Hi everyone, great website. My 10 year old sweet darling cat, has a cyst next to her eye, I was told by the vet it’s a cyst and to keep an ‘eye’ on it to see if it got bigger. Which it has.. they are saying to have it removed.. I was wondering if there’s anything I can do at home to help the cyst or does she have to have an operation? Many thanks, help really appreciated.
Is it Normal for a puppy to limp after getting a dose of calcium injected in it’s leg?
Today was his vet’s appointment for a dose of calcium injection.
He’s a 3 months old Alsatian German Shepherd.
Unfortunately , I was picking up his litter to throw it and meanwhile he chewed a stone and gave a loud cry. I immediately came to him and stroked his fur,n Soon , his mouth was dripping so much blood! I immediately took him to the vet , who treated his wounds. Now he’s completely fine.
But after 3 hours of the dose , he started to limp (in the leg in which the dose was injected).
I asked a friend , who has taken care of many dogs! He said it’s completely normal as the dose of calcium is a bit strong and that he’ll be fine when he wakes up in the morning.
But I wanted to double check.
Please answers asap.
Hi, Please if there’s someone who knows a vet like this near York, PA who won’t charge an arm and a leg to remove a polyp from our cat’s throat! we have to pay $2,000 and wait forever just for an appointment! Please! She almost died a few times because she can’t breathe. Her name is Destiny and she’s a sweet and loving cat. Our vet misdiagnosed this as asthma. Tonight she’s having another hard time breathing. We can’t afford to keep taking her to the Emergency vet they charge a fortune and don’t help. Please let me know ASAP. My email is tshelleman@juno.com. Thanks in advance!
Madonna vet suggested I post on here to get some advice. I have 3 cats, one is around 7 1/2 and the other two are around 4 1/2. Last week I noticed one of them had pooped out side of the litter box and there were drops around it that had bright red bloody mucous around it. I tried looking it up and found that this can happen sometimes and not to be too concerned as long as the stool was formed. So I kept an eye out when cleaning and scooping the litter box to see if it happened again and who it was. I hadn’t noticed any more blood until today, I found some in my bathroom (picture attached). One of them is over weight and likes to eat random things sometimes, but none of then are acting any different than usual. Without trying to sound super weird i tried to inspect all 3 of them, but i can’t tell who it was so i can take them to the vet (it would be impossible to get all 3 at the same time especially with this whole pandemic going on). I guess I’m just hoping for some advice on what to do and whether or not to be super concerned. All of the vets I’ve called to talk to are booked, and I’m not really sure how to go about it.
My kitten of (five weeks – six weeks) appears to have a swollen belly. I have been concerned for a while as it does not seem to go away, my kitten also seems to constipate a bit and isolate himself from other kittens. Although he shows some odd behavior, he still is the most energetic kitten of the lot and eats very often, more so than the other kittens, and he loves climbing, jumping, running, and is an all around happy lil guy. His feces does not seem to show any signs of parasitic infection (no eggs, mucus, blood) and I’m concerned it might even be FIP. Just wondering what it could be, thanks for taking the time in reading this!
This is our 11 month old kitten! I snapped this photo of her yawning and it appears she has an extra tooth on the left side?
We have had her for almost 6 weeks now, she chews on almost everything so were growing concerned. She is eating, sleeping, and playing all the same.
Please let us know what you think is going on in this little mouth
Hello all, i am going to try to explain this the best i can. I adopted Louie a little over 2 years ago. He is now estimated at 11 years old. He goes into these phases of waking us up every morning at 4am and doesnt allow us to sleep until about 10am. He will constantly intermittently meow during those 6 or so hours. I say phases because he is currently doing it and its been about a week since it started but he hadnt done it for about 2 months.
This time, hes sitting outside our guest room door just meowing. He has never been in there and never shown interest till now. At first we thought it was maybe a start of dementia bc it is the room right before mine and he usually spends his time in mine, but now we arent so sure. He was in my room, left, and within 3 seconds was meowing at the other door. That just seemed like too quick a turn around between fine and not fine in terms of dementia.
When he has these periods of meowing, i always check to make sure there is food, water and a clean litter box available. That hasnt been the problem.
I am getting very frustrated as i havent slept well in over a week because of his meowing. Its like having a new-born. (Best type of birth control ever).
Its almost as if he knows hes doing wrong because after the first time i say “Louie hush” he’ll start meowing more quietly. Unfortunately. Still loud enough to wake me and keep me awake.
Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.
Our Houston vet confirmed this dog as already neutered. He as a slight greenish discharge coming from his penis. He was seen by his adopted family’s vet who said he has most likely Cryptorchid, that his testicles have failed to descend into his scrotum. This vet recommended a special procedure for neuter.
How could that be missed by the first vet? What do you think is going on with this little fella who only weighs 11 pounds and is 3 years old?
My sisters dog has been sick. She wanted to bring him here to play with my dogs and I told her I’d rather not until he saw the vet, he had an apt. Can dogs spread germs like people do. Now that I know they can get corona I was concerned.
My rats (2 months old) are sneezing. Sometimes it’s one, sometimes its like three in a row, but it is not consistent. I have read that this could be linked to respiratory issues, but they have no other symptoms. They ping, brux, boggle, play fight with their siblings, eat, socialize with me and other members of my family. They are not secreting porphyrin either. They do sleep a lot during the day, which I thought may be a symptom, but they are also still babies and are EXTREMELY active during the night. Should I be worried about the sneezing?
In my long tenure as a vet I have found that the best way to eradicate a cyst is to surgically remove it. No matter what you try they always return if you don’t fill excise them. Depending on where they are some can wait a little while, but, if it is near the eye it’s probably better to remove it sooner while it is small, versus waiting for it to get bigger. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Thank you Krista I will take her back to the vet then as it has grown.
Hello. Yes. It looks like a cyst. And it is in a tough spot. I would remove it ASAP. There isn’t much room to work with as it is never mind if it gets larger. Please send a post op photo and please add the surgery and invoice to our storyline section. That way others can benefit from your experience.