 48 hours to even respond to my appointment request. I was sure to include all the details of her ailment in my email to them.
My question to you is this: In your professional opinion, is it okay to wait for their response, or should I seek an immediate appointment elsewhere? If so, I’d prefer it to be with your office. Other than the throwing up, she seems okay. She’s a low energy cat to begin with, so if she was lethargic it’d be hard to tell, but she seems normal to me. What should I look out for?
I’m just worried, I tend to panic over the smallest things. Thank you for reading all this.
Our dog Addy the Afghan gets acid reflux
Dr Graf told me to give her something like prilosec but I can’t remember exactly what it was and don’t want to give her the wrong thing
Carolyn zeller
I got my cat Leila in December and since she has had runny eyes and lots of sneezing. I took her to a vet and we did a course of clavamox which helped while she was on it. A few days after she finished it she was back to sneezing and having runny eyes. Then we tried azithromycin and famciclovir which did nothing and she began to sound super congested. Then we tried a longer course of the clavamox which worked well while she was on it. A week or so after she finished it she was back at it. She is now sneezing up a lot of snot. Other than those symptoms she eats well and plays like a healthy kitty. We took her to another vet who suggested it may be a polyp. I was looking for quotes for a rhinoscopy and possible surgical removal. I got a quote from a vet for $2000-3000 for the CT, sedation, and rhinoscopy but no quote if they need to do surgery. And a lot of other places refused to give me one unless I pay $150-180 for a consultation first. Any advice on where I should look for reasonable prices would be great! We are in Michigan but are willing to travel out. Thank you!
Morning Pawbly friends!! I wanted to try trick training with one of our GSDs- Rontu. Any advice on where to start?
We have a young dog who will not stop licking our older dog in the mouth. She is out of control with this, its not a normal greeting type of lick its always full speed jumping all around & non stop licking. The older dog hates it & tries to get away but cant so then it turns into the older dog getting loud & aggressive but that doesn’t even stop the other dog…
We don’t know what to do, or how to make her stop. She’s very bullheaded & stubborn almost impossible to train. Any advice would be wonderful. Thank you for taking time to read my cry for help
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I would do the following. First call your get and ask for a tutorial from one of the technicians. We do this very often at our clinic. If they won’t help put out a plea on social media for an experienced vet tech or cat person who can help you. It will take a few weeks to get adept at this. I have a few videos to help. I’ll try to do more. I would also suggest you ask about learning how to give Sq fluids instead of syringe feeding by mouth. Also ask about prazosin, prednisolone, and hydra care. Good luck.