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Shantay | 5 years ago
My Dogs Belly Went From Pink To Black Should I Be Concerned? Hes A Presio Canario …

My dogs belly went from pink to Black should I be concerned? Hes a Presio Canario and he will be 2 in July

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is a concern if it is related to a skin condition. If it is a pigment change it might not be a concern. But dogs with skin issues often turn from healthy pink to thickened and dark due to infection and/or disease. So it’s best to have your vet look at your dog.

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Moika | 5 years ago
I Inherited A Healthy, Except For A Slight Heart Murmur, 10 Year Old Chihuahua. She Is Current …

I inherited a healthy, except for a slight heart murmur, 10 year old chihuahua. She is current on shots and had no reaction to them. She ate small breed pedigree at first, but now feed Lotus good grain chicken kibble and pet plate topper (left over from a dog that died). I noticed she scratched her back alot, but didn’t see fleas, hair loss, a rash, and she mostly scratches after coming in from walks or arriving anyplace other than home. For a month, I left her home with my 7 year old chihuahua. They had the run of the house. One day I noticed pieces of my carpet in the hall. Now a whole corner of the rug is gone. I crated her. She screamed and whined and eventually escaped. I secured the crate with a carabiner. I came home to a crime scene. The bridge of her nose was bloodied and one of her nails was pulled out. I am taking her to work with me at a doggy daycare and boarding facility. Her nose has hair missing. I want to treat it, but with what and when will the hair grow back? Money is an issue because my hours are severely deceased now

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Oh my goodness! I am so sorry this has happened. I think it depends on a few things as far as treatment. If it is a deeper wound, then you will need antiseptic solution to keep it clean, and possibly antibiotic because of possible infection. If it is superficial, then that would be a different story. I am more concerned about her nail pulled out. I think that needs to be seen by the vet. I would call and get her in to be checked out. I know these are tough times. Your vet does too- and would hopefully be willing to give you a bit of time to pay for service. I hope your dog is ok????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I am not too worried about the abrasions to the nose or the nail. I have seen these both happen many times and they always heal well if given time. I am more concerned about the heart and based on age and breed; dental disease. The rest needs behavioral assistance as it sounds like separation anxiety. This is resolvable with time, attention and patience. I would see a vet. Have the degree of heart disease assessed and discuss preventative care like heartworm etc if needed. The carpet, if ingested is also a real threat to health as it can cause a foreign body obstruction. There’s a lot going on here. Your vet with a simple exam can help you. Find someone who is willing to take the time to help you and budgets are a normal constraint for most of us these days. Ask around for a reputable kind and patient vet. They are out there.

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Candice | 5 years ago
I Have A Female Cat, Around 4 Years Old. I Had Noticed She Was Gaining Weight, Or …

I have a female cat, around 4 years old. I had noticed she was gaining weight, or so I thought, as her belly was starting to get really round. She is not fixed but there is no chance of pregnancy. I have now noticed that she seams to have a discharge and quite a bit of it. I have read that it could possibly be an infection. Vets are quoting me around $3,500. Due to covid 19 my hours at work have been cut so I can not afford all of that up front. I doubt I will be able to get approved for care credit and if so I will not be able to get approved for that much. So I’m wondering what other options I might have? I dont want to loose my baby girl and it may be coming down to rehoming her to get the care she requires right now. What can I do to at least try to keep her comfortable during this?

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would call everyone you can and ask for help. I do not charge an exorbitant fee for this and I am not alone. Call rescues, shelters and everyone you can you ask for help that you can afford. In the interim call your vet and ask to be seen. If you can or afford surgery perhaps you can afford fluids and antibiotics . and hopefully this will be enough help to get her through this and then spay her ASAP. Surgery is best But antibiotics are better than nothing. Call your vet and ask for help you can afford. Please let us know what happens and please share it in the story section of Pawbly so others can benefit from your experience.

  2. Candice Post author

    I have been making calls all day. Only thing I keep getting pointed towards is care credit. So I am going to continue to try to do what I can. Ievenbrokedown and created a go fund me. Hoping combined efforts will help. Thank you!

