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carrie Urquhart | 4 years ago
Any Ideas On How To Fix Behavioral Cat Peeing Outside The Box? My Cats About 6 Or …

Any ideas on how to fix behavioral cat peeing outside the box? My cats about 6 or so and she randomly pees on things that are in the floor. Rugs, blankets, baskets etc.

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    Make sure she doesn’t have a UTI, make sure she has a space safe from your dog. Make sure she has at least two litterboxes, one on each floor of the house. Use cat attract litter. And make sure those boxes are spotless.

    Often, inappropriate urination is due to a UTI and can continue afterward as they associate pain with the litterbox. If the above tricks do nothing to curb this, and you’re 100% certain she’s clear of a UTI, you may want to consider changing the box type as well as litter type. Dr. M has mentioned in the past that plain old dirt (like from the garden – pesticide and fertilizer free, of course) can attract cats.

    1. carrie Urquhart Post author

      Thank you for the tips. Ive not heard of cat attract litter. Ill look into that. I dont see any signs if a uti, and she’s been doing it once every few months or so since I got her a few years ago. Just one pee outside the box then nothing else. I should rule out uti though I know. I’ll work on that next. Still dealing with my dogs issues from being spayed. Plain dirt is also interesting. Ive never heard that before. Such good ideas. Thanks.

      1. Laura

        I hope these help. 🙂 Sometimes it really can be behavioral, but it’s best to rule everything out first. You can also try Feliway – that helped my old lady cat when we got our current dog. It’s not cheap but it really can help.

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Jennifer Farrell | 4 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Dachshund Mix Who I’ve Had On Grain Free Food For …

I have a 12 year old dachshund mix who I’ve had on grain free food for about 5 years. He has had ear issues over the years but it’s been manageable and infrequent. I have been transitioning him to Purina Pro Plan for bright minds and all the sudden his ears are bright pink and he’s shaking his head constantly. I have read so many terrible things about the grain free diets but now I wonder if I made a mistake and he might actually have sensitivity to grains bc I had him on grain free food for so long. Is that possible? Should I just go back to the grain free food given his old age?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    As I understand it (and I’m NOT a vet, but I’ve had conversations with a few veterinary nutrition experts about this since my dog has a food sensitivity), dogs are more likely to be allergic to the protein source than the grains. Chicken, beef, and lamb seem to be the most common protein allergens.

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carrie Urquhart | 4 years ago
My Dog Got Spayed A Week Or So Ago. Now Shes Blowing Snot Everywhere. Ive Already …

My dog got spayed a week or so ago. Now shes blowing snot everywhere. Ive already called the vets office but they are closed today. Do you think benadryl will help dry up the mucus until tomorrow? I feel bad for her but I dont think it’s warranted for an emergency visit.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Hi Carrie – sorry I missed this until today! I don’t tend to give benadryl for sinus stuff. I only give it if Ripley develops hives from a food formulation change which hasn’t yet hit the label.

    Hope your dog’s feeling a bit better!

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Norma Elena | 4 years ago
Please I Need Help My Sister Found A Cat And It Has A Broken Paw We …

Please I need help my Sister found a cat and it has a broken paw we don’t have the 2,000 dollars she got quoted at vet… what can we do??? Please help we want to help this cat the worse thing is this kitty is semi feral she’s friendly but is in pain we only have meds for 2 more days and if we can’t afford they suggest amputation ???????????? PLEASE HELP my cell is (562)324-0501? Thank You ????????

6 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If she is not handleable safely then I would try gage rest for 6-8 weeks to allow it to heal. Quite honestly I wouldn’t suggest amputation unless this is a very docile vaccinated house cat. They can’t be let outside without a foot.
    If possible have her spayed, vaccinated and then places on cage rest (ie big cage with litterbox food water and bed). She stays in there 24/7 until the foot is healed. (They heal. Promise. But only if not allowed to run or jump). As she is in the crate you can work on trust so she can safely become an indoor cat. You don’t need $2000 you just need time and patience. Ty for saving her.

    1. carrie Urquhart

      This is why I like you Dr. Magnificent, such an honest answer. No vet would say that. I was going to suggest reaching out to a rescue group for help with funds, but so true. A feral outdoor cat cant properly defend itself without a foot. Perhaps the vet could prescribe some long term anti-inflammatories to help while being on cage rest. They make metacam for cats, seems to work well with little issues.

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megan | 4 years ago
My Vet Thought My Cat Had A Polyp. He Went In This Morning For Them To …

My vet thought my cat had a polyp. He went in this morning for them to look into his throat under anesthesia. Turns out he doesn’t have a polyp just has an inflamed throat. They said they can just give him some medicine and he’ll be good. He’s had these symptoms for years.. can an inflamed throat last that long? do you have any advice? will the medicine cure it or just treat it?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m glad they looked for you and hopefully started to give you some answers. Yes you can have chronic inflammation. Ask your vet for a short and long term treatment plan and then start there. Good luck.

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Chris | 4 years ago
PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! I Have A 10 Year Old Black Lab And Today He Was Kicked In …

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! I have a 10 year old black lab and today he was kicked in the side close to his back leg by a horse. I cannot get him in the car to go to the vet. Can I give him aspirin or anything for the pain??? He’s letting me pet him where he was kicked. Can a vet prescribe him any meds without him being seen?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. As much as we all want to help it is not legal to prescribe without seeing a veterinarian. You can call your vet and ask for help. But we cannot do it online without a pet existing vet relationship. Further if your dog is injured he may need more than pain meds. Please call your vet, or look for a local mobile vet to come to your home.

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Christine | 4 years ago
So I Took My Cat To The Er On Saturday For Being Blocked And He Came …

So I took my cat to the er on Saturday for being blocked and he came home Tuesday evening 2,178$ bill that I couldnt aford I borrowed money from my dad …and 24 hours later be blocked again…wtf ! Why didnt they just keep him longer and leave the catheter in longer then 2 days ?? What am I to do now …I have no money ! And they wont do payment plans …am I suppose to just let him die ???!!! I have an appointment…but I cant pay it ….I had to make a go fund me ! I’m just so lost !

2 Responses


  1. carrie Urquhart

    Cats often re block when they are having issues. Im not sure why they didn’t refer you to your normal vet to continue with the catheter. X-rays and ultrasound would show what’s inside the bladder such as crystals or bladder stones, and then you’d have a better idea how to treat him. When I worked for the vets office we used royal canin urinary so food. It helps dissolve the crystals inside the bladder and helps to stop it from reoccurring. However this isn’t helpful while he is blocked since being blocked is an emergency. I would recommend taking him to your regular vet as an emergency hospital is twice as expensive. Look onto care credit to help with paying the bill, and reach out to rescue groups, maybe they can offer some help. Good luck.

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megan | 4 years ago
Is A Pro-BNP Heart Test Included In A Feline Wellness Screen?

Is a pro-BNP heart test included in a feline wellness screen?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have not seen it routinely included. Different labs do different packages for blood work. So it can be both lab and clinic specific.

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Moi | 4 years ago
Can Very Large Amounts Of Hard Cat Treats Given Almost Every Hour Cause Bright Red Stool And Vomitting?

Can very large amounts of dry cat treats given almost every hour cause bright red stool and vomitting?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry I don’t understand your question. Amounts of what? To whom? Is there a veterinarian involved in this to ask for help for your pet?

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megan | 4 years ago
Can Nasal Polyps Be Seen On A Head X-ray?

Can nasal polyps be seen on a head x-ray?

1 Response
