Blocked cat 3.5 years old
Left er at 2pm about 3 hours ago they drained bladder..asked if they had payment plan and don’t have
.cost is over 2000 dollars
I can’t afford. Trying to find a place that will accept payments in Dayton Ohio
9 year old female healthy and happy lab seen for a full physical and check up a week ago. Hip/knee mild pain not really improved on Dasuquin. Also new onset of itchy feet (pet is chewing and this happens yearly) from season allergies.
Recommended and started on Gallaprant for a week trial in conjunction with Fish oil 2000mgs daily. Started on gabapentin 3 days ago 300mg bid……Haven’t see any improvement yet.
For the feet, Benadryl 75mg po bid for the past 5 days, which is somewhat effective but wears off quickly. Neo predef foot powder, which helped in the past, unavailable, therefore started on prescription foot bath solution bid. Unfortunately, Foot bath is clearly not decreasing the chewing.
My main concern is that as of this morning, she is now in discomfort with what appears to be an upset stomach. Refused to eat breakfast which has NEVER happened before (even with previous GI illnesses). Not sure which medication might be causing this?
My elderly cat, age 17, recently took a downward spiral with her health. It started with her not eating, then the next day she started becoming more unbalanced, along with sleeping more, and still, eating very little (she also did seem to use the bathroom a tiny bit more than usual, but it wasn’t anything like when my male cat had a urinary tract block, she peed a little each time, but she could be dehydrated) , and today it’s only gotten worse, along with her barely using the litter box, she peed today but no sign of pooing. She ate all of maybe once today, with a few treats here and there. She also has been wandering aimlessly to stare into the bathroom (a place I used to give her water) and to stare at her litter box.
She seems really interested in drinking when she’s up, but doesn’t actually seem to be doing it much. (I’ve debated syringe feeding her some water, but I worry it might hurt her)
She is a cat with a history of feline kidney disease, diagnosed stage 2 by the vet that I’d seen a year ago. Although I have been managing it with daily feedings of wet food and water.
I took her to see the vet today, but all he really did was palpate her kidneys and then tell me he felt something there. I was unable to afford the suggested blood work and x-rays, but the vet was saying things like “everything is hospice care at this point, she’s so old, there not much worth putting the money into her at her age.” Wich was a bit callous sounding. But maybe it’s because she’s my baby.
So they suggested I consider euthanasia right then and there. I couldn’t go through with it right that moment and just took her home to decide.
She has eaten a little, and drank a little since. I’ve been putting her in her bed near me as she’s super tired.
Would putting her down be the right decision? Is there something else I can do???? She’s my only family, and pretty much my child. I can’t just give up on her. Please help.
A year and a half ago we rescued a 4 week old kitten who presented unresponsive with a body temp so low it did not register. She was revived. As the caretaker was going to put her back out that evening I stepped in and offered to take her with the plan to rehome her. I have rehomed dozens of kittens over the years, all who came from feral colonies. From the get go Annabelle was incredibly sick and had behaviors that weren’t what we were used to. When held she would attack faces, when stimulated she would attack, we continued to work with her and a year and a half later she lays with us at night and as long as we don’t touch her does not attack people. Instead she attacks items. This occurs whenever there is any stimulation in our home, folding laundry, cleaning out a closet, dogs playing, children laughing, the list goes on and on. She has destroyed a sofa, armchair, curtains, tablecloths, comforters, sheets, duvet covers, etc, etc. We can not trim her nails….because we can’t handle her and truly even with her nails trimmed I am sure she would rip things apart with her teeth. We are no stranger to ferals, I am happy to allow them to hide until they feel comfortable, there is no hiding with Annabelle instead she literally runs into the chaos. When we let our dogs out and at feeding time out she runs into the chaos, when I vacuum she runs around the room, when we have company she runs around as I warn our guests not to touch her. We are no stranger to keeping cats happy, we have cat towers, scratching posts, scratching boards, elevated areas, areas to hide. Our other 4 cats are incredibly happy members of our family. I am at my whits end, I honestly feel like we attempted to tame a raccoon and are living with it in our house. I do wonder if Annabelle would be happier outside, but with no sense of danger and a habit of running into the chaos I can’t help but worry she would get killed….and I didn’t save her to have that happen.
I am open to suggestions and curious if anyone has ever had a similar experience.
