My 2-year-old cat suddenly has been hiding and crouching in the corner underneath a bed in one of our spare bedrooms. She is crouching but isn’t “aggressive” until we tried to coax her out and gently push her bottom. By aggressive, I mean that she would just give us warning signs that she might bat/smack one of us if we kept it up. This is extremely abnormal behavior for her, unless there are several people/strangers over. I am worried if something may have scared her or if she is possibly not feeling well? I can’t get her into the vet tonight so I am very concerned. If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions please let me know!! Thank you!
Hello guys, I have a strange question. I have two degus, one of them (a couple months older) is a male, the other one was not really identified as the people in pet shop were not sure, but we are pretty sure it’s a girl. They didn’t get along when we first put them together in one cage and would start fighting, but after some time of exchanging them from one cage to another, they became friends and now we keep them together recently. My question is: in last couple of days, the smaller one (a female?) is humping our older degu, which is a male 100%. Is this normal, or is this only possible if both of them are males? Even if it’s asserting dominance, the smaller one should not be a dominant one, right? I am really hoping you can help. Thank you very much, Nem
Dr Krista – I am a YouTube watcher with a 22yo cat that may have nasal or ear polyps. We have spent 8 weeks trying every antibiotic, nasal steroid drop, antibac nasal drop and still fighting the snorking sound and her inability to breathe. Did nasal swab wk of 4/20 – found 2 bacteria, getting compounded anti bacs at this point since both bacs are super resistant apparently – Citrobacter freundii and pseudeomonas species. Antibacs will arrive to me in California by Thur 4/30 . She has a grade 3 heart murmur and hyper thyroid (on 5mg Methimazole daily). Just as your YouTube vid about Stripes with polyps (2/23/2018), I think I may be in the same situation – I have a vet telling me to go to a specialist for $$$ because everything we are throwing at this isn’t working. How in the world do I find someone like you who is willing to help me for a reasonable cost? I am calling all over for vets and everyone is ‘specialist focused’. Do you have tips on what to ask, experience, and honestly, I need someone with your confidence to do this. Or I need you 🙂 I have been in cat rescue over 30 yrs and ‘get; the lingo but have never had such difficulty finding a vet who could assist. Thank you in advance!
Is ivermectin effective against maggots in cats?
is there any symptoms of my cat having a heart murmur that i could tell at home?
I have a semi domestic cat with maggots at its tail on uper body. It’s not completely a house cat and can be very aggressive when in pain. Lives mostly in parks in front of my house. I want it help but vets are all closed due the covid 19 lockdown. And the infestation of maggot is really bad. There are 3 wounds on its tail.
I need some tips to sedate it at home so that I can treat it. Any tips?
My vet thinks my cat has a nasopharyngeal polyp but he needs to go under anesthesia so he they can know for sure and get it out, but he was also listening to my cats heart and said he has a grade one mitral heart murmur and that he needs to have xrays and ultrasounds and such done to make sure his heart is ok before going into surgery because they said his heart could fail while under anesthesia and he could die. My dad said they we should just go ahead with the surgery without spending $550 extra dollars because he doesn’t think he has anything serious wrong his heart considering it was only a grade one heart murmur and my cat was already very nervous about the car ride and being at the vet and that could have caused his heart rate to be off a little. Would it be necessary to look into his heart further or just go ahead with the surgery considering it would only be a 20-60 minute surgery? Would a cat with any type of heart conditions die during surgery? What should I do next?
IVDD – Beagle
My 9 year old beagle is displaying symptoms of IVDD. Currently he is still able to walk. He holds up a paw when he stands but does have pain in the neck area. He has been displaying these symptoms for a month. This is the third times he has had issues with this leg which we always assumed was so sort of sprain and was helped by rest. The nuroligst wanted to do an emergency MRI and possible surgery if the MRI confirmed IVDD. However, his symptoms don’t seem nearly as bad as other have expressed. Is surgery really the way to go if I can afford it to help him heal the quickest? I want him to heal as quickly as possible, but I am nervous that the surgery seems risky. Any advice?
Hello. My cat was spayed 4 days ago and I have been noticing some swelling around the incision but it looked normal color and no warmth or drainage so I wasn’t worried but today upon further inspection it seems to be more of a bulge. It is semi firm to the touch. My initial thought was a hernia but it doesn’t reduce when pushed and is not soft as I would assume that would be. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain and is a very active energetic cat as much as I’ve tried to keep her quiet after surgery. Is it possible this is a seroma? As it is the weekend right now I’m trying to wait till Monday to get her into the vet. A little worried but she also is acting totally fine so I hope she’s alright until Monday. Trying to attach a photo but struggling. Gonna try to add it in a comment below. Any thoughts would help ease my racing mind. Thanks.
Hi, I have an issue with my 2 year old husky. Just 3 days ago, she got her nail Vertically broken. What should I do?
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry to say that I cannot offer much advice without an exam and some better observations. I always have to say that abnormal behaviors need to be treated as a possible emergency. I worry about pain, urinary issues and infection. I’m sorry I cannot help more.
Good morning-
Have you checked her litter box behavior? Has it been normal the last few days? And has her eating habit changed? Are you usually gone during the day and as of late because of the current situation, been home? Or vice versa- have you been gone more if you are essential? These changes may be effecting things too. I definitely would start with a checkup at the vet just to get a better idea of what might be going on. Hope things are ok????????