I just got a new puppy from a rescue. They neutered him at 9 weeks against my wishes. I advised them that the tattoo looked infected and he looked a little swollen. 4 days later he has massive swelling. I took him to the vet, we aren’t sure what’s going on
My indoor outdoor cat has been losing weight. Recently took her to er vet because she stopped eating and was very lethargic and they took xrays and bloodwork and no results she hasn’t pooped in 2 days hasn’t eaten in 4 days not interested in food at all she is a chronic puker and 2 days ago she puked a bunch today she puked up clear foam and pooped liquid with some solid and it had hair in it
Having difficulty with our new pup and cat.
About two months ago I introduced a new puppy to our family. We have an 8 month old kitten, and a 2 year old German Shepherd, and the new guy, 6 month old Chance, an American Bully.
We rescued Chance from an abusive situation, and he is just a sweet and snuggly boy with us and our German Shepherd. The problem we face now is that we’re worried about our cat. They have been separated by a baby gate. He doesn’t bark or growl at her, but rather whines and stares at her. He does chase her, but we’ve always nabbed him. When she is on the other side of a regular door, she’ll put her paw under as any cat would to play. He hasn’t attacked it at this point. He just gets very still and quiet and just stares at her paw and begins to tremble/shake. He has broken a bar on the baby gate to be near her.
She is unenthused to meet him, after he’s chased her, which makes her run, which makes him chase. We aren’t really sure what to make of all of this behavior or what to do. I feel over saturated in information.
Our german Shepherd was happy to be with her within a week or two. He chases her once in awhile, but all in all they co-exist and like each other. I don’t know if I need to find a new home for bully puppy.
Please help
5.5 days after bringing our 16 week puppy home (also 5.5 days after her second parvo shot) she tested positive for parvo and giardia. In another 5 days she had a negative ELISA parvo.
Upon bringing her home and following all instructions we can’t get solid poo, unless we feed boiled chicken, white rice and pumpkin. We’ve tried twice a slow transition to Pro Plan Chicken EN as our vet prescribed but once we move to kibble and pumpkin only (Forta Flora too) we are back to liquid poo. If we keep at least a 1/4 cup boiled chicken and rice we get some ok poo and some not great however not liquid.
Added to this her poo has mucus. Breeder is not happy with the kibble our vet has us on. We’d like to try something with nutritional content but are fearful we will setback progress. That said where we are at isn’t all that great.
We’ve had a diarrhea panel in addition to lots of other bloodwork and a urinalysis every thing so far is negative. Vet says there is one more bloodwork we can try or exploratory surgery to see if she has IBS.
Trying to determine do I try other foods or did the parvo and treatment ruin her GI and this will never be solved? Is the 2 months post parvo not enough time for get GI to repair?
Help I’m frustrated and confused.
My male cat can’t pee. It’s been a few hours. Hes trying to push but very little urine is coming out. The urine is clear, no blood or crystals. Hes really uncomfortable and he’s asking me to fix it. I don’t have the money for a vet. Is there something I can do for him?
Pit bull mix with suspected ivdd. Losing the mobility in his hind legs. Urinating and defecating on himself and the only option I was give was a 10,000$ surgery. I just need advice on how to care for my poor dog so that he can have a quality life. I got him when he was 8 weeks old and I was only 16 so we have grown up together I love him to pieces. Please help me!
I have the sweetest Siamese mix, Goldie, adopted from our local humane society. Unfortunately, she has been a sick kitty and she’s had 4 URIs in her two years of life. She did take the full course of antibiotics for all of them and healed successfully.
Recently, she’s been making low snoring noises periodically when awake and sleeping and it seems to be only when inhaling. She’s a talkative girl and sometimes her voice changes when meowing. She has no other symptoms and is eating, drinking and playing normally and there has been no mouth breathing while making the noises. Her breathing rate has been normal. Sometimes it seems like she is making the noises and then stretches out real long in the first picture to get comfortable.
Below is a link to her video around 24 seconds you can hear it, you might have to put it at full volume:
If this is difficult to hear it sounds very similar to this:
I have a vet appointment next week and am concerned she has stertor from an oropharyngeal polyp from my online research and her symptoms. Is this something that a vet would be able to see without putting them under sedation? Are there any other suggestions you have as to what I could have them test for if it’s not a polyp? I wasn’t sure if she could have asthma or another breathing related issue.
Finally, do you by chance have any recommendations for vets in Phoenix, Arizona? I am just getting myself prepared if needed for a second opinion or if surgery is necessary.
Appreciate it and all your tips and videos online! You are doing incredible work!
I have a cat named Izzy and she is about 10 months old. She has Pectus Excavatum. She has started to have some wheezing after she plays for about 20 – 30 minutes. I don’t have the thousands it would cost to fix her chest and the risk of air getting into her chest cavity scares me. I keep her on a steady diet so she doesn’t gain too much weight and cause more issues breathing. She’s never has an upper respiratory infection, no fluid coming out of her nose, fever, nothing. She gets tired very easily.
Her heart has been pushed to one side of her rib cage due to this condition. Is there any way I can help her without spending an arm and a leg?
As you can see in the photo, she sits very scrunched up due to the way her ribs are shaped.
Thanks in advance.
took are one year old cat in to see the vet because he could not urinate. On exame the vet drew fluid and did a ultrasound. There was blood in the urine and the ultrasound showed some indications of foreign bodies but not crystals. She gave us Clavamox a antibiotic, prazosin for inflammation and Buprenorphine for pain all was ok for two weeks then are cat Leo was back in trouble again with not urinating . Same m.o. , and she told us about the PU surgery, or leaving him there for a few days while they but a catheter in him to reestablish his bladder function. My question is this, we feed are cat raw food that we make from chicken livers and hearts with bone ground up for fiber . Leo drinks lots of water so we are wondering why this is recurring in such a young male cat that is a outdoor cat . Is there something we are missing in Leos care or prevention of this problem . love your videos on youtube and saw the cat being unblocked with a catheter, wish we could do that at home.
Hi, i need all the advice and help you guys can give me. I have a two-year-old French bulldog and yesterday morning we realized she was a little paralyzed from her hip down she ate and pooped fine. Took her to the emergency room they diagnosed her with IVDD. They told me they need to do surgery on her spine and I can’t afford the surgery process. Is there other options? She’s on steroids and pain medication
Please help us she means the world to our family!
If they aren’t sure ask them to refer you to someone who might be. Without looking at it myself I can’t even begin to speculate what this is or how serious it might be. Ask for a second opinion from an experienced vet you trust. Or ask the rescue to have him seen by the surgeon they had do the surgery. Thank you for rescuing him!