  3. Krista Magnifico

    Hello. At least get fluids and antibiotics started. At my clinic this would be $45 exam, $25 fluid kit (1 liter fluid bag will give you 10 sq treatments) and antibiotics which you can get for $10-20 at Walmart. Go to the vet ask for a fluid kit and written antibiotic prescription for the most affordable antibiotic you can get. I think that for about $100 you can at least give your cat a fighting chance. Find a low cost spay and neuter clinic after the infection clears. That’s my honest low cost advice. Please let me know what happens

    1. Candice Post author

      I have a friend who has a family member that owns a vet clinic. She is going to work with me to try and help until I can gather the funds needed for the big stuff. I have created a go fund me to help gather the funds needed. Thank you.

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Sarah | 5 years ago
Charley Is A 9 Year Old Lab Mix Female, Approx 70 Lbs. She Has Always Been An Incredibly …

Charley is a 9 year old lab mix female, approx 70 lbs. She has always been an incredibly active dog. Over the last year or so we have noticed her slowing down and assumed it was wear and tear of her joints after being so athletic and active. We started her on anti inflammatories (ostimax) after speaking with our vet, and used it as needed. It seemed to help. Within the last 3 months things worsened and we began giving her the anti inflammatory daily, as well as gabapentin. Things worsened again, and we finally requested that xrays be taken. They found a partial tear in one back acl and a fully torn acl in the other, we aren’t sure when this happened. She is receiving an injectable (adequan) 2 x a week for a month, and is taking the anti inflammatory, a cbd chew and gabapentin. This regimen is new this week and she looks a little better but still prefers to be laying down, has a hard time standing up/sitting down. We try to walk a block and she stops to lie down (we never push her). She sleeps most of the day, assuming from the meds. She is a different dog, it’s heartbreaking. She still eats and drinks but we put her food in front of her now, and mix it with wet (to hide the pills), otherwise I don’t know how often she would eat on her own. Thoughts on how surgery will help? Recovery? Our consult with the surgeon referred by our vet isn’t until July 31st (there is a backup with Covid) so we are looking for other options and might have a spot with a local vet- we are hoping to not have to wait that long because she’s just not our Charley, and we don’t want to see her in pain any longer.
some notes from vet: Ambulates tender hind legs R+L . thickened stifles- toe touching both and small stride on gait . Sits
slowly and swings legs out to avoid flexing too much . Crepitous on flex/ ext R side- patellar groove . Rlat- chip prox tibia- thickened JC and irregular lat collateral. L side – joitn mouse caudal joint – thickened JC irrgular medial collateral lig mild drawer both

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think a few things might help. Call and get a referral to an orthopedic surgeon. Start there. They can help more than anyone else at this stage. The other option is to try a veterinary school. Everyone is backed up now do you covid. So I cannot promise these willl help. Also look into a suitcase type harness and orthopedic bed. Also swimming or underwater treadmill might help. I would also make sure your dog has had a full bloodwork done including thyroid. I also always check Lyme status. You don’t want to miss infectious or other disease when you are so focused on orthopedic. The best places around me are VOSM and VaTech vet school. If you cannot get into to surgery you can ask about braces. They might help. The folks at doglegs. I will forward their website. Did the vet take hip radiographs? Is your dog overweight? Did anyone help with other medications or supplements?

    1. Sarah Post author

      Thank you! My aunt Janet has spoken so highly of you, I appreciate your feedback! The vet said her hips and back looked great on the xray, was just the back knees. I will ask about getting bloodwork and checking for Lyme’s. As far as meds and supplements she is taking the ostimax, gaba, cbd chews and the adequan injections. Thank you again!

      1. Krista Magnifico

        Hello! Please let me know how things go. If you have trouble call Janet and have her send you my number. I can make some local calls to see if we can get some answers and help started. Good luck.

