Hi there!!!
Penny and Sampson’s mom here. Quick question…they weighed in at 47 lbs and 48 lbs last month when they saw Dr. Ahrens for their Cytopoint shots. Dr. Ahrens said Sampson looks a bit underweight. I took the recommendation you gave me for Wellness dog food and just started tapering them off the raw. I like them around 50-53 lbs they both look a bit underweight to me. I will follow the feeding guidelines and watch their weight. Do I need to go to the next weight class down for their Heartguard medication or can I still use the 50 lbs and up dosage?
I just recently got a 7 week old kitten. He was perfectly fine when I first got him but I don’t have a car so I was unable to get cat food but had some tuna in the cabinet. He seems really weak and sleeps all the time. I have since then gotten cat food but what should I do to get his strength back up? Is this something that I should be worried about?
Morning???? Quick question about antiseptic for keeping cuts clean. I know peroxide isn’t the best option. I like to use this blue solution from the vet. Is it Rx only? We are all out and it is “run around like a maniac in the woods with the kids” time of year for the dogs.
Hi, my 4 year old adopted whippet was neutered on 4/22/20. I followed all post-op instructions and he was healing fine and resumed his normal activities at the two week point (May 6th), and was bathed on May 7th. They used dissolvable stitches, which I could still see on the area weeks after the surgery. Everything looked like normal healing, no redness/drainage/swelling, and he wasn’t bothering the area. Today (over a month since the surgery) I noticed him licking the area and upon inspection I noticed some redness and swelling at the incision site, and there is some minor serous drainage from the site. No change in behavior, no change in appetite or energy level. It doesn’t seem to be painful for him, but I’m worried since the incision area should be completely healed by now. Could this be a seroma or does it look like a bad infection (or something worse) that will require veterinary attention?
The first pic was taken today 5/30/20. The other pic was taken 4/26/20. Thank you in advance.
My pug just threw up and I am worried but the the clinic next to me is closed till Monday will he be okay he is also chasing his tail a lot but he has been eating and playing I am starting to worry I called his doctor and she said to wait till Monday because they are closed she also said it might be his anal glands but why is he vomiting
Hi again!! Do you recommend a neck brace for a dog with a herniated disk in his neck? The neck brace I’m Considering getting for my boy is “BALTO DOG NECK BRACE”.
Please please let me know if you’d advice this for his condition.
Thank you!!!!
Hi Pawbly friends????
I was just reading through and saw the question about dog food. I am a bit of a paranoid dog mom- they are literally siblings to my three human children. I have always given them (the dogs not the kids, lol!)Purina One, because somewhere along the way I had read something where Purina was regulated in some way by the FDA and I thought it would make it a safe option. All three of our dogs are healthy GSDs and happy with there food. No stomach issues. Maybe a little indulged with treats, but no worse for the wear. Perhaps I am just being nervous, but is it a safe/good choice for dog food? (Insert eye roll from my husband whose comment was,” We have a 15 year old German Shepherd who won’t quit. You can’t switch his food now regardless.”) Just asking one case there is a better option I should be considering. Thanks! ????
Hello I have a pug and he is about to turn 2 he woke up this morning and threw up twice he is also chasing his tail a lot it’s the first time he does this other than that he is eating and playing he is drinking water and acting like a normal dog it’s just that problem should I worry?
Hi again! (Ref: Penny & Sampson)
I asked about switching from raw food last week.
I don’t know what food is best. One site says, kibble is over processed and has very little nutritional value because of the high heat used. Then there is organic and non gmo but dehydrated or freeze dried keeps more nutrients but I can’t find a dehydrated food that is also organic. They (mainly Sampson) did not do well on any of the kibbles and both gained weight even on the prescription diet food. I would cook for them but I’m afraid I wouldn’t give them all the nutrients they need. I tried to find a nutritionist on line but no success. I welcome any suggestions you may have. Who knew finding good nutritional options for your pet would be this difficult. Just want them healthy and to live a long like.
Hi! This message is for Dr. Magnifico: I just watched one of your YouTube videos on IVDD disc disease and it gave me so much Comfort listening to you speak about the pup you were treating and the amount of pain he was in. I have my boy, 11 year old schnauzer_ 25 lbs- we did an MRI Last Saturday which revealed a disc extrusion a C3-4 with other milder disc protrusions. My guy has also had some liver issues for the past three years which has him on denamarin every day but also since this supplement, his liver enzymes have gone back to Normal. He is currently on Dexamethasone 0.5 mg, gabapentin 100mg and tramadol 50mg. Even though I did ask the doctor from the emergency hospital as well as Rex’s (my dog) other regular physician if these medications would be OK with him and his past liver problems, They both said yeah, I still can’t help but feel a little bit worried that these medications are going to hurt his already damaged liver. I’ve been trying to take it easy on the tramadol as a matter of fact they waited only until yesterday to start giving it to him because he is fine during the day he can still walk poop,pee and is still a total scavenger, But come night time that’s when he starts getting more comfortable and about 4 to 5 times he has woken up crying in pain which breaks my heart. Of course these episodes thank God only last about 10 to 20 seconds no longer and then he shakes it off and is fine after that. During these episodes though he gets up lift his right leg up and sort of paralyzes for that short amount of time his neck is not able to move his whole body hunches it’s a really scary experience the first time I saw it happen I thought he was dying, so you describing it the way that you did in one of your YouTube videos really really made me feel so much better about Rex and what he is going through and if anything made me feel thankful that even though my baby is in pain and is feeling uncomfortable there are so many other puppies out there doing so much worse than him. I’ve decided to buy him a stroller just because his brother, him and I are outdoor people we would go every day on 2 to 3 hour walks and now we’ve diminished them to 10 to 20 minute walks which still think that’s a lot so I think his stroller is going to help all three of us. I’m sorry for the rant I’ll finally get to the point-I just wanted to ask you what’s your experience with those three medications that I just mentioned do you think they are going to eventually become an issue with his liver? Also what’s your opinion on a neck brace for dogs I was thinking and looking up a few neck braces that might help him keep his next treat would you recommend this?
I hope to hear back from you soon and once again, thank you so much for your YouTube videos. I wish all veterinarians were like you.
Jess V.
So I talk more about muscle condition score with these breeds versus body condition score. I’m not sure how they fare in either. Can you post photos from the side and above? Or we can set up a FaceTime chat. And I try to stick to the weight guidelines in the packages. If you bought them from us we will happily exchange for the correct size. Unless you think you will put the extra few pounds on and have them at the correct dose. Let me know what works for you. ???? krista.
Either way is fine. We can start with the photos. I can send them tomorrow since they are in bed for the night. I do plan on getting then up just a few pounds I certainly don’t want them overweight again. They are due for their Heartguard tomorrow. So once I send the pics I will go from there with whatever your recommendations are. I gotta say I love Pawbly. It makes asking questions so much easier and you are amazing at getting back quickly. Wish there were more human doctors like that????