We have a Puppie Shar Pie that has an enlarged heart, He is about 2 weeks old.. He is having a hard time eating and isn’t nursing very well, we are trying to supplement with puppy formula but it’s not seeming to work. He isn’t growing very much and has a real hard time with eating and resting he has to sleep with his head up or he doesn’t rest well.. He has a sister that’s almost double his size since they where born.. he was a lil larger than her to start. but we are just asking if anyone has dealt with this successfully.. we are trying just about everything we can think of.. we just don’t want to lose him.. and we can’t afford the vet bill to have them do what they can we took him in to start is why we know he has an enlarged heart. Anyways any help here would be appreciated..
I posted this 7 months ago : My rescue cat of 5 years is showing all the symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Polyp. He is my everything!
OH please I am begging for help here ! I am disabled and he is the center of world . I am on the south west coast of Washington State, my rescue cat Kiki presents with all these symptoms ( I come from a family of RN and Bachelor in Nursing ) I have called vest around here and ALL of them say they do not do this surgery because they dont have the scope, or they will not even discuss possible price or treatment without me coming in and the vet seeing them. They say they will diagnose and refer me to a specialty clinic not far away . The specialty clinic gave me a quote of $3,500-$5,000 !! If this is even what is wrong with him . I am devastated that no one will even discuss this with me without paying for a vet visit. It looks like i could spend hundreds in visits before i can find someone who is even willing to think about this surgery without referral to the very expensive specialty place . PLEASE HELP I CANNOT AFFORD THAT MUCH !! Meanwhile my poor sweet Kiki is slowly getting worse. I dont know what to do anymore !!!!!!!!
UPDATE : PLEASE PLEASE I AM ONCE AGAIN BEGGING FOR HELP !! My cat displays all the symptoms of this I do not have a lot of money . i can come up with a few hundred dollars but no where does this surgery without a scope or it being a specialist . I keep being quoted THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to have it removed ! I have called and called and called vets around here and either they dont know what I am talking about or they will only refer me to a very very expensive specialist ! I asked for help months ago and finally chatted with you and all you told me was keep calling vets in my area and asking . I have over and over , I am watching my cat slowly choke to death more and more each day ! this is a nightmare ! I dont have $3,500-$5,000 that they are telling me it will cost ! Why can you do this for so little and no one else can ? PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU !!! ANYONE PLEASEEEEEEEEE HELP !!!!!! He is choking to death !
My 8 year old Dachshund, Ruben, was diagnosed with IVDD one week ago by an emergency vet after we weren’t able to speak or get an appointment with our regular vet. This was his second flare up but this time he lost movement and feeling in both his back legs. The vet told us he had no deep pain sensation. Surgery was not a financial option for us so we opted to bring him home and try conservation treatment. Living with a paralyzed dog does not overwhelm me but I do need him to get back his personality and not be in pain anymore.
We are so disappointed with our current vet and how everything played out the day Ruben had his flare up and became paralyzed. We have made calls to a new vet clinic and are waiting to get into their earliest appointment with an educated vet.
From the emergency vet, Ruben was sent home with 4 medications, Tramadol, Metacam, Robaxin, and Gabapentin. It has been one week and he appears to be in much less pain and his body is relaxed, the quivering has stopped and he doesn’t often cry. We stopped giving him the Metacam two days ago because he had all of the side effects that the drug prescribed and we didn’t feel that he needed it for pain management.
In the last two days his appetite has gone downhill, eating very small amounta but then turning away. Even his favourite foods like cheese he wants nothing to do with. He is still drinking water but only when I use a syringe into his mouth.
He has also become extremely lethargic and seems depressed/sad to the point where he won’t move or lift his head without our assistance. All he does is lay there and sleep. We move him around in different positions and he doesn’t cry in pain when we move him, he just doesn’t seem to care. We can flip him over from one side to another and he won’t even life his head. Nothing we do warrants any type of excitement from him. I am terrified he’s losing all his strength and have no idea if this is a normal part of the healing process or if there is something else wrong with him. He does not have bladder control but is peeing often uncontrolled. He also has semi consistent bowel movements, at least one small one per day. No diarrhea but there was some tarry black stool.
My vet appointment is Wednesday, 4 days away still, trying to get in sooner with them but I just don’t know if I should be taking him back to emergency. Please help.
My name is Cyre and imaged is my Dog Sara’s spay… to me it looks infected, but this is the first time I’ve ever taken my dog to be fixed,. And I’m unsure. I don’t see any bleeding or discharge. But it looks a bit swollen and pinkish, mind you it’s only 3 days old, she barely came home from surgery Wednesday evening. Anyway Sara’s 9months old and very energetic although we’ve haven’t had her run or anything. Take her on a mild walk morning and night for potty breaks and stuff, but I’m afraid even the the walking might be too much for her wound. If anyone has insight on how to care for it or keep it clean it’d be greatly appreciated
I seen the you tube video on a stray cat with stomatitis and how the care giver was taking her into his home to care for her. I have a cat that had been diagnosed with stomatitis in Sept 2019. I managed to trap her while she was in one of the outdoor shelters and took her to a vet after she stopped eating and acted like she was afraid of her food. Up until about 4 days I have helped her manage the issue by getting her to eat pate foods that I add some water to and make more like a soup or lickable treat. Now she won’t eat that, and she won’t even come near me. If I go out to visit her she runs like she is afraid of me even though she typically allows me to pet her. The next problem is she isn’t using any of the shelters so I have no way to tra her. I know she won’t go into a trp on her own and I can’t lure her with food. So my question is will this subside over a period of days so she can eat again or will she just starve to death and not allow me to help her?
