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Sarah | 5 years ago
Hi Pawbly Friends. Quick Question About Apples???? Rontu And Riva (GSDs About 85 And 70 Lbs. Respectively) Found …

Hi Pawbly friends. Quick question about apples???? Rontu and Riva (GSDs about 85 and 70 lbs. respectively) found apples that Were put in the compost because they were going soft. They just finished chowing down about three of them- the rest have been removed from them. Safe? Watch to make sure they don’t have any issues going? Or is it something we should be more concerned about!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Then only toxic part are the seeds. And you have to ingest a huge amount for them to be toxic. So no worries.

  2. Laura

    Apples make a GREAT doggy snack! If they’d started to ferment, you might have slightly tipsy dogs on your hands (you don’t want to know how I learned about that…). Otherwise…let’em have a slice or two when you’re snacking on them every so often. 🙂

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ORCHID | 5 years ago
My Cat Fell From Our 4th Floor Balcony. We Brought Her To The Vet And Did …

My cat fell from our 4th floor balcony. We brought her to the vet and did xrays and was given meds. But the problem is he can’t poop. We are giving him lactulose to help but still he couldnt poop. I am worried sick. I’m afraid he would be intoxicated. Vet is too from our place and costs too much. Also, our vet told me if this continues we have no choice but put him down. This breaks my heart badly. Help me please!

6 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m sorry about your cat. Your vet is aware that your cat is not going to the bathroom? Did they advise anything else over the phone to you? Has your cat eaten? Is he trying to use the litter box, or just hasn’t yet? I would give it a little more time, unless you are seeing otherwise (straining your go, pain, etc.) I would also phone the vet and ask what feeding they would recommend to help the situation. Hope things work out!!

    1. ORCHID Post author

      Yes, they are aware. He had xrays and a dislocated vertebrae near the tail area causes the problem. My cat was admitted for 2 days. They manually expressed his bladder but didnt help him poo at all even after giving enema. Now he is home and is eating and trying to use the litterbox many times but was never successful. They gave him lactulose for 3 days and i am worried sick because it will be the 2nd day but still nothing helps. He looks fine but ofcourse not his normal playful self. They told me it will just be a matter of time and as if I am waiting for the day that he will be put down. This really breaks my heart.. What else can I do?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I worry about pelvic fractures causing feces to not be able to leave the abdomen or loss of nerve function. But pooping is vital. Please go back to the vet. I would ask them to confirm anal tone and do an X-ray and rectal exam. I hope things heal. But you can not wait! If they don’t defecate for a few days it can be really difficult to treat.

    1. ORCHID Post author

      The vet couldnt do anything else. They were telling me ifhe cant poop and pee at all then it will just be a matter of time. They did not give me any other option, for surgery would cost a fortune and will not assure that he will recover.. The gave me lactulose hoping it would somehow help. I am just heart broken..

  3. Sarah

    Is there anyway that you could explain to your vet that you are willing to try options? Or is there another vet that you could possibly go to?

    1. ORCHID Post author

      They didn’t give me any option.. That’s the thing. Surgery they say would cost 2000 dollars without assurance he would get better. I am trying other options.. Looking for another vet. This is so heartbreaking. I have been sleepless for 3 nights now

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Kate Reisinger | 5 years ago
I Have A 14 Month Old Pit Mix That Has Terrible Anxiety. He Is Terrified Of Being …

I have a 14 month old pit mix that has terrible anxiety. He is terrified of being by himself, even if we are just behind the closed door using the bathroom. He cries terribly & will pace the house until we’re done. If I take a shower or bath I leave the door open so he feels a little better, but he then cries & tries to grab my arm to pull me out (not in an aggressive way). When people come into the house he paces, jumps, & whines for them. He also does this outside when he sees people or other dogs. He is told “down” when he jumps & warned with the beeping noise on his training collar. He will sit but it is very hard for him to stay still, as he continues to whine, shakes, & then rolls into the ground. It’s like he knows to listen & tries very hard but literally can not stay still. He also is terrified of thunder & the sound the trash truck makes. When those sounds are occurring he runs right under the table & won’t come out. We are in the process of training & we were told by them that they also think he has anxiety. They think he would be able to comprehend better if it was under control. I have been researching non stop for things to help with this major issue. I don’t want him on prescription anxiety meds that cause him to seem “sedated” & not like himself (that happened with my family dog). I have come across a tablet to help with separation anxiety & the behaviors that come with it. It is called clomicalm & every review or story I have read about it was positive. I really do think this could be a successful choice for him IF I know this is something that is not harmful. There are possible side effects that could occur but that could happen with pretty much any medication humans or pets. This tablet does not cause dogs to seem drowsy from what I’ve read from people’s experiences & has a high success rate to treat anxiety. We have tried natural treats, oils, thunder vests, etc. & nothing has helped him in the slightest bit. I just want to know if this something that would be okay for him to take daily or even okay to take at all?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like it is time to get help from a behaviorist. Please ask your vet for a referral and also ask them about medications to help bridge the gap as you start to help him overcome his fears and anxieties. Medications can help but they should not be used without also implementing training, socialization and behavior modification therapy. I hope this helps and I hope your pup gets help soon.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with Dr. Magnifico. A behaviorist will be money very well spent and will benefit ALL of you. Very best of luck. Don’t give up!!????????