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mihai | 5 years ago
Pisoi Is An Indoor 18 Year Old Male Cat Who Is Also Allowed To Spend As Much …

Pisoi is an indoor 18 year old male cat who is also allowed to spend as much time as he wants outside. Last summer he started to get from his left nostril a discharge, first clear mucus which despite an antibiotic injection (good for two weeks) became later a thick puss. The doctor’s supposition was: A) sinus infection; B) a foreign body in the nostril; C) cancer. The Doctor’s opinion is that more precise investigations requires anesthesia but due to the cat’s advanced age the doctor felt that he might not wake up from the anesthesia. It was prescribed Tobramycin Dexamethasone Ophtalmic and the puss became again a pretty clear discharge. He was eating and behaving normal. Everything remained in this state until two months ago when Pisoi began to snore, a sign that his left nostril was beginning to be affected. There was no discharge from his “healthy” nostril. After six days of doxycycline, his snoring became a little softer, then loud again. Another six days doxycycline, another week of soft snoring. Now he received doxycycline for 20 days. Already after four tablets he seams to be better but still 1) he cannot rest well because of heavy breathing and 2) his appetite is gone. Only ¼ tablet mirtazapine will make him to eat (really well).
Dr. Magnifico, I would appreciate it if you could see Pisoi as soon as possible, especially after I read what on this page what happened to Tony’s cat, Destiny.
We live in New Castle Pa, five hours and a half from you
Thank you very much,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    At this age a growth due to cancer is more likely. I do feel that taking a look with a quick acting anesthetic is in everyone’s best interest but you have to be prepared for the possibility of the oral cavity inspection not yielding anything. The best options for these cases are ct scan. They require anesthesia and are expensive. Most people decline for these reasons. If you want someone to look try to find someone closer to you. Lots of vets are comfortable looking and I find it hard to believe you would have to drive this far to have someone look. Also we are not an ER clinic so most procedures come with a pre op exam, bloodwork and then a later appointment to do the procedure. Call the local shelters, rescues and pet foundations to see if anyone local is willing to help. Also speak to your vet about a sweater exam for a polyp. If you cannot fine any help please email back. Best of luck.

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Valerie | 5 years ago
Hello . My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Ivdd. She Is 5 Years Old . We Are On Day 6 …

Hello . My dog was just diagnosed with ivdd. She is 5 years old . We are on day 6 and at night I notice she will wake up from a sleep and Yelp and try to get comfortable again . Sometimes she twitches too . She seems restless . She is on gabapentin tramadol and predisone . I feel that she is still in pain any suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- so sorry about your pup. You should speak to your vet again and explain your concerns about pain, medications and management. Also- I know that Dr. Magnifico has a lot of information on ivdd on her YouTube channel, in case you have not checked there already. Very best to you????????

    1. Valerie Post author

      Thank You Very much . Update my pup is doing Very well I am so happy to say! She will still need to be in crate for another two weeks but that’s ok I’m so happy she made a turn around

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Andrew | 5 years ago
Hi. My Welsh Springer Was Drinking Alot But Not Eating For 4 Days And Following An Ultrasound …

Hi. My Welsh Springer was drinking alot but not eating for 4 days and following an ultrasound was diagnosed with pyometra. She underwent surgery ten days ago.
Since having the operation she still refuses to eat. She has had anti nausea treatment as well as mirtazapine. The vet has now also prescribed trazodone. We did book her in to stay at the vets for a couple of days and they said she did eat some chicken. They showed me a video as evidence. Physically they could find nothing wrong with her. On returning home she still refuses to eat but is drinking. She will not eat anything, even her favourite treats, her usual dog food, nothing. So far it has cost me nearly £2000 for her treatment and I have no funds left. It really feels as though she will starve herself to death, although I thought dogs would never do this. I have tried restoring her old pattern of eating and have removed uneaten food after an hour and offered her nothing until her next meal but she still will not eat. I am at a loss as what to do next. Thanks for your advice. Andrew.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear that your pup isn’t bouncing back as you had hoped. I would call the vet back and ask for help. I would also talk about placing a feeding tube to supplement food and give her some more time to return to normal. At this point it is too long to safely wait. She needs the nutrition and she needs help in getting it. A small nasal-gastric tube can be placed with minimal topical sedation and it will at least help with liquid meal delivery. I would also look at any medications you are giving and consider stopping them all. Also I would ask about adding cerenia. It has helped me with cases like this many times. I hope this helps. Keep offering any and every kind of food. Meat flavored baby food, canned cat food, macaroni and cheese, purreed food of any kind. Keep offering. Best of luck.

    1. Andrew Post author

      Thank you. I will keep trying and speak to the vet about the tube.

  2. Sarah

    I am sorry this is happening. I would definitely speak to the vet again and ask about help in feeding her. I would also try to entice her with boiled chicken or hot dog pieces or ham…. anything that is a super treat that might get her into eating again. I hope she is ok!!????????