Hi Dr. magnifico! Curious on your thoughts on gabapentin for pain? I’ve read mixed reviews. My pup has a painful back leg. Originally she saw a vet at our practice who thought is was due to Lyme because she had tested strong positive and did not feel a drawer sign when checked. We did antibiotic treatment and the lameness got better for the most part. She would have some days where you could see it was bothering her. Then a few months later she was back to not bearing weight on it. Saw a different vet this time at our practice and this vet said he felt the drawer sign and said he felt it was injured CCL and reccomened a surgeon. Surgeon said would need to have x-rays to confirm which I haven’t had the money for. So we did pain meds (gabapentin and tramodyl) and rest for about a month and lameness went away again. She’s been good for about a year up until the past month or two and the vet gave gaba again. When she’s on it, she looks sleepy and scared. I’ve never had an issue giving pills with her in cheese on lunch meat or something but now she tries to spit it out. It’s like she knows what it’s going to do to her. I’ve read mixed reviews. I’ve also read it’s more for nerve pain? So I’m not sure if it’s actually relieving her pain or not. I’ve also read the reciptors that tramodyl targets, dogs don’t have? Curious on your opinion on all of this. I would like to see if she’s still a candidate for surgery even though it’s been some time but I need to come up with the funds for that so I’m trying to help her in the mean time. I give her vitamin supplements for her joints. I don’t want her on pain meds all the time but want something that gives her some relief on those bad days without making her feel drugged up.
My cat has had diarrhea for 3 days. What should I do for him? Should I take him to the vet?
Boston terrier was having neck pain. Vet gave muscle relaxer, gabapentin and prednisone.. she suspected IVDD. My baby wasn’t doing that great with meds every 12 hours. So recently we went to 8 hours. He seemed to be doing a lot better. Well today, he started to walk towards me and he froze in mid step. And fell down. Rushed to vet. She said he is in a lot of pain- major spasm- not seizure. Gave him a pain shot that pretty much not him out. She said he needed surgery – only can do it in Dallas. If I couldn’t afford surgery then he needs to be put down. I’m trying to get donations for the surgery. Trying to give him a chance. He still walks on his own, poops etc. I saw videos of dogs recovering from IVDD without surgery and they were worse off than my baby. What should I do??? Any advice? I’d like to know what meds Dr. Magnifico used on Hank in her YouTube videos. Please help!
My cat is having “spasms” in his stomach that are similar to hiccups. I’ve taken him to the vets twice, we’ve done bloodwork and tried pain meds but nothing has worked. His appetite is good and no vomiting. He just looks uncomfortable. I’m getting ready to make another vet appt, but wanted to see if anyone has any thoughts
Hello, I was trying to cut the hairs around my dogs ear and he shook causing the tip of his ear to get cut off. Very small port around a 1/4” or even less it looks like. It is not bleeding. Do I need to do anything? He doesn’t look to be in pain but I know animals don’t always look to be in pain even if they are.
I need help finding services for my dog I feel it’s an emergency to give you a little bit of background I’ve had our dog for about 2 years now I hadn’t looked at by a family friend a year ago cuz I noticed a bump on her lower back they said it would be fine as long as it doesn’t rupture well today’s the day it did I don’t have the finances to get her help I’m scared that it can take her from us or make her very sick as selfish as I want to be in this moment not to surrender my pet I would if I had to so I’m asking is there any resources out there that can help me please help her
Call everyone and ask for help. Friends, family, vets, shelters, rescues and any animal foundations. Also see if you can at least try a medical treatment option to help reduce the chance of reblocking. It is also important to change the diet and start an exercise program. Please add your story to the storylines. I would like to hear about how they drained the bladder and what they charged you. It will help others in your situation and I can add my thoughts on what they did and why and how we might be able to offer more help to you now. I hope this helps
The first vet hospital drained his bladder and said he had a blockage and so they wouldnt do anything else bc I didnt have 2000$. The second hospital gave him pain meds and said he likely had a blockage also and may not make it through the night
They also wanted 2000$ and wouldn’t accept payment plan.
He is very weak now and I’m just watching him breathe
Don’t think hes gonna make it
I’m so sorry. Is there anyone you can surrender him to so that at least he can be helped? I would rather have him alive and with another person than dying in front of you. I know it’s terrible but he needs help. Wherever possible. Call the shelters and rescues. Often they have a vet on duty who can intervene. He may go to another family. But be alive
Good morning-
I am sooo sorry. Is there any chance that your regular vet is available? They know you, have all of your contact information and might be willing to work something out with you????