  3. Laura

    I agree with the others – find a behaviorist. I’d also invest time in a sport of some sort. This can help build the confidence it sounds like he lacks.

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JOHN | 5 years ago
I Have A Two Year Old Male Yellow Lab That Has Already Had Two Obstruction Surgeries. …

I have a two year old male yellow lab that has already had two obstruction surgeries. Both of these, Scout stopped eating and drinking and was vomiting. Last week we believe he ate a sock in which he has been eating on and off, he is drinking, peeing and is pooping. He wakes up every morning wagging his tail and is in good spirits, just lacking some energy on the days he doesn’t eat. He weighed 80 pounds on his previous checkup, yesterday we took him to our local vet, he weighed 70 lbs. The performed an x ray on him and said they believe it was a soft material that he swallowed and couldn’t determine if it was in his intestine or in his colon. While at the vet Scout was wagging his tail, holding the leash in his mouth as he usually does and ate about 20 treats. My vet charged me $360 and told me they recommend me to go to the animal hospital for an ultrasound to get a better idea of where this sock is located. I waited for 4 hours for them to tell me that they performed the ultrasound, it was somewhat inconclusive, his colon was enlarged and recommended exploratory surgery. I requested we wait to see if he will pass this. They kept him overnight, asked for an $800 deposit and called this morning saying that he was the same, and took x-rays to say it hasn’t moved. Your thoughts, suggestions or advice?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am very (extremely) concerned about e weight loss. In my opinion in a dog rhat age it is a huge red flag. It cannot be ignored and should absolutely put everyone on high alert that there is an issue. For this reason alone and the hyporexia I would say an exploratory is indicated after all other diagnostics have proven unhelpful.
    In my experience nothing (absolutely nothing except maybe a ct or mri ) at helping to put answers together. I also think that if they don’t find a foreign body that biopsy samples are helpful to diagnose weight loss (the worry is cancer). The other diagnostic option is a barium study. It’s old school but helpful in gi cases.
    Now I say all of that assuming there aren’t any budgetary constraints. If there are and a foreign body is on the list of possibilities I recommend an exam, cbc, and Chem panel and X-ray or ultrasound. If the patient is bright and active and eating drinking ambulating and NOT vomiting you can watch and wait as long as they remain acting and feeling normal. If they are vomiting or not acting like themselves the best to do is surgery. If surgery is not affordable call around and try to find a place it is more affordable. (For example it might be 4-6000 at a speciality hospital but 1-2000 at a general practice. If even this is not Affordable try a few days of intravenous fluids and lots of walking. Both keep the gut moving and help move stuff through. Hope this helps.

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Jasmine | 5 years ago
How Do I Help Keep My Dog From Knuckling His Paw. Day 17 Of IVDD.

How do I help Keep my dog from knuckling his paw. Day 17 of IVDD.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Dogs knuckle for one of two reasons: muscle loss or weakness from atrophy (chronic non-ambulatory use of a muscle causes it to shrink), or inability to innervate the muscle because the nerves can’t talk to them. I don’t know which one your dog has but your vet can help identify these. It is important to keep placing the feet correctly and encouraging your pup to stand so they don’t lose muscle and can hopefully regain walking as hopefully heal from their spinal injury. Physical therapy is a key part of recovery and lots of dogs knuckle with this disease. Please see my videos and blogs on IVDD. I hope they can help. Best of luck.