    1. Andrew Post author

      Thank you. I have tried her with chicken, ham etc. No joy.

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William | 5 years ago
Hi Krista, I Have A 6 Month Old Kitten (Shadow) With Polyps And I Saw Your Video …

Hi Krista, I have a 6 month old kitten (Shadow) with polyps and I saw your video on YouTube and got excited because I know how much vets charge and I can’t afford that. I’m in Greensburg PA, just east of Pittsburgh. If you know of any affordable vets in my area I could try them but most places are 3+ weeks out just for appointment or not taking new customers at all. Otherwise I could definitely take the drive to MD if it helps my baby breathe and meow! Please let me know if you can help. Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t know if anyone there. But I think that one of the best places to start to look for affordable help is by calling any and all of the local shelters, rescues and pet focused foundations. They know who is fair reputable and affordable. If you cannot fund anyone please let me know. Or call my clinic at 410-692-6171 and leave a message for me. Tell them that you are booking an appointment to be seen and I will call you back from the clinic. Good luck. If you find someone who can help please notify me so I can pass it along for future use.

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Oliva Melo | 5 years ago
I Have A 4 Year Old Poodle That I Adopted After He Became Paralyzed From His Back …

I have a 4 year old poodle that I adopted after he became paralyzed from his back legs. He became paralyzed Dec 2018 and due to lack of resources, we chose the conservative method, but have seen minimal changes in the past 1.5 years since his injury. He is a very happy and friendly dog and doesn’t appear to miss his rear legs. My question is if he’ll ever feel his rear legs again? If his brain will ever detect them or know they are there? He has a wheelchair, but he dislikes it. His diagnosis is a slipped disk from two vets who also said he would be paralyzed for life. I took him to a trial treatment at Texas A&M Vet school, but unfortunately, the product they are developing is too far into the future. Looking for your opinion on what options, if any, my pet might have.
Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am not a neurologist specialist, but, I think almost every veterinarian would say that if you haven’t seen much, or, any progress by this point you are probably very unlikely to. I do however know many many dogs who have done quite well for many years in the same condition yours is. I would insure a few things;
    1. The home is safe and handicapped accessible. Block stairs and provide same level access to all needed things. Like bed, food and water.
    2. Make sure you protect the wear surfaces on his body. Like legs, ankles and joints. If he is dragging he isn’t using the toe pads which are thick and protect the skin.
    3. Make sure he is urinating completely (learn how to palpate the bladder to make sure it is emptied after every urination.
    4. Make sure he is moving feces normally and comfortably. Think about soft food and adding a probiotic or motility agent.
    5. See your vet often. I would say very 3 months or more if you are worried about anything.
    6. Get him in the grass for play and exercise as often as you are able.

    Good luck. I hope this helps.

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Gloria | 5 years ago
One Of My Cats From A Feral Group Came Home With A Jaw Degloving Injury (see …

Dear Dr. Magnifico,

I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. I lost my mom a few years ago, and it takes a while to go through that grief. Take care of you!

My question:
One of my cats from a feral group (not living in the house) came home with a jaw degloving injury (see photo). I took him to the vet and the vet mentioned possibly correcting this with surgery but that such surgery doesn’t always hold. However, a few weeks later she said he looked okay to go home as is and not to try the surgery or he’d be worse off if it failed. He drools/slobbers now, which wouldn’t be so bad, but it has a bad smell, so I wonder if that’s normal. The vet didn’t think he needed antibiotics (I had asked if she could give him a long-acting antibiotic injection since it is next to impossible to pill him now without hurting him and/or making it bleed).

He is a precious boy, and I want him to be as comfortable as possible. I’m keeping him in the house now and have found a home for him with the same people who adopted a different feral from us, so hooray for that. Not sure if the injury is bothering him (or just bothering me with the smell). Will the smell go away over time?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would contact a vet who has done this surgery before and have it corrected ASAP. See my blog on seraphina. If you are near me please come to the clinic for an exam ASAP. It’s not a difficult surgery to do. But it needs to be done ASAP for best prognosis. I hope this helps.

    1. Gloria Post author

      Thank you, doctor. We think it was 17 days since the injury occurred.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I just want to add that antibiotics seem like they would have been necessary seeing as it was an open injury.