How do you determine if your dog needs a dental exam? My dog is over 10 years old and has always had bad teeth. He is a Yorkshire terrier mix. I knew he would need several teeth extracted but we were not advised that he must have this done by x date. It’s been about 6 months. He has now had two teeth fall out and has another big tooth loose. I do not mind paying for a vet visit if necessary but I wasn’t sure if this was simply part of old age. Should we switch from dry food to wet food? He has a little redness in his mouth, no swelling, no signs of pain.
My dog has a seroma above right eye. He is very clumsy and we think he simply hit his head on something, or while playing with another dog.
It has been drained three times, but continues to return. He otherwise is in perfect health and is not concerned with his lump in the slightest. How long do these things take to go away? We have already tried the “wait a month” and see approach.
Cheers and thanks.
Hi! My dog is on the Hill’s Prescription G/D diet, which she fortunately loves. The problem is, she’s a large dog and required several cans a day which is becoming unsustainable for the cost. Is there a low fat, easy on the kidneys, liver, etc. food I could add to stretch the food so I’m not spending $500 a month? Thank you!
My 4 1/2-year-old cat Minnie all of a sudden last Saturday was lethargic to the point she slept the entire day, then Sunday a lot of the same where she not interacting, not her normal playful, loving self. It started to look like her eyes where crossed, and she would curl up in a ball. I took her to the vet last Monday – she was there all day and they suspect head cavity polyps, meningitis, or CNS however when the Dr. put her under, she was not able to find anything. Not sure if she checked behind the soft pallet, but will ask in the am. I was referred to a neurologist at that time; they have her a 14 day antibiotic and a steroid injection. She seemed to be doing good, and somewhat back to herself, so I canceled the request for an appt as they did not even have any openings, but the next day Tuesday she was feeling horrible again, sneezing, head tilting, off-balance walk, walking in a circle favoring her left side. Her eyes are watery and run almost like she is crying, and she has this reverse snort/cough. She does still have a good appetite, is eating, peeing and pooping, but is extremely lethargic and I can tell she is still miserable and at time seems like she will not make it. Took her back on Friday, did another exam and they say she still needs some type of imaging to see what is wrong. I am thinking can’t they look to see if there are polyps endoscopically and then just remove them at the same time? Or does she have to go through a complete neurological exam although it may not be necessary? I can’t afford 2-3 k for all the diagnostics then surgery but will do my best to pay if it is necessary. I am terribly worried for her as she is just doing horrible and I hate to see her in so much pain and want to get this resolved for her as quickly as possible.
My 6 year old lab mix had TPLO surgery to repair a torn CCL on September 10. Prior to surgery, his liver enzymes were elevated but after 2 ultrasounds and bloodwork, they were unable to identify why. Because of this he cannot take anti inflammatory drugs to help with pain and took longer to be cleared after surgery. He was finally cleared on 12/11/19 and was doing really well. About a week and a half ago, he started limping again. We can’t pinpoint anything he did that would cause a limp. We haven’t let him fully run and don’t let him off his leash hardly at all. I do have another follow up appointment with the surgeon scheduled but wanted to see if anyone else experienced something like this. Thanks!
I think with such a precarious situation, you should consider making a plan with your vet- be upfront with your budget and explain that you both want to help this puppy, but it has to be an affordable plan. I am quite sure that they will help you in that regard. If not, I personally would find another vet. I do not know the chances of survival, but I’m guessing they are unfortunately low, since there really is no cure.???? I know in older dogs, meds and diet play a huge roll. Being that this puppy is so young, I really would speak with the vet and see if there is something more that can be done. Best of luck????
I think that these cases are almost impossible to manage without a big price tag attached. This is most likely a congenital defect and without surgery or radical intervention the prognosis is often very poor. I’m sorry about this. I would reach out the every person and university you can find to see if anyone will take this case on. I would also recommend that you offer to give him up for the chance of saving his life. Maybe someone will invest the time and resources needed to give him a fighting chance. I’m sorry again.
Update. I’m sorry, I have bad news. He passed away last night.. ;( My wife is very sad, she was very close to him. We tried very hard to do what we could. Thanks, everyone for the comments. Where we live in Central Oregon, there isn’t a lot of options. We called most of the vets here in our area, no one was willing to do anything without a huge price tag to it. But thank you again, it is very much appreciated.
????I’m so sorry. Know that you have him the most comfortable hit of time you could while he was here.