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Morghan | 5 years ago
Need Help!! My 9 Year Old Dog Has Had A Lump On The Side Of His Face …

Need help!!
My 9 year old dog has had a lump on the side of his face which looks like a cyst for a couple of years now. It didn’t look serious and he appeared fine so we never took him to a vet. Now we are getting worried as it keeps getting bigger and now appears a reddish colour and appears to be bleeding slightly. We are going to be taking him to a vet but I also would like some opinions before I go there.
In the image I have put in below is the lumps current state.
If u could please give what a normal procedure would be to treat it and estimated price(UK) that would be greatly appreciated

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is not possible for anyone to diagnose via a photo. Please bring your pup to the vet as soon as possible. I am very worrie this is going to rupture and it will not stop bleeding as it is not normal tissue. I am concerned it might be some kind of cancerous lesion but I also hope and believe ( based on how slow growing it is ) that is is not a malignant or aggressive kind. Please see a vet and have it removed. It looks like this can be done without too much difficulty. I wouldn’t waste time or money on aspirates. If you are on a tight budget find someone who will remove it before it becomes a bigger problem. Please let us know what happens. And best of luck.

    1. Morghan Post author

      Thanks so much for the opinion. We are taking him to a vet ASAP. I hope he will be ok. Will keep u updated about it.

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Melanie | 5 years ago
My 18 Month Old Pit Mix Woke Up With This Nodule Type Bump On Her Face. It …

My 18 month old pit mix woke up with this nodule type bump on her face. It was hard and crusty and now it’s open. I dint think it’s painful but she doesn’t like me to mess with it. I got the best pic I could. No other symptoms at all.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Trying to get info from a photo is very difficult. If it were me, I would make an appointment for the vet and ask them to do a biopsy. It could just be a small injury, but it could be worse too. I hope it is nothing- best of luck!!!

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed Last Friday A Faint Circle On My Dog Head Between His Eyes The Following …

I noticed last Friday a faint circle on my dog head between his eyes the following day it opened up and they was a circle of blood. I took my dog the vet on Monday and was given cream that I applied till Friday yesterday morning. Yesterday the scab came off and they was a small red circle not sure if they was any bleeding. The 4th picture show what it look like today. Can this be cancer? As I don’t understand if cancer develope a scab ? If it was just a bump that opened up and a scab formed for it to heal then should it not be showing a fleshy circle still ? How long does it usally take for this type of thing to heal? I have spent days looking at picture of cancer and they are all lump that bleed and I ain’t seen a picture of a scab forming over any. I asked my vet on Monday after she checked it out if it could be cancer and she said it could be but if it was just a scab would she not know ? Or can cancer form scabs?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The saying goes that cancer can do whatever it wants. The best way to identify what this is is by taking a biopsy. Please ask your vet to help you monitor the masses progression and consider surgical biopsy if it persists or doesn’t heal.

    1. Ben Post author

      Hello and thanks for the response. How long should I watch this for? If it just a bump from say hitting his head that opened up and scabed over Then should it of not already healed within a week or does it take longer to heal? It been 8 days since the faint circle appeared for it to open up the next day then form a scab so how many more days should I wait to see if it heals? His also got other little lump showing up 2 on his neck and 2 on his side but they ain’t progressed like the one on his face, they are just small hard lumps.

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Ben | 5 years ago
I Noticed Last Friday An Outline Of A Circle On My Dog Head That You Can …

I noticed last Friday an outline of a circle on my dog head that you can to look for a certain angle to see. The next day you could see it more and it open up and was bleeding. I took my dog to the vets on Monday and asked if it could be cancer and was told it could be then given betafuse that I applied twice a day till today, the cream done nothing. The growth itself I don’t think has grown outwards but I think it grown a bit upwards. His been acting less energetic lately it mite be due to him getting older as his close to 8 he only seem full of energy when it come to walks or play but he just seem a bit of off less up for going up the stairs. His also got a small lump on his side and neck tho they ain’t the size of this lump.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only way a lump or bump is definitively diagnosed is with a biopsy. A photo can’t provide the answer as many of them look very similar. I would follow the directions of your vet and follow up if it worsens or doesn’t resolve. You can also ask about a biopsy or a referral to a veterinary dermatologist. Because it is on the head I would also ask about it possibly being a histiocytoma. Let us know what happens.

    1. Ben Post author

      Hello and thanks for the response. How long should I watch it for, would waiting and seeing not risk the chance of spreading or is this not a concern with tumour on top of the skin?

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Evelyn | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Abscess On The Face How I Can Cure At Home? Is It Possible …

My cat has abscess on the face how i can cure at home? Is it possible her to give anti biotic for human?

2 Responses


  1. Evelyn Post author

    At first i observe that her face has swollen and i found out this morning that it like red almost rupture.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    At my clinic I always prescribe antibiotics and warm water compresses to do at home. I’m sorry but I can’t prescribe anything over the Internet. But yes in some cases we utilize human antivirus but the dosages are much much smaller so they are often given to you by the vet to make sure we aren’t overdosing.